What Car do you drive?

Exactly my problem. I don't need or want theoretical and driving hours. Here I would absolutely prefer the U.S. system of just the exam. I actually passed driving laws and about two thirds of the driving hours back in 2002. Some issues came up with the vehicle I was about to use when I get licensed, I paused for a while, concentrated on other stuff and never returned to it. Sadly because I paid then, while the current cost is 5x.

Also, can you do with these "scooters"?


Scooter as a term is a bit wonky. We use it nowadays only for the motorbikes. But it was used for jet skis too.
I'm not mad about these scooters, as you see plenty of people on them. They never look left or right, and they always whizz/speed towards a minor junction in an estate without slowing down, and not yielding to other road users.
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Neither am I but it seems they have faded away a bit. Due to pandemic people don't go to work.

This shit is way too fast for the level of control it has.