The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 82-87

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Yes, actually.
@MrKnickerbocker's credibility:
"Psychosocial" vs. "Seasons In The Abyss": Though I'm not a fan of either song, a predictably bad Slipknot track vs. one of Slayer's better offerings makes this an easy call for Clafeno5 Stardart's nominee. Winner: Slayer - "Seasons In The Abyss"

"Gypsy" vs. "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love": The Uriah Heep track has a few high points, but it's overlong and messy, and it's up against an absolutely killer VH track here. Fuck the mindless haters, this is the absolute easiest of calls for my own nominee. Winner: Van Halen - "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love"

"Grinder" vs. "Seek And Destroy": An OK-to-good Priest track vs. a very good Metallica track doesn't make for much of a contest. A straightforward call for @____no5's nominee here. Winner: Metallica - "Seek And Destroy"

"Washington Is Next!" vs. "Killing In The Name": A pretty strong Megadeth track vs. a predictably simplistic and one-dimensional RATM track? Sorry, @KiDDo, but in the battle of the metal children's nominees, @KidInTheDark666's comes out on top. Winner: Megadeth - "Washington Is Next!"

"Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)" vs. "The Last In Line": Not a fan of either song, but the Blind Guardian track's melodies are more questionable and the songwriting is more of a mess than this largely tepid Dio track. Sorry, @KidInTheDark666, but I have to go with @LooseCannon's nominee here. Winner: Dio - "The Last In Line"

"Breaking All Illusions" vs. "Queen Of The Reich": I actually like both of these songs, but ultimately the Dream Theater track is just very good, while the Queensrÿche track is great. Sorry, @Wogmidget, but I'm feeling the list nominee more in this match-up. Winner: Queensrÿche - "Queen Of The Reich"
Not a huge Slayer fan, but Seasons in the Abyss wins over pretty much anything by Slipknot - despite their tendency to also pick some really good drummers, like Jordison or Casagrande.

Gypsy has a great riff and honestly I loved the song and the entire first album when I heard it in secondary school, but the lyrics are particularly clunky here (and very prominent) and the song is a tad overlong; have voted for Van Halen, despite me not liking them much (Eddie's - often underutilised - guitarwork aside, they're just such a mid and bland band, usually) solely for
Ain't Talkin' has hands down the best beginning to a song ever recorded. Better than Expresso Love, better than A Change of Seasons, better Into the Void.
Search your heart, Anakin, you know it's true.
(though honestly, if we could re-think and change our votes, I might do that here)

Seek and Destroy - again, overplayed and overrated, I don't like the KEA album all that much, but next to "GRIIIIINDEEEEEER! LOOOOOKIN' FEH MEEEEEEEEEEAT!!!" I like it enough.

It's a pity that one of the few RATM tracks that I find rather enjoyable has been overplayed to death, and I would find it so even if it was not in San Andreas. I just don't vibe with the LA crowd, what can I say. I think I've outgrown the entire "rap-metal/rock" vibe even back then when I was listening to RHCHP, who - for all their infamy - actually were trying to make the music interesting, melodious and overall more multifaceted than these blokes (I still think By the Way might be among the best albums in the mainstream music in the 00s, so there). And no, it's not about them being political either - though I somewhat dislike when you turn your art into a newspaper journal - I am a huge SOAD fan and I never had problem with their political outspokennes, even when it was turning towards the puerile ("They're tryna build a prison // They're tryna build a prison // For you and me to live in // Another prison system // Another prison system ..."). It's just ... RATM are so fucking pedestrian, and like I said, Killing in the Name of does slap, but with how overplayed it is it lost its charm for me many years ago.
True, I find Mustaine's political and other convictions much less palatable and yeah, he's been turning stale lately, but in general, he was always trying to make his music at least somewhat interesting - possibly even the most out of the Big 4, along with Metallica.

And here I was thinking Blind Guardian against Dio would be a futile battle, given the general Dio bias around here, but you lot have surprised me and I'm thankful for that. I... am... grate...ful grape...fruit.
One of my favourite ballads, in fact.

Breaking All Illusions might not be as immediately memorable and energised as some of the earlier DT work, but it is still very close to most of what I like about music, metal music and prog metal music. Queensrÿche ... are not.

Yeah, no, Van Halen are just Eagles where Joe Walsh learned tapping. I still don't get how a band so melodically uninspired could have gotten so big. Like, it's okay, definitely not offensive, as a background music it's quite fine and pleasant, and they have managed to write a memorable hit or two (Dance the Night Away, Jump) and a few of their songs even really slap (Hot for Teacher), but these little gems are dispersed in their entire discography and the overall quality ratio is quite low. Again, like the Eagles. And I even kinda like the Eagles, but still.
Like, it's okay, definitely not offensive, as a background music it's quite fine and pleasant, and they have managed to write a memorable hit or two (Dance the Night Away, Jump) and a few of their songs even really slap (Hot for Teacher)
…and this is why your point of view is credible, while “NEVAAR VAN WHOREBAGZ, EVERYTHING THEY TOUCHED WAS UNMITIGATED DOGSHITE” is not.
Fuck the mindless haters
I shall wear this as a badge of honor.

…and this is why your point of view is credible, while “NEVAAR VAN WHOREBAGZ, EVERYTHING THEY TOUCHED WAS UNMITIGATED DOGSHITE” is not.
Nah, just the stuff DLR touched. The Hagar stuff was at least listenable, if also lame.

Also, for the record, and to continue my toilet high dive excellence, I’d take The Eagles a million times over a single DLR tune.
…and this is why your point of view is credible, while “NEVAAR VAN WHOREBAGZ, EVERYTHING THEY TOUCHED WAS UNMITIGATED DOGSHITE” is not.

Okay, fair point, though what's a little hyperbole, Mr. "I literally vomit from harsh vocals" Dustman? :D

I’d take The Eagles a million times over a single DLR tune.


Just kidding, it wasn't that long ago that country music was possibly my most listened-to genre, by certain metrics at least.
Seasons In The Abyss is classic thrash. And it's the only song of theirs that I can listen to.
Quality music and melodic vibe by Heep, but I like Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love better. Guitar playing, more catchy.
Priest's Grinder is nice with the groove, but Seek & Destroy wins with its riffs and instrumental section.
Washington Is Next, easy.
Noldor has to be one of the coolest BG songs, it creates a vibe (especially with chorus and melody), but The Last In Line is just perfect, not to mention the vocals.
I like Queen Of The Reich much much better. Tempo, catchiness, length, instrumental melody and solo (Maiden vibe)... classic old school metal.
Slayer. Easy, not even a contest.

Van Halen. "Gypsy" is cool, but not Uriah Heep's best. The intro to "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" is amazing.

Priest. Probably more of a pity vote than anything else; I count neither song amongst my favourites from the respective bands.

Megadeth. Easy, once again no contest.

Dio. Tough choice though, both tunes are so good.

Dream Theater. Gotta admit, "Breaking All Illusions" was much better than I remembered it, with some great, almost retro proggy moments. "Queen of the Reich" is merely good.
Slayer condemns Slipknot to multiple seasons in the abyss. Van Halen ain't talkin' about losin' to Uriah Heep. Hey, if Metallica wants to seek and destroy on Grindr that's their business! Some of those who work forces get killed at Jan 6, but Megadeth is okay is with that. Dio almost loses to Blind Guardian but they get the last vote in line. The illusions have been broken by Queensrÿche.

Part II, Round 3, Matches 103-108

Group Stage - Round 3
Match 103​
Bob Sawyer Division​
Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio
Black Sabbath - War Pigs​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Radio EHS 100, Rate Your Music 100, Best Music Art 100
0-1-0, 0 pts, -6
1-0-0, 2 pts, +20​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 3
Match 104​
Piece of Mind Division​
Tool - Schism
Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction​
Radio EHS 100
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, Best Music Art 100​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -12
1-0-0, 2 pts, +6​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 3
Match 105​
Coming Home Division​
Symphony X - Accolade II
White Zombie - Thunder KISS '65​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, VH1 40​
1-0-0, 2 pts, +4
1-0-0, 2 pts, +2​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 3
Match 106​
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns Division​
Dream Theater - The Glass Prison
Death - Crystal Mountain​
DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
@Confeos, @Diesel 11, @KiDDo
1-0-0, 2 pts, +8
1-0-0, 2 pts, +10​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 3
Match 107​
Live Chapter Division​
Scorpions - Dynamite
System of a Down - Chop Suey​
Best Music Art 100
Rolling Stone 100, Radio EHS 100, Youtube 50, Best Music Art 100
1-0-0, 2 pts, +14
1-0-0, 2 pts, +1​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 3
Match 108​
Infinite Dreams Division​
My Dying Bride - The Crown of Sympathy
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, Best Music Art 100​
1-0-0, 2 pts, +10
0-1-0, 0 pts, -14​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
War Pigs is an overrated song, sure, but then again, it's classic-era Sabath, I can pardon it being a tad plodding as well as Butler for rhyming masses with Masses as long as he's the base demigod he is. Already said my opinion on RATM in the previous round.

Not the biggest Tool fan, but still, I feel like they deserve to win against this song in particular - I like the CtE album, but Symphony is just way too simplistic. It more or less doesn't even have a chorus. It's just the riff (a great one, but still).

I don't know if it's a risky opinion among the fandom, but I like Accolade II even more than the original. Absolutely stellar, one of the general Symph X highlights. White Zombie've gotten the raw deal here.

THE GLASS PRISON! I like Crystal Mountain, but if nothing else, TGP has one of the grooviest, most amazing intros to a song ever. The riffing, the rhythm section, it's just so... juicy.

Chop Suey isn't my favourite SOAD track and I feel like it's been overplayed and overrated by the general public, but as it still has many of the things I like about the band and considering how underappreciated they seem to be around here, my vote goes to SOAD, definitely. Now, if the Scorpions song was from the Uli era, well...

I would vote for My Dying Bride even if it wasn't a member's nomination vs. list or if it wasn't nominated by @Magnus (who has already betrayed me several times in this game, so I can only return the courtesy, if the occasion demands it :p ) Anyway, I give Cannibal Corpse a spin rather often, but again, Hammer-Smashed Face is overplayed and overrated, I don't even know why (is it because of Ace Ventura? I think it's because of Ace Ventura).
War Pigs, Symphony Of Destruction, Dynamite... all great ...

I like Accolade II a lot. Such an effective and atmospheric song with cool parts. The style is interesting to me (fusion of power/progg metal, neoclassical metal and Nightwish!), the band is class.
1) Black Sabbath, because "War Pigs" is a classic of heavy/doom metal. Rage Against The Machine is a commercial big shit. Plus Tom Morello cannot play guitar correctly, while Tony Iommi can.

2) Megadeth, just because I don't like Tool. Tool is a band that is doing the same thing album after album, while Megadeth is more creative. And "Symphony Of Destruction" is one of the best songs written by Dave Mustach.

3) Symphony X, because even if I'm not a fan of this band, its music is better than the noise of White Zombie.

4) Dream Theater is one of my alltime favorite bands in prog' metal. That's why it's my choice this time, since I can't stand death metal anymore, except some very melodic bands like In Flames, Dark Tranquillity or Arch Enemy. Plus, "The Glass Prison" is a nice track.

5) Scorpions as this is, with Iron Maiden and Accept, one the bands that got me into heavy metal. "Dynamite" is on 'Blackout', the third best record after 'Crazy World' and 'Love At First Sting'. So, it's not difficult for me to choose this one, System Of A Down not being my cup of tea (is it really music ?).

6) My Dying Bride. Once again, I'm not a fan of death metal, especially the brutal one. Cannibal Corpse has disgusting covers and lyrics. Whereas My Dying Bride is more into poetry and delicacy, despite the dark and even morbid themes of the songs. But, it's more listenable. Added to the fact that "The Crown Of Sympathy" is a great track.
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"Guerrilla Radio" vs. "War Pigs": When you've heard one RATM track you've pretty much heard them all, and what they're offering isn't on the same level as an uneven but generally pretty good Sabbath track. Sorry, @Spambot, but @Confeos's nominee takes this one. Winner: Black Sabbath - "War Pigs"

"Schism" vs. "Symphony Of Destruction": The Tool track has some interesting rhythmic play, but is otherwise pretty monotonous. The Megadeth track is dumbed down, but pretty good for what it is, and in this case that's enough to pull out a victory. Winner: Megadeth - "Symphony Of Destruction"

"Accolade II" vs. "Thunder Kiss '65": HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Symphony X. I would literally rather have any song from the single-elimination rounds in here instead of this ironic Beavis & Butthead dreck, and it's up against an excellent competitor. Congratulations, @Confeos. Winner: Symphony X - "Accolade II"

"The Glass Prison" vs. "Crystal Mountain": This one's pretty close, as the Dream Theater track has some very nice instrumental sections, but LaBrie's tough guy act is a giant fail. The Death track also has great instrumental work with predictably bad vocals. I could probably go either way here, but sorry @Mosh, I think I'm feeling Konfieosel3.33's nominee a little more today. Winner: Death - "Crystal Mountain"

"Dynamite" vs. "Chop Suey": The Scorpions track is pretty good with a great verse, but the other sections fall apart to varying degrees. The SOAD track is great when it's acoustic and doing pretty vocal harmonies, but the vast majority of it is shouty garbage instead. Sorry, @KiDDo, but I think the list nominee is preferable here. Winner: Scorpions - "Dynamite"

"The Crown of Sympathy" vs. "Hammer Smashed Face": The My Dying Bride track runs on too long, but it has a number of nice passages, and the vocals aren't as bad as one might expect. The Cannibal Corpse track is straight-up hot garbage, though, so @Magnus's nominee takes this in a walk. Winner: My Dying Bride - "The Crown Of Sympathy"
Thunder Kiss ‘65 is definitely underrated on here. I don’t even like groove metal but even I can’t deny its power.
1. Sabbath because it’s not leftist rap metal.
2. Both are the most overplayed songs by each band, but I gotta give the edge to Schism.
4. Dream Theater. I just don’t get this obsession with Death that everyone seems to have.
5. Scorpions. I dislike 97% of SOAD’s stuff.
6. Meh.
I think my only controversial vote is picking SOAD over Scorpions. Scorpions is a band I've always thought of as fine, not a band I ever got out of my seat for in any way. Chop Suey is emblematic of my teenage years and it never fails to get my (admittedly nostalgia-fueled) pulse racing.
I don't know if it's a risky opinion among the fandom, but I like Accolade II even more than the original. Absolutely stellar, one of the general Symph X highlights.
While I still think that nothing in the sequel touches the polyrhythmic part at the end of the original, I do think it is a better composed song overall. It takes everything from the original and adds a darker layer to it, almost as if the song takes place fully at night. Romeo’s solo may also be one of his most emotive, which isn’t a word I typically use to describe his leads. Same goes for the little guitar riff after the quiet bridge; very sorrowful.

I was lucky enough to see them play a medley of both songs live in 2003. Incredible experience.
While I still think that nothing in the sequel touches the polyrhythmic part at the end of the original, I do think it is a better composed song overall. It takes everything from the original and adds a darker layer to it, almost as if the song takes place fully at night. Romeo’s solo may also be one of his most emotive, which isn’t a word I typically use to describe his leads. Same goes for the little guitar riff after the quiet bridge; very sorrowful.

I was lucky enough to see them play a medley of both songs live in 2003. Incredible experience.

I think you expressed perfectly why I prefer the sequel. I mean, singular parts are probably better in the original, but the sombre feel, the increased subtlety, the solo and everything, it feels closer to the heart and feels like a genuinely great development.