Right. Combine both your comments. He is popular, and so never needed to bury his rather poor (in terms of available cash) opponents so entirely. It's unreal overkill.
And he isn't on the national stage as Perot was. It's a mayor's job. Even figuring it's for the largest city in the country, it's still an obscene amount.
Also Perot did need to spend to get attention; Bloomberg does not. He's a gigantic fish in a small pond. Everyone knows him, he almost already won -- nearly a sure thing.
Was all that money necessary? Um, to me, no. Will he someday somehow convince voters to change the NYC statute or laws or whatever so that he can have a fourth term, a fifth, a sixth? Even if he's the best mayor ever, the laws should be followed, otherwise what's the point of having them? What's the point of having an election if there's no competition that can possibly come close to spending what he can? Hell, just make him honorable mayor for life. There's just one problem with that. It's not the way a democracy should run.
I like the guy and the job he does, up until the third term, and the 85 million on a shoe-in campaign. And then I thought, it isn't really what it's about. Maybe 85 million seems reasonable to you guys, but think about that amount for a second. It's a huge amount for a mayor's race.
And I totally agree with you, Wasted, that he can spend it as he wishes. He's a wealthy guy and he knows no one can compete, that he's already popular, and already favored to win. That amount of money isn't even needed, and yet he'll throw it around anyway.
I understand that you guys are saying 'so what?' But IMO, it's really an obscene amount, especially in a recession.