USA Politics

I don't think he could have done one thing without the other. If you only say things without really showing, the US government would probably have denied the activities. Now they can't say he's a liar.
Nope, but they sure can call him a spy! :p

While people may have a right to know, I don't think they WANT to know. People want large TVs and iPods and 500 channel satellite TV and ultra fast internet and gas guzzling vehicles as well as being "safe" from "terrorists." Companies and the government provide said services. Then we find out that to make all that cheaply companies outsources to third world sweat shops. Then we find out that our paranoia has grown to such a degree (or when wasn't it? J. Edgar Hoover anyone?) that the NSA is keeping our phone records and watching our Tweets. We bitch about it, but still want all those things anyway... We can't have our cake and eat it too.... just saying.
Crap like this is so damn stupid.

SEATTLE - An internal memo at Seattle City Hall is causing quite a stir. It suggests government workers no longer use the terms "citizen," or "brown bag."

According to the Office for Civil Rights, the terms are potentially offensive and other words should be used.

"Luckily, we've got options," Elliott Bronstein of the Office for Civil Rights wrote in the memo. "For 'citizens,' how about 'residents?'" Bronstein wrote.

The Office of Civil Rights says Seattle serves all residents, whether they're United States citizens or not.

And while city leaders publicize "brown bag" lunch meetings as a way to designate a bring-your-own lunch time event, the term has a sorted history.

"It used to be a way people could judge skin color," Bronstein said in a phone interview.

Does the public find it offensive? Most people agree it's not.

But the City of Seattle isn't alone. State lawmakers have voted to remove gender specific words in official records.

Freshman are now "first-years," journeymen are "journey-level," and penmanship is simply "handwriting."

To offend or not to offend, turns out to be a very sensitive question.

So what is a person supposed to say instead of brown bag? According to the memo, people should try "lunch-and-learn" or "sack lunch."
What's wrong with citizen? I like being called citizen. I am a citizen of a country I really quite like. What the hell. Resident isn't the right term either - resident specifically refers to someone with legal residency but not citizenship. Blah.
I think the main problem here is the reference to these being "offensive". If "citizen" is technically incorrect (because it only applies to US citizens & you're trying to refer to everyone, not just US citizens) then... it's technically incorrect. It's not, surely, offensive? LC, surely what you state is exactly what they're saying --i.e. they are referring to people with legal residency and US citizens --not just US citizens? It's a technical distinction more than anything.
Packed lunch? --that's what it's called in the UK.
Yeah, many people here call it a Brown bag.

That pretty much comes from school days here, if you brought your own lunch, the lunch bags you would buy at the store used to be always brown .. there are a few other colors now, but most people still buy brown.

brown bag=Bringing your own lunch.
I think the main problem here is the reference to these being "offensive". If "citizen" is technically incorrect (because it only applies to US citizens & you're trying to refer to everyone, not just US citizens) then... it's technically incorrect. It's not, surely, offensive? LC, surely what you state is exactly what they're saying --i.e. they are referring to people with legal residency and US citizens --not just US citizens? It's a technical distinction more than anything.

Resident does not work either then if they want to be technical. The city provides services for tourists and business travelers while they are there. I know, I used a few of their services and I am neither a citizen or resident of Seattle.
I've also never heard of brown bag as a racist term, though I have no doubt as to the veracity of that report.
But why don't you just call it a packed lunch? :D

I mean, "packed lunch" can only really mean one thing, right? "Brown bag" on the other hand, to someone outside the US, doesn't have any connection with lunch or food at all. It just means... a brown... bag....
Resident does not work either then if they want to be technical. The city provides services for tourists and business travelers while they are there. I know, I used a few of their services and I am neither a citizen or resident of Seattle.

Point is, regardless of the suggested alternative, "citizen" doesn't cover everyone. Therefore, think of another term. The thinking is good. Residents, as you say, doesn't work either though.
Good thing the bags were not black or gay

I actually had a joke I used to do in my stand up regarding that. A trash bag company, I forget if Hefty or Glad, had an ad a while back that was promoting the "flex strength" of their bags. The ad was ridiculous, people were chucking plates with perfectly good food into the bag to show it would still hang on to the rim of the trashcan. Who does that? literally THROW their trash like it was a baseball? Anyway. At the end of the ad they say, "And for those really tough jobs try our black bags." My joke was something around the lines of, "Always giving the "tough" jobs to blacks. What do I use for dirty jobs? Their brown bags?" Haven't told it in a while and I don't have my notes, so I know the punch line is ruined, but you get the picture. Racism, even in trash bags.
Completely pisses me off when they do stuff like this. If the law is good enough for all of us, it should be for them.

Congress to get Obamacare exemption

August 2, 2013

By Michael Kitchen

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- The White House has approved a deal that will exempt members of Congress and their staff from some of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Politico reported late Thursday. Under the law, popularly referred to as Obamacare, lawmakers and their aides were required to source health insurance "created" by the law or offered through one of its exchanges, and without the subsidies they currently enjoy, the members of Congress would have faced thousands of dollars in additional premium payments each year, the report said. However, the Office of Personnel Management now plans to rule that the government can continue to make a contribution to the health-care premiums of the lawmakers and their staff, it said, citing unnamed congressional sources and a White House official.
Politicians are all fucknuts. Hey, all you Socialists on the forum -- how do your governments avoid that problem?

In related news, interesting article today in which Obama is criticized as being the biggest enemy of a free press since Nixon. Note that this is not an obscure article from some hack right-wing rag (like some other forum members sometimes cite here...:ninja:). No, this is the lead article today in the paper of record for the U.S., the New York Times:

Court Rulings Blur the Line Between a Spy and a Leaker
Published: August 2, 2013

WASHINGTON — The government is prosecuting leakers at a brisk clip and on novel theories. It is collecting information from and about journalists, calling one a criminal and threatening another with jail. In its failed effort to persuade Russia to return another leaker, Edward J. Snowden, it felt compelled to say that he would not be tortured or executed.

These developments are rapidly revising the conventional view of the role of the First Amendment in national security cases. The scale of disclosures made possible by digital media, the government’s vast surveillance apparatus and the rise of unorthodox publishers like WikiLeaks have unsettled longstanding understandings of the role of mass media in American democracy.

This is so even where the government was the nominal loser. Consider the case of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who dodged a legal bullet on Tuesday, winning an acquittal on the most serious charge against him: that releasing government secrets to the public amounted to “aiding the enemy.”

But a dodged bullet is still a bullet.

The military judge in Private Manning’s case ruled last year that there was no First Amendment problem with the government’s legal theory. Providing classified information for mass distribution, she said, is a sort of treason if the government can prove the defendant knew “he was giving intelligence to the enemy” by “indirect means.”

The verdict thus means only that military prosecutors did not prove their case. The legal theory stands, and it troubles even usual critics of unauthorized disclosures of government secrets.

“It blurs the distinction between leakers and spies,” said Gabriel Schoenfeld, the author of “Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law.” He said the government might have lost a battle but made headway in a larger war by “raising the charge and making it seem plausible.”

Something similar happened in 1971, when President Richard M. Nixon failed to stop the publication of the Pentagon Papers, a secret history of the Vietnam War. The Supreme Court’s ruling allowing The New York Times and The Washington Post to publish the papers is often said to be a high-water mark in the annals of press freedom.

But like the Manning verdict, the decision represented a shift in the understanding of the First Amendment.

“The American press was freer before it won its battle with the government,” Alexander Bickel, the Yale law professor who represented The New York Times in the case, wrote in his classic 1975 book, “The Morality of Consent.”

“Through the troubles of 1798, through one civil and two world wars and other wars, there had never been an effort by the federal government to censor a newspaper by attempting to impose a prior restraint,” Professor Bickel wrote. “That spell was broken, and in a sense, freedom was thus diminished.”

Worse, from the perspective of the news media, the victory in the Pentagon Papers case was distinctly limited and helped shape the Manning prosecution.

“A majority of the Supreme Court not only left open the possibility of prior restraints in other cases but of criminal sanctions being imposed on the press following publication of the Pentagon Papers themselves,” Floyd Abrams, who also represented The Times in the case, wrote in a new book, “Friend of the Court.”

According to a 1975 memoir by Whitney North Seymour Jr., who was the United States attorney in Manhattan in the early 1970s, Richard G. Kleindienst, a deputy attorney general, suggested convening a grand jury in New York to that end. Mr. Seymour said he refused. A grand jury was then convened in Boston, but it did not issue an indictment.

The “aiding the enemy” charge in the Manning case was based on military law, and it is not directly applicable to leakers in other parts of the government or to reporters and publishers. But the theory on which it was based has echoes in the more general espionage laws.

Until recently, its leading proponent was Nixon, who mused on the matter in a meeting in the Oval Office the day after The Times published the first installment of its reports on the Pentagon Papers.

“That’s treasonable,” he said to an aide, “due to the fact that it’s aid to the enemy and it’s a release of classified documents.”

In “Fighting for the Press,” a new book about the case, James C. Goodale, who was general counsel of the Times Company at the time, said President Obama has followed in Nixon’s footsteps.

“Obama apparently cannot distinguish between communicating information to the enemy and communicating information to the press,” Mr. Goodale wrote. “The former is espionage, the latter is not.”

But John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a former Bush administration lawyer, said that distinction broke down in the Manning case because he did not make his disclosures directly to the establishment press.

“Manning’s defenders will say that Manning only leaked information to the 21st-century equivalent of a newspaper, and that he could not have known that Al Qaeda would read it,” Professor Yoo wrote inNational Review Online.

“But WikiLeaks is not The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal, and it does not have First Amendment rights,” he added. “Manning communicated regularly with WikiLeaks’ founder and would have known about the group’s anarchic, anti-U.S. mission.”

In June, David Gregory asked Glenn Greenwald a question in a similar vein on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Mr. Greenwald had written articles on government surveillance programs for The Guardian based on materials from Mr. Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor.

“To the extent that you have aided and abetted Snowden, even in his current movements, why shouldn’t you, Mr. Greenwald, be charged with a crime?” Mr. Gregory asked.

Mr. Greenwald responded, “If you want to embrace that theory, it means that every investigative journalist in the United States who works with their sources, who receives classified information, is a criminal.”

The Obama administration seemed to adopt that view in seeking a court order to examine the e-mails of James Rosen of Fox News. The administration’s lawyers said there was “probable cause to believe” that Mr. Rosen was “at the very least” an “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in violations of the espionage laws.

New Justice Department guidelines, partly a reaction to the furor over the Rosen matter, say the department will not treat “ordinary news-gathering activities” as criminal conduct. But the guidelines do not define those activities.

Last month, a federal appeals court agreed with the Justice Department that James Risen, an author and New York Times reporter, must testify in a prosecution under the espionage laws or face contempt charges.

To date, there have been no prosecutions of journalists in the United States for seeking or publishing classified information. But two lobbyists with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, were charged in 2005 with violating the espionage laws for conduct they said was functionally equivalent to journalism: they had learned government secrets and passed them along to others.

As in the Manning case, the firewall turned out not to be the First Amendment but the difficulty of proving intent. After Judge T.S. Ellis of Federal District Court in Alexandria, Va., ruled that the government had to show the defendants knew their conduct would hurt the United States, prosecutors dropped the charges.

But Judge Ellis had a larger message, too. He said the case “exposes the inherent tension between the government transparency so essential to a democratic society and the government’s equally compelling need to protect from disclosure information that could be used by those who wish this nation harm.”

“The rights protected by the First Amendment,” he added, “must at times yield to the need for national security.”
I agree with the NY Times. And as for us dodging politicians being wankers...nope. Doesn't happen here. They're all assholes.
Where is Al now?

A quarter-century after her name made national headlines and became infamous, Tawana Brawley is finally paying for making a false rape charge against a former New York prosecutor.

Paying $627 per month, to be exact.

The New York Post
reports that last week a judge in Virginia, where Brawley now lives under various assumed names and works as a nurse, ordered $3,764.61 garnished from six months' worth of Brawley's wages and paid to Steven Pagones.

But that's far from the end of it, as the paper reports Brawley owes $431,000 more.

The payments are the latest chapter in a saga that began in November 1987, when Brawley, then 15 years old, was found in a trash bag with racial slurs written on her in feces. She told police that six white men had abducted, brutalized, and raped her for four days. Her handlers, including a relatively unknown minister named Al Sharpton, accused Pagones, then a prosecutor in Dutchess County, New York, of being one of Brawley's attackers. A grand jury concluded that Brawleys story was a hoax the following year.

In 1998 Pagones won a defamation suit from Sharpton and two of Brawley's other advisers, who were ordered to pay over $350,000 in damages. Brawley was ordered to pay $190,000 at 9 percent annual interest -- hence the $431,000 figure.

For his part, Pagones tells The Post that he'll forgive the rest of the debt if Brawley admits that she falsely accused him
Yep. And also during the G-20 meeting he doesn not want to have a one on one meeting with Putin.

Besides Snowdon he also must be annoyed about Russia's human rights policy and their attitude vs homosexuals.