What are your favorite / funniest / weirdest posts and threads on MaidenFans?

How big? My parents keep two 16L boxes on their counter.
I haven't a clue, I was too drunk to notice. I kept going back to it thinking it was your average supermarket size one and would be easy to empty, but it was way, way bigger than that. They also had it out on the big picnic table in the garden, which made it more difficult to judge the size, especially when drunk.

Update: I went on Facebook to look for a picture of the dinner party, but couldn't find it. I did, however, find pictures of the kitten.
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Solution: Maidenfans North America, 2019. We'll put a big box on the tiki bar and you can drink to your heart's content.
Just to round the evening off nicely, you know. In a standard British supermarket wine box, maybe about 3 litres, once it gets about three quarters empty, a few glasses will finish it off. This one appeared to be three quarters empty, so I had the impression that a few more glasses might finish it. But there were probably a few bottles' worth still in there. I eventually had to admit defeat and leave it. This was all in France, incidentally.

Also, I love that at the end of that post it says "77,108 more messages..."! :D
If Maiden guitarists were women

Dave is the stunningly beautiful one who captures a room without even trying.
There might be plenty going on inside, but she doesn't have to use it and nobody ever asks her to.

Adrian is the mysterious, fascinating one who constantly challenges you to keep up with her moods and interests.
Different, forever changing, sophisticated and probably out of your league.

Janick is the cool, easygoing one who will help you clear the yard, gut a fish, share a beer, laugh at your dirty jokes and cheer her guts out during the football game.

Why wouldn't you love them all?
What the fxxk did I just read? :facepalm: