To all my Friends at Maidenfans....

True; and I will love having Monday off.

Thanks for the well-wishing Nigel, hope you have some good fun yourself!

Anyone have good plans for the weekend?
SinisterMinisterX said:
Thank you, Nigel.

Although it should be noted that Labor Day is a US holiday, and our non-US friends may not know what you're talking about. Just think, all those poor suckers have to work on Monday...

Canada has a Labour Day.  It's almost the same thing.  And while I have to work Monday, I get double time and a half for it.
I did not know Canada had their Labour Day on the same day as the US. I figured it was on May 1 like the Europeans.

And I actually have a choice: take Monday off, or (like LC) work for 2.5x salary. But at my job, I very rarely get 2 days in a row off (my usual days off are Wednesday and Sunday). So I'll pass up the money for a rare 2-day weekend.
I get paid for at least one day's work if I don't work it anyway, so it's pretty awesome.  I love stat holidays.
Listen, my North American friends - you're a week late. The Monday off was last week. :p

Still, I could not care less about work this coming Monday as I am off for the next fortnight. the States , most of us still have to work on Labor Day, Myself included (Pretty Ironic huh?). It is the end of our traditional summer.
Labor day in the states just means things are closed which is impractical for me as a student as I still need to organize myself for start of classes on Tuesday. So I'm less thrilled about this holiday. Still, one more party day! :p
Ah!  Labor Day Weekend!  Here, where I am, its a weekend long festival (to celebrate the really shitty wine they produce here).  So, last night I got to watch my kids run around a carnival, this morn we did a 5k run, and then watched a few games of mud volleyball.  Tonite is the beer tent, which is pretty much what it sounds like-- a tent with a few kegs, and some bands.  How redneck we are!
I still had a huge party last night. And now I'm hung over. And tomorrow... well, I've got holidays anyway, till mid-October.
So I guess for our friends in Australia, this day marked the "end" of their winter. All the more reason to party!