What do you look like?

Something inside Virgo constellation? :p Looked inside searching for a planet, could only find stars and objects. There are verified planets there apparently but couldn't find any names on the internet.

View attachment 34419

EDIT: Wait there's that! CERES. You'd be from Ceres. :)

@chaosapiant I just saw your laugh reaction then went to the post to see what you were laughing about and then squeezed my head to remember why I mentioned Virgo & Ceres. :D
Looked the list of planets and/or stars there; nothing relative to the Undertaker.

Went to your profile; you are Aquarius so it’s not that.

Then I remembered: Iron Maiden, Maiden, Virgin =Virgo which is the constellation related with Demeter the (quietly) most important deity in Greece.
Ceres is the corresponding goddess in Roman tradition and the name of a dwarf planet, filling the gap between Mars & Jupiter.