Perry has lost all the Tea Party support: ... nally.html
Cain and Romney tied nationally. ... nally.html
Cain and Romney tied nationally.
LooseCannon said:Ah, but the Republicans have an explanation: if you release the burden on the rich, they will create more jobs.
Is this true? Probably not. But not everything the Democrats shit is gold either. Still, Americans get to choose who they trust. That's how it works.
LooseCannon said:The 50% figure is correct for one year only due to the recession and recession tax cuts. That figure that is being used is an exception, rather than the rule:
Zare said:
bearfan said:It has been on the news quite a bit, it is the #1 story (at least the arrest of the people on the Brooklyn Bridge) in Google News, but I think most people assume they are a small collection of leftist whack jobs and this will pretty much end tomorrow when Wall Street opens.