USA Politics

Last I heard he wanted to examine Bin Laden's Death Certificate.

Believe it or not, I'm serious.
The annual White House Correspondents Dinner.

I don't actually know who spoke first, Obama or Seth Meyers. They both tore him up. Obama mocked Trump's decision-making ability, Meyers flat-out said Trump was a joke, etc. Much more. Great jokes.

Trump, in the front row, sat there mad as hell, scowling, never blinking. On all sides, hundreds of people were laughing their heads off at him. And Obama was the ringleader.

And of course, the kicker on Sunday: Obama cut into Trump's TV show to announce the bin Laden killing.
How seriously is Trump and his attempt to become Republican president candidate taken anyway? Granted, he gets a lot of media coverage, but that is more due to his flamboyant excesses. The question is, does he actually have a realistic chance? And who are the other Republican hopefuls?
SinisterMinisterX said:
The annual White House Correspondents Dinner.

I don't actually know who spoke first, Obama or Seth Meyers. They both tore him up. Obama mocked Trump's decision-making ability, Meyers flat-out said Trump was a joke, etc. Much more. Great jokes.

Trump, in the front row, sat there mad as hell, scowling, never blinking. On all sides, hundreds of people were laughing their heads off at him. And Obama was the ringleader.

And of course, the kicker on Sunday: Obama cut into Trump's TV show to announce the bin Laden killing.
I just watched. Hilarious. I don't know what was the funniest; The jokes or Trump's reactions.
These dinners have always been good.  The one with George W and the George W impersonator was really funny
SinisterMinisterX said:
And of course, the kicker on Sunday: Obama cut into Trump's TV show to announce the bin Laden killing.
I didn't know that! I watched online. That's hilarious.
Perun said:
How seriously is Trump and his attempt to become Republican president candidate taken anyway? Granted, he gets a lot of media coverage, but that is more due to his flamboyant excesses. The question is, does he actually have a realistic chance? And who are the other Republican hopefuls?
Being conservative, I really don't want him running.

Others are Mitt Romney, Fred Karger, Ron Paul, and many others.
Kohl retiring in WI is a great pickup chance for the GOP and at a minimum it turns a safe Dem seat to one wher they Dems need to spend money. 

Walker said hw would not run, Tommy Thompson looks like he will, which gives the GOP a great nominee.  It looks like Feingold might run for the Dem nomination, which would set up a heavy weight battle.
It's going to be a hell of a show in Wisconsin. Expect that to be a heavily-visited state by Obama for sure.
Certainly it is a tossup for President, plus a big time Senate race, and all the labor issues from earlier this year.  If I were a resident there, I would DVR everyting and have my hand on the FF button, the TV commercial deluge is going to be heavy.

Realized that earlier I should have said Ryan was not running, not Walker.  Getting my common names mixed up.  If Thompson runs, the nomination path is wide open.  The Dem who ran against Walker for Governor (think the Mayor of Minneapolis) said he would not run, leaving a fairly clear path for Feingold should he want to try to get back in the Senate.
Mitch Daniels said he would not run .. too bad, he would have been a good candidate.  I suspect the party will put pressure on Christie to run.
Nigel Tufnel said:
I would like Chrisite to run, though I doubt he is.

I think he may have a tough time in NJ in 2013, he might have a better shot at President in 2012


in breaking news ... tion-law/1

The Supreme Court today upheld an Arizona law penalizing companies that hire illegal immigrants, rejecting a challenge by business groups and civil liberties organizations, our court correspondent Joan Biskupic reports
I've long said this is a good law.

If a company knowingly hires illegal immigrants, they are breaking the law. Usually, they falsify their own records as to where the payments are being made. How is this legal? It shouldn't be.

It doesn't solve the problem, but it should be part of a multi-faceted attack on illegal immigration.
I agree, I think it is pretty impossible and probably even stupid to try to push through a comprehensive bill, there is no consensus in Congress, there will not be any leading up to an election, and any compromise would be so watered down, it would not adress the issues. 

The real answer is everyone is rigth and everyone is wrong, you have to secure the borders using technology, walls, boots on the ground, but you need to recognize people are here and give them some (I think difficult) path to stay here, kick some out, allow some more in as guest workers and make sure they leave, punish those who break the law both employers/employees, beef up Real Ids, and beef up the "pilot program" of ID check/verification.

it may need to just be put in in pieces like this ... the Feds are completely frozen on this issue, if it ends up needing to be border states deciding policy, the feds really have no reason to complain about their authority being taken away, they have 100% dropped the ball on this issue. 
There is going to have to be some kind of immigration reform. An amnsesty to keep around 70% of the illegals. Maybe a lottery where they would have to register, be able to have their backgrounds verified, no criminal records, education etc. I would be 100% for this if not only would they secure the border, but also start enforcing the laws we already have.

The physical border is not the complete problem with illegal immigration. Illegals can come on either a student or travel visa and simply stay. They are almost never deported when they are caught. Enforcement I believe is alot more effective than trying to secure the border.
Exactly, they need to keep better track of people who enter legally but never leave, part of that solution is to give businesses a way to verify people before hiring them.  There will always be day laborers (for sure in some cities where the government sets up places for them to be hired as day laborers/aka sanctuary cities), but reducing the changes to get a "real job" reduces the incentive to come here.