Disclaimer: I know that my following post may seem inhumane or cynical to some. Rest assured that I am deeply disturbed by what I saw, and that I was lost for words when I saw it. It took me a while to craft this post, but I don't see how it helps anyone if I put emotions into this.
I don't know anything about rules of engagement or combat, so I'm not going to comment on that. I understand the points of view given here, but I have never been in a war, I have never been in combat, and I have no idea what kind of situation the Americans were in and under what pressure they were. Hence, I do not permit myself to come up with any theories or interpretations. I generally don't trust any reports that come from a war zone, first-hand or second hand, and whatever side they come from and whatever their intention is. I don't know to what extent that video was edited, but I think it would have been better if it had not been edited it at all. Sad as it is, the intro, ending and in-between cuts and replays are emotionalising propaganda. I'm also not comfortable with the fact that the source is not named, although I understand that there may be good reasons why. Still, I would have liked to read a word on the reason.
Having said that, it is undeniable that certain things can be seen in the video, and in those regards, that video is easily the most disturbing thing I've seen in quite a while. Disturbing, though not shocking. In fact, I am always quite surprised at how shocked people are when this sort of thing happens. Of course it shouldn't have happened, and of course the people who did it need to be held responsible and punished - for murder, in my opinion - but I'm almost amused by the naivety some people show when they are shocked by this sort of thing. I'm very disturbed by this, but given I expected news and footage like this - both the killing of civilians and the cynical comments from the soldiers - from the very day the first bomb fell on Iraq, I'm not shocked or surprised to the slightest.
Clearly, the military would be best off if they released the original footage with no edits, in order to either prove that the posted video was out of context or distorted, or as a gesture of goodwill saying "yes, somebody here fucked up and we are going to punish those responsible".