I didn't see this anywhere, so here is the question:
Who is your favorite 'replacement' singer? There are a lot of bands out there that released one (or more) albums, and then replaced their singer. Off the cuff, I am thinking of James LaBrie with Dream Theater and Bruce with Maiden. I know that Rainbow went through 4 singers, Riot went through at least that many (tho I liked Rhett Forrester the best). I know it takes more than just the singer to make a huge change, but with LaBrie and Dickenson, those two bands jumped to a higher level with the addition of those guys. However, IMO, its hard to say that Sabbath was a 'next level up' band after Ozzy left-- not saying worse (I like Dio), just not loads better.
I'm not trying to say any of these artists were bad before, I'm just curious as to who you think was the best addition after at least one released album.
Who is your favorite 'replacement' singer? There are a lot of bands out there that released one (or more) albums, and then replaced their singer. Off the cuff, I am thinking of James LaBrie with Dream Theater and Bruce with Maiden. I know that Rainbow went through 4 singers, Riot went through at least that many (tho I liked Rhett Forrester the best). I know it takes more than just the singer to make a huge change, but with LaBrie and Dickenson, those two bands jumped to a higher level with the addition of those guys. However, IMO, its hard to say that Sabbath was a 'next level up' band after Ozzy left-- not saying worse (I like Dio), just not loads better.
I'm not trying to say any of these artists were bad before, I'm just curious as to who you think was the best addition after at least one released album.