Bill O'Reilly is a worthless pig and an ignorant ass. Of course, that's always true, but here's my reason for saying so at this moment...
If you're going to ask the POTUS a question on live worldwide TV, let the man answer. O'Reilly, as usual, interrupts whenever he doesn't like two words of the answer he's hearing - then he makes a baseless accusation and doesn't give a chance to respond.
You wanna know why he's able to do that? Care to know why people let him? Because normal, decent folks are taught from childhood onward that interrupting someone else is rude as hell. We don't even consider it. How the hell can people have an intelligent conversation if no one can finish a sentence? Only the most boorish and brain-damaged twats interrupt people all the time, and O'Reilly is king of the twats.
Thus Obama, a civilized man, tries to let O'Reilly finish speaking. But the dumbass piece of garbage from Fox never feels any need to extend such a courtesy to anyone else - not even the fucking POTUS.
O'Reilly made a complete mockery of the traditional Super Bowl POTUS interview. If anyone at Fox had the slightest shred of integrity, he'd be fired over this. But we all know Fox is an integrity-free zone...