USA Politics

Thanks LC. It's interesting that it was for the exact same reason last year. Some have said that Kim is just doing all of this only as a deterrent so everyone will leave him alone. All this ganging up on him is only going to cause him to actually fire.
Thanks LC. It's interesting that it was for the exact same reason last year. Some have said that Kim is just doing all of this only as a deterrent so everyone will leave him alone.
Christ ... this is the President of the United States.

That video intentionally leaves out what was said just prior to what happened. Upon further inspection, I find myself agreeing with this version of it:
The second video adds no more context to the interview. It is just the NNN guy saying he's cool with Trump's way of handling the question.

What is it that is missing in the first video? Be concrete.

You wonder why Trump gets so much flak? It's because people expect more from the President of the US. Plain and simple.
That video intentionally leaves out what was said just prior to what happened. Upon further inspection, I find myself agreeing with this version of it:
The version you posted is the one that leaves out the beginning of the discussion. Either way, what material difference is there between what Trump says in these two versions? It's the same footage.
Ok everyone.

Travis has different views from many of us, but that's OK to an extent. If you want to challenge him, do so politely, and try to be very specific. It's been my experience that is the best way to show what is true and isn't true. Travis - the same goes for you. If there's something you want to show, be specific, but don't be surprised if someone refutes what you say with additional evidence, either.
Wingman posted a clip of Trump. Travis posted the same clip except it starts about half way through the Trump interview. Both finish at the same point. Travis claims "That video [Wingman's] intentionally leaves out what was said just prior to what happened. Upon further inspection, I find myself agreeing with this [the one Travis posted] version of it". Wingman's clip did not leave out anything that "was said prior"; in fact the clip that Travis posted was the one that left out what Trump said prior. Asked about this, Travis explains nothing (perhaps he was referring to the accompanying commentary on the clip he posted?) & instead blames the left wing media.

This isn't about "different views" LC; this is simply about calling out stuff that makes no sense.
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Travis, how do you respond to this fact? The video you posted, objectively, has less of the Trump interview than the one EW posted, and seems to edit out Trump's comments.
Travis, how do you respond to this fact? The video you posted, objectively, has less of the Trump interview than the one EW posted, and seems to edit out Trump's comments.
The Next News Network is super pro Trump so it's probably not the best idea to use them as a source for that type of stuff.
Yeah, this is probably the biggest misstep Trump has made. Seems likely now that enough Republicans will join Democrats in Congress to appoint a special prosecutor.

This very greatly reminds me of the Archibald Cox firing, and how that ended up.