United Abominations

Genghis Khan

Ancient Mariner
Has anyone here had a chance to listen to Megadeth's new album 'United Abominations' fully?  I am thinking of purchasing it, as I have all their studio releases, most of which are amazing.  I'd like to hear some feedback if possible, please.  :)
I listened  to it a week back or so. I personally liked it quite a lot. I think it's a notch up from The System Has Failed. The lyrics are mostly centered around political topics. The music is great and they're not afraid to use a double kick now and then. It's no Rust in Peace but I think it's their best since Countdown. And since you've got all their studio albums, I'm sure you'll enjoy it  :ok:
I have had just the one listen to it and it did sound pretty good, though I fully intend to give it some more airing soon. I must admit,  I have all the stuff up to Rust in Peace, then I have World Needs a Hero - which has some real quality moments - so for me to suggest it is a "back to form" album, will be a little wrong (but some folk are saying this); I just do not know anything of Megadeth aside from the afore mentioned (and I think I have discussed my reasons for this before - if not and you're really that bothered, I'll say it again :P).
I don't know if I'm interested in it. I heard the redo of 'A Tout Le Monde' and thought it was pretty crappy, especially when compared to the original. I've got another track on a magazine sampler which I might give a spin. Other than that, the cover artwork, the "lyrics" to the title track and Mr Mustaines comments have really turned me off from that album. I'm not offended easily, but this did it.
I gave it a full listen -- a bunch of spins, for the first time yesterday. 

It is not a horrible album, but it is not spectacular either. 

Some negative observations:
-- a redo of an emotional, melancholy and slow but powerful song like 'A Tout Le Monde' was a bad idea.  The original's pace, and singing fit the mood; not so with the remake.  The vocals for both singers are unsuitable and the video is damn cheesy and out of place.
-- 'Washington is Next' would be a great song, impressive song if it were not for the fact that I recognize the 'Wasted Year's riff off of it.  That's right, Dave has plagiarized Iron Maiden, blatantly.
-- I have always found the speaking parts either annoying or redundant.  This time around it is worse.  The two guiltiest (and by extention worst) songs 'United Abominations' and 'Amerikhastan' are running afoul of droning (read: Dave reading a speech at a political rally).  It is embarrassing to hear that kind of non-sense spewed.  If a singer/writer has a point to make, than put it in a song.  Make it poignant, or at least, attempt to do so.  Part of the reason why 'Rust in Peace... Polaris', 'Peace Sells', 'Ashes in Mouth', and 'Hook in Mouth', etc. are such great songs is because Dave manages to express his political views poetically.  There is absolutely no attempt to do so in political songs on this album.
-- Some of the songs plagiarize Megadeth's earlier works from 'Rust in Peace', 'Youthanasia' and the last two albums. 
-- While some of the solos are good, the riffs and music seems to be just thrown together without much thought to coherence or continuity.
-- This time around, Dave has taken bits and pieces of past formulas and thrown it all together in a mish-mash with a little bit of thrash, little bit of melody, little bit of power metal, little bit of catchiness, and way too much talking.  But, nothing is new on this album.  I'm still going to listen to it and give it a try, but I'm disappointed with the level of effort here.  Even 'Risk' took a risk; it was creative, even if it did not feel like a true Megadeth album.

So far I'm happy with the opening track, Burnt Ice and the b-side Black Swan.  There are other good moments, but the flow is not the same.  The riffs are not spectacular, just middle-of-the-road.
Genghis Khan said:
Some negative observations:
-- a redo of an emotional, melancholy and slow but powerful song like 'A Tout Le Monde' was a bad idea.  The original's pace, and singing fit the mood; not so with the remake.  The vocals for both singers are unsuitable and the video is damn cheesy and out of place.

I thought that the redo was an interesting experiment in how to make an already tepid and saccharine song even more nauseating and worthless. The video was even worse, however.

Genghis Khan said:
-- 'Washington is Next' would be a great song, impressive song if it were not for the fact that I recognize the 'Wasted Year's riff off of it.  That's right, Dave has plagiarized Iron Maiden, blatantly.

Mustaine has always been an big fan of Maiden and they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery there is. But after hearing this song, I guess he just needed to glue whatever riffs that came to mind together in order to get an album out as quickly as possible (not forgetting that the A Tout Le Monde redo was probably just another attempt to get a few dollars in the bank, he is signed to Roadrunner Records, after all, children). I guess I won't be bothering with this one after all (along with a whole host of irrelevant releases this year).

Oh, and does anybody find the neutered production to be laughably flat as a pancake?

Genghis Khan said:
-- Some of the songs plagiarize Megadeth's earlier works from 'Rust in Peace', 'Youthanasia' and the last two albums. 

How can you plagiarize yourself? I mean, all that says is that they are regressing rather than progressing in their sound, not that they are "copying" their older work. If that were so AC/DC has plagiarized itself for over 20 years.
Oh, come on, you're starting to sound like some of my students.  Certainly you can plagiarize youself.  Authors can plagiarize themselves, so can essayists; why can't musicians?  If they're copying their old sound and claiming it as new, that's plagiarism.  It may not be illegal, but it sure is passing off the old stuff as new. 

I realize what you're saying about AC/DC, and I agree with you.  The boys down under have used the same formula over and over again.  It works for them; you may certainly call it plagiarism.  I do not think the same method works for Megadeth. 

I called the issue plagiarism instead of copying because, as I stated above, I'm a little disappointed in the musical laziness Dave has swept himself into, and I decided to use a harsher word.
Maiden copied themseleves as well a couple of times. Just play the instrumental midpieces of the following three tracks in a row and you'll see what I mean:

Judgement of Heaven
The Educated Fool
No More Lies

Forostar said:
Maiden copied themseleves as well a couple of times. Just play the instrumental midpieces of the following three tracks in a row and you'll see what I mean:

Judgement of Heaven
The Educated Fool
No More Lies


Uhhh, those songs aren't too similar.  Yes, they use the same notes, but the rhythms are very different (those of the bridges of NML and TEF being the closest).  The fact is, when playing at Download, Megadeth were able to segue from Sleepwalker into Take No Prisoners perfectly, because both share a riff...when that riff arose in Sleepwalker, the band broke into TNP.  It's not even subtly different; it seems like a deliberate plant.  Still, it's a good song, so I'm not complaining.
Forostar said:
Maiden copied themseleves as well a couple of times. Just play the instrumental midpieces of the following three tracks in a row and you'll see what I mean:

Judgement of Heaven
The Educated Fool
No More Lies

Yes, I listened to them, and I'm saying, they're similar, but not identical.  The notes used are the same, but the actual melodies, and the rhythm of the melodies, are different.  Some of the riffs in United Abominations are note-for-note, rhythm-exact re-shufflings of older riffs.
Maybe those parts were not literal, but it comes d*mn close if you ask me. Clearly a lack of inspiration when those songs were created.

Back on topic: how do you like the Drover-brothers? Do you know their band band Eidolon? I've always loved Eidolon's music, but unfortunately they never had a good vocalist in their ranks.

If interested, 5 years ago I made a small e-mail interview with Glen Drover -->
Genghis Khan said:
Oh, come on, you're starting to sound like some of my students. 

I like your students already :D, plagerism is NOT trying to pass something old as something new, Plagerism, professor, is when you try to pass someone else's work as your own Thus you can't plagerise yourself, you can repeat yourself, be unoriginal, but c'mon!

Back on topic: I do like the remake of A Tout Le Monde, but the original is much better, why he decided to redo it I can't even begin to understand, but it just doesn't sound right. I'm still going to buy it though, as all of their earlier stuff. It sucks to be poor :(
Raven said:
Uhhh, those songs aren't too similar.  Yes, they use the same notes, but the rhythms are very different (those of the bridges of NML and TEF being the closest).  The fact is, when playing at Download, Megadeth were able to segue from Sleepwalker into Take No Prisoners perfectly, because both share a riff...when that riff arose in Sleepwalker, the band broke into TNP.  It's not even subtly different; it seems like a deliberate plant.  Still, it's a good song, so I'm not complaining.

I just hope Mustaine does not make a habit of it.  Sleepwalker also sounds little bit like Kill the King in ints main riff and Burnt Ice end solo sounds like Holy Wars.  They entertain and I'm starting to get more into many of the songs, including the spoken ones.  I can't believe I'm saying this.
Despite what I said about the album earlier, I find myself listening to it over and over again.  Like right now! 
I'm burning it from my neighbor hehe... and i'm buying mp3 cds for a buck right outside my dad's apartment... long live 3rd world piracy!!!
Onhell said:
I'm burning it from my neighbor hehe... and i'm buying mp3 cds for a buck right outside my dad's apartment... long live 3rd world piracy!!!
Only in Mexico are you too lazy to download yourself!  :D