The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 82-87

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Angra's song is interesting as always, but Riding The Storm is one of my favorite songs of Running Wild. Those speed metal riffs, melodies and chorus! I enjoy them a lot.
I'm not a fan of both songs, but Lacuna Coil's one sounds nice.
Sabaton's song is good as always, but my nominee, Stratovarius Babylon is just so epic. It could be a Maiden song. I love everything about the song- riffs, tempo, drumming, vocals, chorus, acoustic parts and especially the solos(!).
This Anthrax song is actually really good, the riffs are great, so it wins for me.
The solo of UFO's Lights Out wins it for me, definitely. And I like the song more.
Crossfire very much is my thing, but Venom has been with me for longer. I also saw Venom Inc. two weeks ago with Satan and they killed!!!
I’ll be honest, I never really got Carnivore and Type O Negative. I’ve tried multiple times to get into them, just never been my thing.
Atomic War is very silly. ATOMIC WARx infinity! I despise Venom’s production, but at least it’s kinda catchy.

Angra is incredibly unique and interesting, but the sections are taped together poorly and the vocals lame. Running Wild have the more complete package, despite being a bit more stock. Is that Paul Di’Anno?

Type O Negative do too much and for too long, start to lose me around the bird sanctuary part, but bring it home in the end. Lacuna Coil aren’t doing enough and once again decided to let the guy sing, so they lose here.

Stratovarius vs Sabaton is a really well paired match in terms of song similarities. Both are also great songs. I really enjoy the eastern tonalities in Babylon and it’s the perfect kind of plodding. I’d listen to this album! But I’m partial to Sabaton and the melodies in En Livstid I Krig are regal and sublime.

Magic Dragon is decent thrash but it has zero hooks. I think Spreading the Disease is Joey Belladonna’s single best and most enjoyable recording with Anthrax (even if Persistence of Time is more consistent). He’s singing a lot more in his own style on this album (think Journey) and this song is a perfect showcase for that (especially the intro). After this, Belladonna sounds like a mush-mouthed fool on half of Anthrax’s material, but this album rules. Armed and Dangerous isn’t a top tier Anthrax song, but it’s catchy and fun and has some cool sections. The vaguely Iron Maiden riff after the second chorus is rad.

Mean Street has a cool intro and more metallic instrumental than usual from Van Halen, but I just cannot take Fuq Boi Roth seriously singing about “being from the mean streets.” If it weren’t him singing on this it might get my vote. Lights Out rocks so hard from start to finish and has always been a classic. Wastes no time, gallops like a full cavalry, has a catchy turn into major for the chorus and a good solo. UFO all the way.
"Atomic War" was an incredibly fun listen - the energy of Motörhead and a singer that kinda sounded like Eric Adams turned out to be a great combo. The Venom track was quite bad. Crossfire.

I liked a few bits in "Carolina IV", but it felt more like a bunch of ideas thrown together than an actual song. Decent, but without even going into own-nominee-bias, nothing convinced me I should vote for Angra over Running Wild. "Riding the Storm" is just a flawless speed/power metal masterpiece. No synthesizers or ulterior motives! Running Wild.

Neither of the songs in the third match did much for me. Lacuna Coil was catchier, but I suppose the Type O Negative track had more going for it, so I'm gonna shrug and vote for that (thus maybe avoiding the wrath of Diesel). Type O Negative.

Carolus Rex is a wonderful album, but even as a Dane, I much prefer the English version to the Swedish. "En Livstid i Krig" has great melodies and an epic chorus, but I was really drawn to "Babylon". I haven't given Stratovarius much of a chance before, but I can't help but love those Middle Eastern melodies. A few other songs from Carolus Rex would easily have won this, but here I'm gonna vote Stratovarius.

I enjoyed "Magic Dragon" while it played, but have a hard time recalling any specific parts from it afterwards. "Armed and Dangerous" wasn't amazing, but definitely more memorable, so Anthrax gets my vote.

And in the final round, UFO wins quite easily. "Lights Out" was really good (though I'm not a huge fan of the chorus), while "Mean Streets", aside from the intro, isn't what I would call top-tier Van Halen. UFO.
but I suppose the Type O Negative track had more going for it, so I'm gonna shrug and vote for that (thus maybe avoiding the wrath of Diesel).
Never! If those soft, melodic vocals that float around the chorus don't do anything for you, then all hope is lost. :ninja:
Couldn't vote against a legendary Venom track. Tough luck for my nominee indeed.
Have no fear, Magnus, Diesel is stepping in in spirit to cast your nominee a second vote. I can't say that Crossfire was quite my thing, at first it felt like a thrashier version of "Ace of Spades", but it had enough of an identity and a solid solo that made the six minutes warranted enough I think. And "In League With Satan" is a lot more plodding and doesn't go anywhere.

Running Wild was consistent, rocking power metal, but they are completely outclassed in every way by Angra. This is the best song I've heard yet from the Brazilians; lots of different sections and all of them are actually really good. I loved the intro, I love the vocal layers, I love the little Dream Theater flourishes in the instrumental. For a 10 minute track it's really strong. Very much impressed!

The thing about "Christian Woman" is that there are two ways to listen to this song. There's the full nine-minute album version with three different sections, and then there's the four-minute radio edit that only features Part I. Honestly this was a track I nominated solely because of the radio edit. The first part is what makes the song, right? I mean I think that "Jesus Christ looks like me" is funny, but it doesn't really add anything, right? Turns out even after nominating a fucking track I can still realize that I like it more than I thought I did. I had a whole rediscovery of the song as I listened to it today, and I think that the whole nine-minute version is truly the best way to listen to it.

In fairness, the first part ("Body of Christ (Corpus Christi)") will always be what makes this song so iconic. I mean, the spoken word intro before those beautifully dark and emotive synths create a swell around Peter Steele's deep, sensual voice is just so good. Some of his inflections aren't really my thing, but he really had a one-of-a-kind voice. As soon as the flowing, distorted guitar enters the scene, we also get some awesome whispery vocals that basically create the chorus. I love the lyrics too, they're so devilishly evocative with some great underlying humor. Favorite line is probably, "For her sins, she'll burn in Hell - her soul done 'medium well'." And then when he sings "Corpus Christi" in that deep, strong fry voice (with "SHE NEEEEEEDS" in a squealing higher range) it really takes things to that next level. I usually am inspired more by high notes than low ones, but the smoothness of that delivery in such a low voice is genuinely awesome.

Then you've got the second part, "To Love God", which is a very silly intermission with soft guitars and chirping birds where Steele basically spells everything out if you were blind to the obvious metaphors before. It really builds up and I love the guitar solo that we dive into towards the end. Part 3 wraps things up in great succession. I think that what bothered me before was how we don't return back to the gothic beauty of the first part, but honestly the pure rock'n'roll nature of "J.C. Looks Like Me" is really good. It's a fun little twist to end the song on.

Now, Lacuna Coil's track was actually really strong too and I really enjoyed it, but this is a no brainer for Type O Negative. When I submitted my 25 songs I stuck to one song per band, and some of my submissions were of songs I that may not be my favorite per se, but ones that I like and that IMO are important to metal as a whole and I wanted to make sure they were included. This song was one of them. I may have nominated it solely based on the radio edit, but leave it to this game to actually get me to re-evaluate my own damn submission.

"En Livstid i Krig" is Sabaton's attempt at a kumbaya moment, using the 30 Years' War to highlight the destruction of mankind's conflicts. It's actually a really powerful ballad for them. Now, Carolus Rex has three big ballads and I think that "The Carolean's Prayer" is not just the best of them but also probably a Top 5 Sabaton song. I really slept on that song for years because it comes right before the incredibly power and anthemic title track, which is also one of their best, but the way the track is balanced, especially with the Lord's Prayer sung by a choir in Swedish, is so fucking good. "A Lifetime of War" doesn't quite hit those heights, but that chorus is incredibly huge. I like both the Swedish and English versions of this album, but in this song I have to say that "Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem" hits a lot harder than "Religion and greed caused millions to bleed". And both "Carolean" and "Lifetime" are better than "Long Live the King", at which point the album has tried to same trick way too much and completely misses the mark. Anyway, I gotta go with Sabaton here. "Babylon" was interesting but it just did not hit the way I think the band wanted it to hit. Way too plodding IMO.

I've never really gotten into Sodom, Agent Orange steals the Ride the Lightning guitar sound and then dumps B-list vocals on top of it. I don't hate it but it doesn't do much for me. I enjoyed "Magic Dragon" once it got going, though, and it's definitely a lot better than Anthrax's overlong ballad attempt.

"Mean Streets" is such a boring Van Halen song and David Lee Roth is completely insufferable throughout it. "Lights Out" is legitimately good and that chorus always gets stuck in my head. When it comes to transportation, I guess I prefer a UFO to a Van.
"Atomic War" has simplistic energy and sounds like a more metallic Motörhead with a C-list wailer, but it's got some basic charm to it. That solo really doesn't seem to know where it's going, but it's more coherent than a typical Janick solo, so that's something. Unfortunately, the song wore out its welcome around the 4-minute mark, but I didn't actively dislike it or anything. "In League With Satan" is pretty simplistic all around, with an OK verse groove and pre-chorus, but not much going on in the chorus. The hyper-echoey vocals are over the top, but the humpback whale guitar solos were kind of interesting. Hmm, not keen on either track, and I could probably go either way on this, but @Magnus's nominee had a little more verve than the list nominee. Winner: Crossfire - "Atomic War"

"Carolina IV" has some cool native Brazilian sounds and grooves in it. Andre Matos's vocals have a wimpy feel to them that underpowers some otherwise strong sections of the song, and the synths are pretty twee in places; but there's a lot to like here, with all the memorable melodies and complex song structure, not to mention that absolutely gorgeous piano and cello break in the middle. "Riding The Storm" has a great layered guitar intro and a pretty good main riff with some interesting harmonized trilling in places. The vocal melodies are nice here, with a little sea shanty feel in some parts. Great solo, too. The Running Wild song rocks harder and is more consistent, but the Angra song has a lot more depth and breadth, even though it's more uneven. I like both songs, and I'd be OK with either one moving on, but sorry @Confeos, I'm going to go with @Black Bart's nominee here, since I liked it enough to nominate it for the Crusade Of Epics a while back. Winner: Angra - "Carolina IV"

"Christian Woman" manages to marry glumness with ethereal lightness in a pretty appealing way. Not a fan of the super-super-low vocals in the, uh, chorus(?), but most of the vocals are great. The acoustic bridge is nice, too. The final minute and a half feels a bit tacked on, but it's got a nice groove and I'm all for more pipe organ in my metal. "Daylight Dancer" starts off sounding like something from the Battlemorph soundtrack on the old Atari Jaguar, but once it kicks into gear it's got pretty good grooves and vocal lines. It doesn't go a whole lot of places as a song, but it makes a pretty strong impression and doesn't wear out its welcome. I enjoyed both songs for different reasons, but if I'm being honest, I'd probably prefer listening to the list nominee again. Sorry, @Diesel 11. Winner: Lacuna Coil - "Daylight Dancer"

"En Livstid I Krig" is very grand and epic, but whenever I hear Sabaton I just think "B-list Powerwolf without pipe organs". The chorus melody is very nice, and there are some strong melodic guitar leads in a few places, but the rest of the song is hit and miss for me. Still good overall, but not great. "Babylon" is a nice slow burn with tasty middle eastern melodies. The singer's accent is a little awkward, but he's technically strong. The verse and pre-chorus are pretty good, but the chorus just treads water. The acoustic bridge is great, though, as are the guitar and synth trade-off solos. Both songs are good overall, but sorry @Poto, I have to go with @Kalata's nominee here. Winner: Stratovarius - "Babylon"

"Magic Dragon" does some interesting things with harmony in the intro riffage, but never really follows up on it during the rest of the song. The vocals are just speaking in rhythm rather than doing any kind of singing, and there's a little more punk flavor in the music than I'd prefer. The song also feels like it was slapped together like a stream of consciousness rather than something with a meaningful structure, and I started checking the clock by the 4 minute mark. Color me underwhelmed. "Armed And Dangerous" has a nice 12-string acoustic groove at the beginning, but wow, the production sucks ass -- the Sodom track sounds positively professional by comparison. Ugh, I really don't like Joey Belladonna's singing most of the time, either -- he's not as good as he seems to think he is, and his voice doesn't really fit the music. There are some good riffs squeezed in here between a lot of less interesting ones, and I'm not sure this track actually succeeds as a song, but sorry @Magnus, I think I'd still rather listen to the list nominee here if forced to choose. Winner: Anthrax - "Armed And Dangerous"

"Mean Street" has a great intro, a strong main riff, and a pretty good chorus. The interlude and solos are pretty great too, as is the subdued bridge. I don't personally understand all the DLR hate -- he's got a ton of personality and sounds great for what he's trying to do. And while this song doesn't knock my socks off, it's still very good overall. "Lights Out" gets right to it out of the gate with a cool driving groove and a strong vocal line. The chorus is a lot less successful, with a weak melody and some awkward phrasing choices, though the solos are strong. By the 3 minute mark I think all of the musical ideas in this track were fully expended, but it just kept on going. Oh well. If the chorus had maintained the same standards as the rest of the song and some of the fat had been trimmed I would have definitely gone for UFO, but with the songs as they actually are I've got to say I prefer its opponent instead. Winner: Van Halen - "Mean Street"
Crossfire - Atomic War vs. Venom - In League with Satan
I had to google Crossfire as the release date Youtube gave of 2012 made no sense unless it was a complete 80s rip off act. It's a decent enough track, some of the tempo and nuclear fixation of early thrash but still a bit of NWOBHM to it. The outro is a complete rip off of Motorhead's Overkill though. Venom sounds like Crazy Horses by the Osmonds Atomic War

Angra - Carolina IV vs. Running Wild - Riding the Storm

Angra sounds like a Peter Gabriel song for the first two and a half minutes, then Helloween. Running Wild are that rare thing for a euro power metal band in that they have a unique sound, themes and song writing ability, and a bit of edge to the vocals. Riding the Storm is a good track from them, maybe not what I would nominate if I was nominating them (Bad to the Bone) but good nonetheless and an easy win Riding the Storm

Type O Negative - Christian Woman vs. Lacuna Coil - Daylight Dancer

I remember this track being out I think, wonder if it's a Mandela effect thing as can't imagine a 9 minute track on MTV back in the day, maybe an edit? It's ok, not anything I'd listen to by choice but harmless. Ah, I presume this breakdown section in the middle was edited out for the video. This Lacuna Coil track sounds ok too, I think I'll give it the win as it's to the point and arranged better than Type O Negative but both tracks are about on the same level. Daylight Dancer

Sabaton - En Livstid I Krig vs. Stratovarius - Babylon

Sabaton not great. Stratovarius with a slower cover of Gates of Babylon. Babylon

Sodom - Magic Dragon vs. Anthrax - Armed and Dangerous

I only know a couple of Sodom tracks, don't know this one, the tempo change is great but it's up against one of my favourite Anthrax tracks. Armed and Dangerous

Van Halen - Mean Streets vs. UFO - Lights Out

Mean Street is great and off one of the better VH albums but Lights Out is a good bit better. Lights Out
Crossfire - Atomic War vs Venom - In League with Satan, Venom wins but interesting song @Magnus
Angra - Carolina IV vs Running Wild - Riding the Storm, Riding the Storm is the better and more classic. Pretty good tune!
Type O Negative - Christian Woman vs Lacuna Coil - Daylight Dancer, I always liked Type O, and though Lacuna Coil is superb, Christian Woman wins on points (cover, title, voice)
Sabaton - En Livstid I Krig vs Stratovarius - Babylon, both superb songs thanks for the discovery @Poto @Kalata I'll go for Stratovarius.
Sodom - Magic Dragon vs Anthrax - Armed and Dangerous, I was prepared to vote Magic Dragon politically due to Magnus nobility to vote against his own candidate above, but once I listened both I can't do that. I must vote as per my taste. I mean what a solo amongst others. Magnus would want that.
Van Halen - Mean Streets vs UFO - Lights Out, two giants of songs. Mean Streets has a mean attitude that I love but Lights Out has this galloping riff and killer melody.
As for the first match, not only the Anything But Venom maxim still counts - shittier Motorhead, but now with 100% more SATAN is not exactly my idea of a great time - but even beside that, the speed metal of Crossfire is actually quite captivating, at times it reminds me of Toxic Holocaust, but with a more melodic vocalist - who sounds quite untrivial, IMHO, I like him a lot.
So sorry, @Magnus , but I'm definitely voting for your nominee. Crossfire it is.


So, I like pirate metal - being a huge fan of Alestorm - and everything seafaring, though I like it more when it's connected with folk metal elements and, you know, actual shanties and fo'c'sle songs and such. But whatever, Running Wild are solid, enjoyable, sometimes sounding like an Accept clone, but that's fine, who doesn't? I'm gonna have to give Death or Glory another listen, this is fun indeed.

However, it stands against Carolina IV, not only a song from one of the best power metal albums ever, but an actual centerpiece of the album. Not just because of its length and scope, but because the syncretic half-folk and half-power metal approach the band obviously intended (and which is the thematic basis of the album) is present here in its most developed form (I think that the title track might be even better, but that one is definitely missing some of the actual power metal) and although the individual parts are quite easy to differentiate and separate, the whole is quite seamless in its execution. The way the track switches between the indigenous prancing in the beginning, the fast power metal parts, the classical-influenced interludes and semi-fanfares and still doesn't sound like mess, it's truly a wonder to behold.

What the fuck, it's losing? This shouldn't have been a contest at all. You people are not normal. ANGRA, for fuck's sakes.


Anyway, after Turilli twice losing to a low-tier Nightwish track and now this, I'm too disappointed and depressed to write up the rest right now.
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Atomic War vs. In League with Satan - I didn't expect this first song to be that good, although it's a bit too long. I'd check out the album if the vocals were better, or preferably, growled. As for Venom, I understand that they were hugely influential, but this song was super shit.

Carolina IV vs. Riding the Storm - These two songs are relatively close in quality. I went with Angra as their vocalist was way better.

Christian Woman vs. Daylight Dancer - TON is a great band. Did not like the Lacuna Coil song at all.

En Livstid I Krig vs. Babylon - I prefer the English version but that Sabaton song is easily the best song in this round. As for Strato, bizarre choice of a song for this game... Probably ain't even in their Top 50 if you ask me.

Magic Dragon vs. Armed and Dangerous - Didn't like either of these songs, but Sodom's vocals were truly awful.

Mean Streets vs. Lights Out - I mean, Van Halen aren't metal so should have no business in this game, but also, this song is a bizarre choice. Not really into UFO, but their song is better.
I remember this track being out I think, wonder if it's a Mandela effect thing as can't imagine a 9 minute track on MTV back in the day, maybe an edit? It's ok, not anything I'd listen to by choice but harmless. Ah, I presume this breakdown section in the middle was edited out for the video.
Yeah like I mentioned in my post, the radio edit of the song is literally just Part I, which is the first four-and-a-half minutes, and that’s what the music video used. Interestingly enough, there was a previous video filmed for the whole song that you can find on YouTube that eventually got released on a video album. A much more low-budget affair and incredibly campy.
I fucking forgot to vote yesterday. Thank god I caught it before I went to work.

Anyway, after Turilli twice losing to a low-tier Nightwish track and now this, I'm too disappointed and depressed to write up the rest right now.
It’s winning with one point now! Come back so you can tell me about how you won’t vote for Type O Negative. :p

EDIT: Never mind, you not only already voted but you voted for “Christian Woman”, forget I made this joke lol.
"En Livstid I Krig" is very grand and epic, but whenever I hear Sabaton I just think "B-list Powerwolf without pipe organs".

Thats hilarious because whenever I hear Powerwolf I think “B-list Sabaton with pipe organs.”

Ugh, I really don't like Joey Belladonna's singing most of the time, either -- he's not as good as he seems to think he is, and his voice doesn't really fit the music.

Nail. Head. :clap:
I fucking forgot to vote yesterday. Thank god I caught it before I went to work.

It’s winning with one point now! Come back so you can tell me about how you won’t vote for Type O Negative. :p

EDIT: Never mind, you not only already voted but you voted for “Christian Woman”, forget I made this joke lol.

I do find the lyrics to Christian Woman and its petty blasphemy offensive and repulsive (makes one wonder what Steele himself, who converted back to Catholicism in his final years made of it, especially since he was more or less required to play it live, with it being their greatest hit)...

...but it's still the much better song of the two, I can't deny that. I was merely being fair.