Man-Thing reference!
I'm a bit confused by the timeline. Only a few days have passed since the Triskelion battle, and since then Hill already works for Stark, had a Congress meeting and talks to Pepper like they're friends?
So May knows about the blue alien? I don't remember Coulson telling anyone but Skye (right?). But then again I have really bad memory for stuff like that.
Fitz really hates Trip lol
Skye officially rules. Most of the time, we were told how she's so awesome and smart and now she's finally showing it. Genius way to leave a message for the team! And also a brilliant idea for the coordinates!
I hate that bastard Ward. Smugfaced motherfucker. How the hell did he notice she has a gun? Such awkward scenes between the two of them. I think Ward's genuinely afraid of something bad happening to
him if he doesn't finish the job.
I didn't expect such an angry reaction from Fitz. Don't know if it's anger because things won't stay the same (Ward won't come back, Trip's staying) or because of Ward's betrayal. Probably both.
Also, for a moment I thought they'll think that May killed Koenig. Phew.
"I should have knocked on wood just then" LOL
Ward doesn't even look at Skye's computer screen. There must be a way to contact the base with the laptop. Grrrrr.
"I wish this bunker had a bunker" LOL
"If I come out will you shoot me? Cause then I won't come out"

Based on what she said at the beginning, I was convinced May dug out Nick Fury's casket. But LOL, when Fury said he buried the intel when he buried Coulson, he wasn't speaking in metaphors, brilliant!
Hill screwed everything up by bringing Talbot... I don't understand why she did it. I mean, yeah, she needed to reveal some intel to remain free, but still... Why'd she do this to Coulson? Also, Talbot only came with 4 soldeirs, stupid idiot.
Skye hit a nerve with Ward there... and WOO-HOO YOU'RE BUSTED WARD!!!!!
"Garrett says you have 5 minutes" So he's obviously giving him orders through the eye thing.
Tough Skye, Ward taught her well

That scene between them is awesome, great acting by both of them.
Oh come on Skye! I thought you were smarter than that. Uggggghhhhhhhhhh. Ward killed all those people in cold blood and now you took pity on him. COME ON!
Coulson to the rescue!!!!! HELL YEAH!
Why didn't they send Trip though? He's younger and stronger than Coulson. Though Coulson's smarter. Hmmmmm.
Lola to the rescue! Fuck yeah, finally they're using it again

OK, CGI's bad, but it's a TV show not a big budget movie. So it doesn't matter to me.
So the bus is gone? Good. I didn't expect them to use it forever. Will be interesting to see how they'll operate from now on.
Poor Coulson

Everyone thinks he's dead, his life's work's gone...
Whaaaaat. So... he basically did this to himself?