Where were you 5 years ago?

I was in my work, I had finished for that day but I was too boring to leave so I was playing the mines game and hearing System of a Down's toxicity album....(really!)

then the internal phone rang....it was the general manager, he started to explain to me what happened, and he was slightly trying to guess my feelings for that
Yes, I know I'm late, but...

I didn't know anything about the attacks until I got home...the only people in our school who watch TV in the daytime (bearing in mind the attacks happened around midday our time, I believe) are the janitors, who were probably watching GMTV or something like that....

Anyway, I got picked up from school and my mum told me.  At first I presumed it was some sort of accident involving a light aircraft, perhaps a Cessna.  It was only when I got home that I saw the full extent of the atrocities.

And just to prove how many shitheads there are in my year, I overheard two of the ruggerbuggers (sports jocks, if you will) in my class remarking on how the people jumping from the towers was 'hilarious'.  Ha-fucking-ha.  That was in my first year of secondary education, and many of my year are still just as self-centred, insensitive and ignorant.  Bastards. :mad: