I think by now it’s pretty much clear how deep my dislike for this album is and that it’s usually in the bottom 5 of my Maiden albums…
However, I
do agree it’s a classic, so it’s time I joined the debate.
The historical importance of the record can’t be stressed quite enough - it was the record that brought us Maiden with Bruce and it is in some ways this kind of blueprint for everything they’ve done ever since - the pop sensibilities, the guitar harmonies, the guitars with personalities (Maiden were one of the first bands whose solos I could more or less surely appoint to a name of the guitarist), the fast tempos, the epics sitting somewhere between heavy metal and prog metal, not quite being any of those… And Bruce, of course, who had a somewhat unique voice at the time and while there have been many similar vocalists since (John Arch?), there hadn’t been that many
before. The combination was something new and unique - include the Satan controversy and the iconic artwork and you have an instant classic. But what's even more important (IMHO), is the songwriting - and this is where I depart for the roads not taken, since this is where me and many TNOTB fans disagree.
You see, the songwriting is very... should I say "people oriented"? And no, before you accuse me of being snubby elitist, who has "that Systematic wankery in his avatar and will pretend he can't enjoy anything simpler", let me stress I have no qualms about Run to the Hills, which is a very catchy song, overplayed, that's for sure, but quite good in its own right. But Invaders, with that "running-up-and-down-the-stairs" which just screams for your attention, having pretty much nothing else to offer; Children of the Damned, which is good in a way, but a rip-off of Children of the Sea if I've ever seen one (including the name! And this after mere 2 years later); The Prisoner, while my #2 song here, is still a bit
too poppy - nothing bad about that, if it were on another album, surrounded by different songs, but here it just annoys me a bit.
Even Hallowed Be Thy Name, amazing as it is, is somewhat simpler and easier on the brain than their later epics, IMHO - the repetition of the riff and the main melodies
is pushing the limit a bit, though - as I've said - it is amazing and the only song I return to on a regular basis.
(I have somewhat similar feelings about pretty much half of SSOASS; however there is enough tasty cookies to entice me more, let alone the fact some of the "hits" there are actually quite clever and enjoyable - The Clairvoyant, for example).
This culminates in the title track, which is a hit... well, "hit" is an understatement if I've ever seen one, it is
everywhere - you could argue it's their most famous song. Everybody knows it, everybody knows the words, there was only ONE (!) time in history it's been dropped from the setlist... And for the love of God, I can't see why. For a band famous for its catchiness, melodies, guitar harmonies... this one offers pretty much none of the above, but still, everybody loves it. I don't understand why. I just don't. There's nothing memorable about the song (bar maybe the intro riff) and the only reason I do remember it is because it's been pummeled in my brain by means of live shows, radio, etc.
I just don't get it. Maybe I will someday, but I don't now.
The above states my problems with the album... and in a way it might explain its popularity. I can't help myself but feel this is a Maiden album, which plays on the Lowest Common Denominator in every crowd - in a way We Will Rock You / We Are the Champions duo by Queen does. It's just crowd pleasing in a very conspicuous way. That's a half. The second half is the "first factor" - if this was your first Maiden experience (and it was for many people), you can't help but to compare everything with this one - "To Tame a Land is just a carbon copy of HBTN", "AMOLAD's way too slow and brooding", "Somewhere in Time was where they've jumped the shark 'cause the synthesizers" and so on.
Or you just like the songs. I don't. To each his own.
Now, before the crucifixion proceeds, let me just add I love Maiden and I love even this album, in a way; it's just the fact I usually expect
perfection of them... and this album stinks a bit too much of mediocrity for me, in a way VXI, Killers or even NPftD rarely do. Also, again, IMHO, it's not an album that has that
flow for me - the songs don't fit together too much.
This is not supposed to be a hate post - I don't want to start a flame war or anything. I just honestly wanted to explain why I dislike the album
and why I think it's so ridiculously popular, since I think it's somewhat connected. If the album is your #1, that's cool and I respect that, just as would be the fact that AMOLAD is your #16. Now I'm gonna play me some Prisoner and Hallowed!