USA Politics

Well, when I was growing up, my parents would often encourage me to read the books if they deemed the movie too graphic. This is why I read Jurassic Park in Grade 2. It's still one of my favourite novels.
Books like that are fine, I was meaning whatever the equivalent of 50 Shades of Grey was back then as what I would be opposed to.
Right, but that is someones imagination ... people can picture a dinosaur chasing people. Depending on whatever that person was exposed to that image can be something like Land of the Lost (TV show, not the movie) , Jurassic Park, something from a museum, pictures in a book whatever. For kids, there are books that probably spell out sex and violence a but too graphically. There is a line somewhere, where exactly it is, I am not sure .. but I knew where to draw it for my kids.
It's different for each kid as well. I agree there. I definitely wouldn't let my kids touch 50 Shades of Grey until they were ready for it. Of course, any kids I have will be educated about sex when they're ready too.
What I meant is that if a story is violent then also the read can be violent, or even more if the author is detailed and a reader could take it slower and digest it deeper if a film scene goes quicker. On the other hand, you can take a break with a book, and you can't in the movie theater. :)

I remember I went with my two brothers to Jurassic Parc (I think it might have been II!) and the youngest felt so bad in the stomach that he had to get home, accompanied by my other brother.
You're early if I may say so. :) On the other hand, the dinosaurs were probably the trigger and not the need to see horror. ;)
My son is crazy about dino's but he can get quite emotional when he sees a dino die because of a meteorite (so I don't think he could take a human dying as well). ;)
Sometimes its hard to predict.
My daughter had seen the DVD of The Two Towers countless times as a preschooler.
She freaked out in the theatre during Fnding Nemo.
I find it funny that his credentials are not called into play by the birthers. oh wait, no. I don't find that funny at all.
We will see if it is, this just came out today. But, no one really complained about Romney as he was born outside of the US
Well, when I was growing up, my parents would often encourage me to read the books if they deemed the movie too graphic. This is why I read Jurassic Park in Grade 2. It's still one of my favourite novels.

Funny how that works. I was allowed to read Disclosure, but god forbid I watch the rated "R" film.

Anywho... Watching Rachel Maddow. Elizabeth City is questioning the residency of a black student running for city council. Since he is not considered a resident he can't vote either. Not to mention they are preventing students in other areas as well (mostly black) from voting at their colleges.

I have a new slogan for the Carolinas: Come to the Carolinas, the North fucks its voters and the South fucks its horses.
On the other hand, you can take a break with a book, and you can't in the movie theater. :)

True. Actually, I recently had to do just that, while reading the latest novel by Jo Nesbø. He let an old friend and colleague of Harry Hole (the protagonist) be murdered in a nasty way. I just had to put the book away for half an hour and take a drink ...
This NSA stuff keeps getting worse and worse. An recent article in the Wall Street Journal is suggesting that up to 75% of US internet traffic is being monitored

The politico article below is interesting in showing how (in a pretty sleazy way IMO), the White House is managing this ... essentially admit as little as possible and change the story as more information comes out. A recent Gallop Poll shows Obama has had a 14 point drop in support from younger voters, mainly because of this.

This is a good sign for a more libertarian response in the next election

Poll numbers
I think it means the next election will have less voters and the kids who are leaving Obama will change the Democrat party in 20 years.
I am not so sure about that. Obama relied to a great degree on an emotional response of Hope and Change and changing the levels of the Ocean and on and on. Betrayal is a hard thing to overcome especially when it attacks the freedom of the internet which that age group (and me for that matter) attacks them on a personal level.

It does not mean they will become right wingers, but a libertarian message from either party could resonate