Ancient Mariner
@Perun: I am ashamed of not knowing my own Dutch history (we had bad teachers ;--) ), but what do you mean with "the Dutch fight back in 1957". I am trying to find more info on it, in Wikipedia, but can't see much of a fight in the fifties. In the 40's the Dutch did pretty bad things with their "Police Actions"
Anti-war people, what are you guys trying to prove ?
That the creation of the human race was the most evil deed of God, or that something went wrong with evolution ?
How would the world be better with such views on the world ?
What's the best idea to solve these problems and get rid of stupid politicians and brainwashed people? Cleansing ? Prison ? Genocide ?
How to prevent wars ? Let's forbid all weapons ? What about all the weapons which are still on this forsaken world ?
Let's take them ? How ? By violence ? By words ?
If it's possible to judge the past, then why let's not judge things in the future ?
How long will we talk to Iran ?
How long will they listen ?
How long will they continue with things people don't trust ?
How long before some politicians decide to act .... with an invasion ?
I am very curious about this and we'll see if the "world" has gained experience.
Will the world be cynical or will the world be naive ?
Is it naive to let Iran continue with their progress, when the talking has ended ?
Is it naive to think Iran would never use a big weapon (whatever that is) ?
Anti-war people, what are you guys trying to prove ?
That the creation of the human race was the most evil deed of God, or that something went wrong with evolution ?
How would the world be better with such views on the world ?
What's the best idea to solve these problems and get rid of stupid politicians and brainwashed people? Cleansing ? Prison ? Genocide ?
How to prevent wars ? Let's forbid all weapons ? What about all the weapons which are still on this forsaken world ?
Let's take them ? How ? By violence ? By words ?
If it's possible to judge the past, then why let's not judge things in the future ?
How long will we talk to Iran ?
How long will they listen ?
How long will they continue with things people don't trust ?
How long before some politicians decide to act .... with an invasion ?
I am very curious about this and we'll see if the "world" has gained experience.
Will the world be cynical or will the world be naive ?
Is it naive to let Iran continue with their progress, when the talking has ended ?
Is it naive to think Iran would never use a big weapon (whatever that is) ?