This is pathetic... And funny!

Onhell, isn't this a case that religion is important to you? I think what Urizen is trying to say is that the overzealousness of some religious folk can lead to bigotry, etc. The point you made about what you don't do, is how the "taking religion too seriously" people give religion a bad name. Yes, people should look upon religion as been a serious subject and not mock it, but on the other hand we can really do without the few bad apples.
That thread has got to be the funniest debate I've read in a long time.  So much bigotry...and so much stereotypicalisation.  You did a good job defending metal, Albie, and this is coming from a metalhead and a Christian! :ok:
The main difference between the bloke on and the likes of you, Onhell, etc. is that you are level headed, open minded and not judgemental. A large chunk of my family are very religious and they too view the world and other people without judgement. This I respect, as this is how it should be.