What do you look like?

Something inside Virgo constellation? :p Looked inside searching for a planet, could only find stars and objects. There are verified planets there apparently but couldn't find any names on the internet.

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EDIT: Wait there's that! CERES. You'd be from Ceres. :)

@chaosapiant I just saw your laugh reaction then went to the post to see what you were laughing about and then squeezed my head to remember why I mentioned Virgo & Ceres. :D
Looked the list of planets and/or stars there; nothing relative to the Undertaker.

Went to your profile; you are Aquarius so it’s not that.

Then I remembered: Iron Maiden, Maiden, Virgin =Virgo which is the constellation related with Demeter the (quietly) most important deity in Greece.
Ceres is the corresponding goddess in Roman tradition and the name of a dwarf planet, filling the gap between Mars & Jupiter.
Your wife?

My goodness, where did that come from? I surely should have added some context, right?

Actually festival season is going on here, which goes for nine days (nights actually) in honour of mother goddess. (Google "Navratri")

And its a guy, dressed up as the deity.
Googled it, seems it ultimately is about Parvati, thus surprise -surprise Shiva, by far the most popular god in India. I like them all but sympathise more with Brahma, the most forgotten of big three.

From the smaller gods, my favourite is Ganesha.
Googled it, seems it ultimately is about Parvati, thus surprise -surprise Shiva, by far the most popular god in India. I like them all but sympathise more with Brahma, the most forgotten of big three.

From the smaller gods, my favourite is Ganesha.
I like you. I just don't understand you sometimes :p