Ancient Mariner
I am sure some are concerned with what happened. I think they are being used as pawns. But mass amounts of people running around causing general mayhem and injuring others are just a bunch of thugs.
"Police said Tuesday that more than 150 shots were fired in Ferguson, Missouri, during a night of unrest that followed a grand jury’s decision not to charge the white officer who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.
A dozen buildings blazed, police cars were vandalized and looting was reported in what police said was a spasm of violence worse than anything Ferguson saw in the restive nights that followed the original shooting in August. At least 82 people were arrested in all.
Smoke rose as dawn broke, fire trucks streamed water onto burned-out buildings, and authorities faced the task of reassuring the uneasy city of 21,000 people and broader St. Louis that calm could be restored."
You can find hundreds of pics like this, store after store looted .. what did the store owners/companies do again to deserve this?
.. as for Wilson, you had 12 ordinary citizens look through all the evidence with a very low standard to bring the case to trial and they declined. He claimed he had a door slammed on his leg and he was punched in the face. They Grand Jury had pics of his face and leg from right after the incident. The autopsy indicated Brown was reaching for the gun and the "he had his hands up" claim was bullshit.
"Police said Tuesday that more than 150 shots were fired in Ferguson, Missouri, during a night of unrest that followed a grand jury’s decision not to charge the white officer who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.
A dozen buildings blazed, police cars were vandalized and looting was reported in what police said was a spasm of violence worse than anything Ferguson saw in the restive nights that followed the original shooting in August. At least 82 people were arrested in all.
Smoke rose as dawn broke, fire trucks streamed water onto burned-out buildings, and authorities faced the task of reassuring the uneasy city of 21,000 people and broader St. Louis that calm could be restored."
You can find hundreds of pics like this, store after store looted .. what did the store owners/companies do again to deserve this?

.. as for Wilson, you had 12 ordinary citizens look through all the evidence with a very low standard to bring the case to trial and they declined. He claimed he had a door slammed on his leg and he was punched in the face. They Grand Jury had pics of his face and leg from right after the incident. The autopsy indicated Brown was reaching for the gun and the "he had his hands up" claim was bullshit.