USA Politics

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"The US has demanded Ukraine withdraw from the UN resolution condemning Russia for invasion of Ukraine.
Ukraine has rejected this."

So far it only gets worse... Is Trump:
a) powerful moron
b) narcissistic, dictator loving psycho
c) KGB agent
d) all of the above

----- Edit. I hope he's onto something:

----- Edit2. Interesting opinion:
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Trump purged the Joint Chiefs of Staff last night, firing the Chairman and two members because they were "woke". The Chairman was black, and the other two fired members were women.

His appointment to be the new Chairman is a retired general who donned MAGA hats while on duty in violation of uniform code. He is legally not qualified for the role of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and will need a Senate waiver.

To be clear, this is an attempt to remove the US military as a potential actor to remove Trump's dictatorship.
Trump purged the Joint Chiefs of Staff last night, firing the Chairman and two members because they were "woke". The Chairman was black, and the other two fired members were women.

His appointment to be the new Chairman is a retired general who donned MAGA hats while on duty in violation of uniform code. He is legally not qualified for the role of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and will need a Senate waiver.

To be clear, this is an attempt to remove the US military as a potential actor to remove Trump's dictatorship.
Nah man, it's just to stop that lawfare. Which is also why he has issued an EO that courts have to abide by his interpretation of the law.
Bannon's been vocally jealous of Musk and his level of access this whole time. I took it as "Hey! Pay attention to me, Donald! Don't forget me!"
Could be, but I have either not paid attention, or Bannon's started to come around and look for an "in", which is what I took his heiling as as. He's not talking about waging a war against Musk and that he's a criminal, illegal immigrant anymore as far as I know.
Just waiting for him to be asked if something he suggests will get through the Senate and him to answer "I AM the senate" ... :ninja:
God complex and surrounding himself with "advisors" who are always ready to tell him what he wants to hear - this is how all the petty tyrants of yore set up their own downfalls ... ::)

How long do we have to wait? :innocent:
Could be, but I have either not paid attention, or Bannon's started to come around and look for an "in", which is what I took his heiling as as. He's not talking about waging a war against Musk and that he's a criminal, illegal immigrant anymore as far as I know.
I think that's right, Bannon sees the writing on the wall and knows that to get in with the Musk administration you have to go through the president, not his lap dog.
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I think that's right, Bannon sees the writing on the wall and knows that to get in with the Musk administration you have to go through the president, not his lap dog.
Be respectful, don't refer to Vice President Trump or the Special Advisor to the Vice President Vance as "lap dogs".
I'm pretty sure the vice president is the human shield kid that Musk has been carrying around.

Maybe Trump is first gentleman?
Nah, did you see the backstage video from a GOP event of Musk explicitly not giving enough of a shit if his son keeps up with him or even finds his way until he remembers he needs to check on him? That's not a VP.
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Nah, did you see the backstage video from a GOP event of Musk explicitly not giving a shit if his son keeps up with him or even finds his way? That's not a VP.
I think most VPs not named Dick Cheney would disagree with you.
I'm puzzled by the way Trump administration plays with Ukraine, Europe & Russia. US, being the only solid and sovereign democracy among those players, has a huge flexibility to change positions in the chessboard as it sees fit. Clearly Trump is trying to move Russia away from China, but in the process he may push Europe towards militarisation for good. As a result, Europe in collision course with Russia & US with China in the next decade, will be a plausible scenario.
But again, something entirely different may happen, I have no idea how all this will play out.
I'm puzzled by the way Trump administration plays with Ukraine, Europe & Russia. US, being the only solid and sovereign democracy among those players, has a huge flexibility to change positions in the chessboard as it sees fit. Clearly Trump is trying to move Russia away from China, but in the process he may push Europe towards militarisation for good. As a result, Europe in collision course with Russia & US with China in the next decade, will be a plausible scenario.
But again, something entirely different may happen, I have no idea how all this will play out.
He is also potentially pushing the EU and China closer together, because if the US is unreliable, there's room for China to be a more reliable partner in trade and then out of self-interest, keeping Russia on a leash - which in turn would cause Europe to back away from the whole US vs China thing. China is looking for economic partners anyway, and the EU is a top candidate.

I do think you're giving him too much credit at strategic thinking. Russia moving away from China is a possible consequence, not the deliberate end-goal.
He is also potentially pushing the EU and China closer together, because if the US is unreliable, there's room for China to be a more reliable partner in trade and then out of self-interest, keeping Russia on a leash - which in turn would cause Europe to back away from the whole US vs China thing. China is looking for economic partners anyway, and the EU is a top candidate.

I do think you're giving him too much credit at strategic thinking. Russia moving away from China is a possible consequence, not the deliberate end-goal.
The halting of aid via the USAID drama is creating a massive vacuum in developing nations for China to swoop in and take a hold. For a supposedly 'tough on China' president, he's got no problem tossing the football over to them to let them score an easy touchdown. Opportunities for innovation/external growth for China will help them with their sagging growth rate.
He is also potentially pushing the EU and China closer together, because if the US is unreliable, there's room for China to be a more reliable partner in trade and then out of self-interest, keeping Russia on a leash - which in turn would cause Europe to back away from the whole US vs China thing. China is looking for economic partners anyway, and the EU is a top candidate.

Well yes, but I don't see it happening with current EU leadership. They are kind of toast by aligned themselves too tightly with Biden.
EU leadership are newly appointed so we need to wait almost a full 5 years for a change. Kallas, the Estonian top diplomat was clearly appointed for the qualification of being an anti Russian, but under the new givens that is obsolete already and out of depth.
Where things visibly going is EU trying to take back its sovereignty and pump up the military spending /production. This will most certainly increase the tensions with Russia and taking into account that US will most certainly raise the tension with China I don't see how the things could move in the creative territory you are describing.

In a way Biden's policies put EU in an impossible corner which would never had happened should EU were a sovereign democratic entity as US is.

I do think you're giving him too much credit at strategic thinking. Russia moving away from China is a possible consequence, not the deliberate end-goal.

I thought it was obvious that this is the goal. Keep Russia and China separated has been the US strategic goal all along since the 70s until the genius of Biden pushed them to an indispensable alliance. What Trump is doing is just restoring (or trying to) this strategic goal. That's why they had to be so blunt and drastic.

The halting of aid via the USAID drama is creating a massive vacuum in developing nations for China to swoop in and take a hold. For a supposedly 'tough on China' president, he's got no problem tossing the football over to them to let them score an easy touchdown. Opportunities for innovation/external growth for China will help them with their sagging growth rate.

Many people say that, but China is already doing that via Road & Belt they don't need USAID to generate influence, nor it's their style. US as a democracy needed to play by the optics, thus needed to constantly create narratives and manufacture consent. Which it did by funding "independent" journalism via USAID and NED.
China need not do that complex operations. They do it more visibly by creating infrastructures and being visibly transactional.

I don't say it as good vs bad. Both are superpowers but each has different background, history and culture. Expecting them to operate with similar tools to achieve their Imperial goals is naive and shallow. But frankly I haven't seen China being too imperialistic so far, maybe did so in a regional scale. US is the only truly imperialistic nation for now, with tenths of military bases spread all around the globe.
@Yax All in all what Trump is doing in my opinion, is following the same agenda for US domination but in a more "clever" way, if one can say so for an escalation in the long term, essentially trying to secure a multi year pause (not end) in the war in Ukraine so Europe regroups and US focus in China. No matter the seemingly shocking rhetoric and wordings, Hegseth is calling Europe to increase its spending to 5% essentially doubling down on military and join forces together as equals.

Hint: In 4 years time there will be another US Administration, maybe even Democrat, Putin will be weakened by age. In 8 years time, probably Putin will have been replaced. And by that time Europe will have built its military capability. The landscape will be completely different and even favourable.

See by yourself:

"Leaders of our European allies should take primary responsibility for defence of the continent, which means security ownership by all allies guided by a clear understanding of strategic realities and it's an imperative given the strategic realities that we face. And that begins with increasing defence spending. 2% is a start, as President Trump has Trump has said, but it's not enough, nor is 3 percent, nor is 4 percent. More like 5 percent. Real investment. Real urgency.

"We can talk all we want about values. Values are important. But you can't shoot values. You can't shoot flags and you can't shoot strong speeches. There is no replacement for hard power. As much as we may not want to like the world we live in, in some cases, there's nothing like hard power. It should be obvious that increasing allied European defence spending is critical as the President of the United States has said."

"Safeguarding European security must be an imperative for European members of NATO. As part of this Europe must provide the overwhelming share of future lethal and nonlethal aid to Ukraine. Members of this Contact Group must meet the moment.
This means: Donating more ammunition and equipment. Leveraging comparative advantages. Expanding your defence industrial base. And importantly, levelling with your citizens about the threat facing Europe. Part of this is speaking frankly with your people about how this threat can only be met by spending more on defence.
2% is not enough; President Trump has called for 5%, and I agree."

Does this look like US is preparing for Peace? Transcript from Hegseth's "schocking" speech in Brussels, fwd from what mainstream media covered:

We also face a peer competitor in the Communist Chinese with the capability and intent to threaten our homeland and core national interests in the Indo-Pacific the US is is prioritising deterring war with China in the Pacific recognising the reality of scarcity and making the resourcing trade-offs to ensure deterrence does not fail as the United States prioritises its attention to these threats European allies must lead from the front.
Together we can establish a division of labor that maximises our comparative advantages in Europe and Pacific respectively.

We ask each of your countries to step up on fulfilling the commitments that you have made and we challenge your countries and your citizens to double down and recommit yourselves not only to Ukraine's immediate security needs but to Europe's long-term defence and deterrence goals.

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