clap hands
I don't know why, I just can't get into Baying. I like the song quite a lot and rate it 8/10 (and Ghost Reveries is in my top 3 albums), but it just never hits the same level of greatness as so many other Opeth songs.Ha
I like it even less than you do. I’d say it’s a solid 7/10, possibly a 7.5 since I like the intro and groovy dunt-dunt-dundunDEEdunt-dunt-(dun) part in the middle. But the song simply drags on for too long with few too interesting parts to keep it fresh. If I’m on a Ghost Reveries kick, I’m Ghost of Perditioning and Harlequin Foresting all night long.I don't know why, I just can't get into Baying. I like the song quite a lot and rate it 8/10 (and Ghost Reveries is in my top 3 albums), but it just never hits the same level of greatness as so many other Opeth songs.
I don't want Opeth to be "fun", I WANT SORROW!!!!!!And the Purplish hammond beginning is fun! Don't you dare to deny it.
Opeth’s best lyric also lies in this song…I don't want Opeth to be "fun", I WANT SORROW!!!!!!
The Baying Of The Hounds