Cornfed Hick
Ancient Mariner
I grew up about 15 minutes from Fred Phelps' house/church in Topeka, Kansas. (Hence my nickname.) The neighborhood of Westboro, where Phelps' eyesore of a church is located, is a beautiful community, with lots of old mansions. Even among the very conservative residents of the community, Phelps and his followers are a civic embarassment. Unlike the rest of the world, who are subjected to Phelps once or twice a year, the local folks have to endure his diatribes regularly. You can't drive to the market without passing a small group of his followers holding picket signs. The most bizarre and confusing sign I have seen reads, "God = Anus". Even given the obvious assumption that it is an anti-gay sign, I haven't the slightest idea what that is supposed to mean.