The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 82-87

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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but Pull The Plug feels more original and interesting.
It’s also the song that cemented an entire genre. If Possessed birthed death metal and Scream Bloody Gore made it a real genre, it’s “Pull the Plug” that perfected it, one year later. The Death formula may have been overused as they went on but this track was early enough that it still felt fresh. Not just perhaps the single greatest death metal song of all time, but I’d argue that in a list of greatest metal songs it belongs in the Top 10. Glad it’s currently winning (for now at least) because there’s no way that “Gardens of the Sinner” has the historical significance to deserve to beat the most iconic Death song.
Sabbath, off their best album.

Blind Guardian, off their second?/third? best album.

Metallica, because Queen have no business doing anything in any "greatest" cup, let alone "greatest metal song cup"... and again, the best Tullica album

Again, Sabbath, off their third best album (and Celtic Frost sucks walrus' balls, sorry)

Gamma Ray, because power metal bias

Overkill is overrated (and overlong), I'll happily go with NP's nominee.
It’s also the song that cemented an entire genre. If Possessed birthed death metal and Scream Bloody Gore made it a real genre, it’s “Pull the Plug” that perfected it, one year later. The Death formula may have been overused as they went on but this track was early enough that it still felt fresh. Not just perhaps the single greatest death metal song of all time, but I’d argue that in a list of greatest metal songs it belongs in the Top 10. Glad it’s currently winning (for now at least) because there’s no way that “Gardens of the Sinner” has the historical significance to deserve to beat the most iconic Death song.

Historical significance is a nice thing, true, but if we were talking about that, let's just give all the top spots to Ozzy-era Sabbath and 70s Priest (and maybe Achilles and No Quarter by LedZep) and let's call it a day.
Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe vs. Legend - The Wizard's Vengeance
Listened to Wizard's Vengeance again, decent enough, went back and re-read my first impression from earlier in the thread "Never heard of Legend, riff has a bit of an Immigrant Song vibe, bass solo is interesting" and that was pretty much my second impression too. Symptom of the Universe is a big hitter, the first of 4 at least in this round. Great riff, Ozzy screaming blue murder, funky outro, one of Sabbath's best. Symptom of the Universe

Rainbow - Kill the King vs. Blind Guardian - Imaginations From the Other Side

Kill the King is a pretty strong contender for Rainbow's second best track, my first impression of Blind Guardian was "Blind Guardian is okay enough musically, the vocal isn't doing it for me. A lot of the time it doesn't feel like the various instruments are complimenting each other." Second impression was that it was ok enough, better than I had been expecting from memory, but I didn't want to listen to the complete track. Kill the King

Metallica - Creeping Death vs. Queen - Stone Cold Crazy

Let's be honest, Creeping Death is probably going to be hitting the top 10 here, unless it gets an unlucky draw. Stone Cold Crazy is good, but I'm probably voting for Metallica's cover over the original, never mind Creeping Death. Creeping Death

Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave vs. Celtic Frost - Circle of the Tyrants

First impression of Circle of the Tyrants was "Not too familiar with Celtic Frost, I know this songs name alright and thought it would be a track I was familiar with but I'm not, it's not great, or to be fair, I think there may be a decent track there if it was played by better musicians with a better sound, as the riffs are ok and the arrangement is good." Children of the Grave is another that may go really far in the game unless people start voting against it for silly reasons. Children of the Grave

Death - Pull the Plug vs. Gamma Ray - Gardens of the Sinner

Pull the Plug is the one Death track that I'm familiar with, with "why don't you" being an actual hook, and my first impression of Gamma Ray was "This Gamma Ray track isn't as good as either of their two that featured already, it's a bit more power metal by numbers, especially the chorus which has the same melody as pretty much every power metal chorus. I like the change for the solo but the gear change chorus at the end removed any doubt as to whether I was going to vote for Manowar or not", second impression was this was on the harsh side as it's a better track than what I first thought Gardens of the Sinner

Motörhead - Overkill vs. Quasarborn - Ne Mozes Imati Sve

My first impression of Quasarborn was "Quasarborn is reminiscent of later Exodus i.e. modern production on more old school riffs, with a more traditional metal vocalist and some H style guitar melody in the chorus. This is real good." Which stands up a bit on second impression. It's not in the league of Overkill though, with the 2 false endings being some of the best moments of Motorhead's career. Overkill
there’s no way that “Gardens of the Sinner” has the historical significance to deserve to beat the most iconic Death song.

I agree with that, and fully intended to vote for Pull the Plug, but when I listened to both tracks back to back I just wasn't feeling it. The main riff that's the first verse is great, and like I said it had an actual hook, but the rest of the track just wasn't offering much. I probably gave Gardens of the Sinner a break as I was too harsh first time around.
"Symptom Of The Universe" has a simple but good main riff. The verse melody isn't very good, unfortunately. The interlude after the verses is OK, but simple and repetitive. The faster interlude in the middle is better, but the soloing on top of it is largely directionless. The laid back bridge is very nice, with a bit of a Zeppelin feel to it. Oh, apparently that turns into a jam that closes out the song. OK, whatever. Yeah, I don't understand the reverence for this kind of stuff -- it's very simplistic and repetitive aside from the acoustic detour, nothing special really. "The Wizard's Vengeance" has crummy production and cringey lyrics with bad phrasing, but congratulations @Mosh, it's up against a weaker competitor, so it gets to squeak by again. Winner: Legend - "The Wizard's Vengeance"

"Kill The King" has a nice busy harmonized intro and a peppy if unremarkable main riff. Dio sounds good, as expected, but the vocal lines aren't the best. The chorus in particular is repetitive and anemic, though the pre-chorus has a pretty nice build-up to it. The melodic interlude is really good, but the solo underperforms until it gets to the harmonized bits toward the end. The punchy outro is nice. Yeah, this song is OK-to-pretty-good overall, nothing great. "Imaginations From The Other Side" is a mostly great collection of musical parts with a great chorus, and its heavier sections hit harder than its competitor; but all of those cool parts feel assembled in a bit of a patchwork, without a clear songwriting through line. Still, the vocal lines are almost all better, and the chorus absolutely slays the Rainbow song's. Sorry, The Dogmidget (and @MrKnickerbocker), but in this case we need to let the past die. Kill it if we have to. Winner: Blind Guardian - "Imaginations From The Other Side"

"Creeping Death" is epic, crushing, and often stunning. It has a little more repetition than necessary, and Hetfield still sounds a bit raw; but the vocal lines are great, the extended solo is phenomenal, and the "die" bridge is *chef's kiss*. The eastern melodies and soloing toward the end are also great. No wonder I nominated it! "Stone Cold Crazy" has its appeal, but it's not even the best version of the song (which was recorded by its competitor in this match!), and it doesn't stand a chance here. Congratulations, MrJackconferbarter, your nominee takes this one in a walk. Winner: Metallica - "Creeping Death"

"Children Of The Grave" has a simple but appealing riff. The vocal melodies are pretty good. The simple up-and-down thing in the interlude is kinda meh, and the carnival horn thing that follows is sort of a "hmm" moment. The dual solos feel a bit disconnected from each other, but are still OK. The long outro is unnecessary and not very good. So, yeah, more middling dad metal, but it's pretty decent. "Circle Of The Tyrants" has pep, but not much else going for it. The singer is bad, though not as bad as an extreme vocalist. The songwriting is borderline incoherent here, and I don't know WTF they were thinking with the weird pitch-dropped backing vocals that sound terrible. So congratulations, BlindBarter, a weak competitor means that your nominee takes this one. Winner: Black Sabbath - "Children Of The Grave"

"Pull The Plug", the plug is pulled, long live the plug. As expected from Death, the riffs are good-to-great, the song structure is a little unusual, and the vocals really suck. The production is also kind of bad on this one. The solo started off a bit iffy, but pulled it together for the second half. It has its positives, but this isn't something I'd want to actually sit down and listen to. And it's up against "Gardens Of The Sinner", my own nominee, which is a quintessential Gamma Ray roller coaster that takes a little while to get up to speed, but then delivers an excellent chorus and solos along with some nice dynamics toward the end. Congratulations @Jer, you display remarkable taste yet again! Winner: Gamma Ray - "Gardens Of The Sinner"

"Overkill" shares at least 50% of its musical DNA with "Ace Of Spades", but is less compelling. It just picks a groove and sits in it, and the pre-chorus is the only part with any kind of memorable vocal line. The chorus is like a bad Steve Harris repetition nightmare. Pretty dope solos, though. Not a fan of all the fakeout endings. Yeah, this is a great example of something I'd never listen to on purpose, but wouldn't turn off if it were already on. Meanwhile, "Ne Možeš Imati Sve" has some really excellent and unusual thrash riffage along with good vocal melodies and a strong singer. Sorry, Mashbot, but @Night Prowler's nominee had this won within the first 5 seconds if we're being honest here. Winner: Quasarborn - "Ne Možeš Imati Sve"
I love "Symptom of the Universe". Possibly second only to "Megalomania" as the best cut from Sabotage. The shift from relentless, pummeling proto-thrash to the gentle, acoustic outro is so unexpected, yet it works so well. Great stuff. "The Wizard's Vengeance" hasn't grown on me at all since we first heard it, so it's an easy choice. Black Sabbath.

Come on, guys. "Imaginations..." is a very good song, but better than "Kill the King"? No way. It's a near-perfect tune - the only part I find just slightly underbaked is Blackmore's solo, and this is coming from a huge fan of his. I do think the harmonized bit that comes after the solo is so good that it kinda makes up for it, though. I'm shaking my head if it doesn't win - sorry, Blind Guardian. Voting for Rainbow, obviously.

"Creeping Death" is by far my favourite Metallica song. Ride the Lightning was the first album I owned by them, and probably my first thrash album in general, and from day one it has stood out. The riffs are great, the chorus phenomenal, and even the solo is fantastic. I listened to "Stone Cold Crazy" again for fairness, but it just doesn't compete in any way. Metallica.

I'm actually not that big on "Children of the Grave". It's not a bad song at all, but I can name so many other Sabbath tunes that I find flat-out better. Still, it's an iconic piece, and I'm not amazed by "Circle of the Tyrants" either. I can't remember its opposition or if I even voted for it back then, but ultimately, the choice is clear here. Black Sabbath.

There are definitely more than one song from Gamma Ray's overall output that are as good as, or even better, than "Pull the Plug", but "Gardens of the Sinner" isn't one of them. The chorus just never takes off like it should (could). I still prefer later Death to early Death, but "Pull the Plug" just slays, simply put. Going with Death.

And finally, "Overkill" will probably always be my number one Motörhead tune.
It's nice to go back and listen to songs we've already been over and see if they've gotten better or worse with time. I'll go over my old notes and then jot down some new ones.


"Symptom of the Universe" is a pumping track whose only mistake is meandering too much at the end. The riff is killer, Ozzy is killing it, there's some cool guitar bits happening before the acoustic piece, and the tone shift at the end is really interesting. I just wish they brought back the original riff or something at the end to feel circular.

Legend meanwhile craft a really interesting song that's not necessarily my cup of tea but it's an enjoyable listen.
Yep, still an enjoyable song. I really like the camp of it all and the building up to the finale is super fun.

Sabbath is understandably beating Legend so I'll give them the vote.


As soon as that electrifying swirly riff kicks in, Rainbow has my complete attention. "Kill the King" is pretty much perfect, a fantastic, mystic precursor to speed and power metal that's often overlooked in comparison to "Man on the Silver Mountain" and "Stargazer". I think it's better than both. The verses pummel you, the chorus soars and slays at the same time; Dio is great, Blackmore is great, everything about this song is great.

Blind Guardian, however, bring a chorus that has stuck with me for years and I've only heard the damn song one time before today. I find their songs a little hard to follow (the production being so condensed doesn't help), but their good moments are great and this one wins just for that chorus.
I think this song is even better on a relisten. Obviously it's easier to follow Blind Guardian after you've heard their songs more than once, but everything from the kickass intro to the soaring chorus is just amazing. Another near-perfect song.

An equally matched battle between a band that inspired power metal and another that helped perfect it. I'd love for both of these songs to progress, but alas, Rainbow is currently losing so I'll have to toss them a vote. Regardless of who wins I'll be sad after this one.


"Creeping Death" is a perfect Metallica song. It's sinister, it's heavy, it's gripping, it's anthemic, it's vicious, it crushes you and then comes back for more. The intro is amazing, the riff is a banger, the chorus makes you wanna scream along, the solo section actually soars, the bridge is a dominatrix, and the outro brings everything full circle. I've always said that Metallica draw squares where other bands would make circles, but in songs like this it's all so worth it.

Meanwhile, Queen has got to be the most talented band I just cannot get into. I don't like Mercury, and I think May is overwrought... their rhythm section is cool, though. "Stone Cold Crazy" ain't bad, but it's no match for "Heartbreaker".
Yeah, good proto-thrash song but no way it can beat one of the actual greatest thrash songs. Metallica.


As one of the leaders of the MaidenFans Marko Hietala Fanclub (the other being @MrKnickerbocker ), I of course appreciate "Children of the Grave". It's an awesome, dark Sabbath tune with a sinister intro that builds into a sinister riff. Lots of clanging from the percussion that I find really unique to this track as well. Great song.

"Circle of the Tyrants" is an undeniable classic in the evolution of black metal and I like part where it slows down, but ultimately it's just never grabbed me.
I don't think that it's my favorite song or anything but it's grown on me a bit since I wrote this. Really grooving with that riffage today.

I'm ultimately gonna go with Celtic Frost, but only because they're losing.


What can you say about "Pull the Plug"? It's the quintessential death metal song. It has more great riffs in one song than some bands have in their whole discography. The production is visceral and big and punches so hard. The performances are amazing, I love the solos. And the fact that it's even catchy as well - how can I not sing along to "There is no hope - WHY DON'T YOU .......... PULL THE PLUG!!" It's so good.

"Gardens of the Sinner" has its charms, it's pretty stock power metal with a cool interlude...
I think this one has gotten better coming back to it. It's pretty intense and even when it's right within the power metal playbook it's pretty cool. The chorus gets better at the end while still being a bit stock. I think the interlude is attached in a clunky fashion but some of the high notes are cool. Not a bad power metal song by any means. The thing that struck me the most was that they actually ripped off the "Children of the Grave" riff in this song lol.

Still no contest. Death.


I've always thought that "Overkill" has a great intro but is kinda empty for the rest of the track. I still think that, although the lengthy ending with the two fake-outs is actually pretty cool too. The verses and chorus are just... whatever.

And now for two songs I really don't care about. On the one hand, Serbian anime thrash. It's too happy sounding for me.
Yeah I'm still hearing anime intro shit in the chorus. It's a good song, it pummels you hard. It's just not something I'd care to come back to too much.

Don't really have a stake in this final match, but I think Motorhead are stronger overall.
My dislike of Ozzy’s drug-addled character and obnoxious voice are well documented, but Sabbath have the far stronger track here.

Blind Guardian’s song is very strong here, but it suffers from a disturbing lack of Dio. Rainbow.

Creeping Death is a Metallica classic. I love Queen, but this is no contest. Even Metallica’s version of this particular Queen track is stronger than the original.

Sabbath, of course. Celtic Frost doesn’t interest me.

Both of these tunes have solid music but vocals that I don’t care for, so it’s all about those sick Death riffs.

This Quasarborn song is intense and kinda cool, with some neat dissonance and harmonic minor stuff going on. Can’t say the vocals are my thing, though. Meanwhile, every Motorhead song I’ve heard sounds exactly the same: a wall of sound with zero dynamics and Lemmy straining to hit everything. One of the most overrated bands I’ve ever heard. Easy vote for the far more interesting Quasarborn. (I listen to these on YouTube, and the Quasarborn song that started playing after this one – Urobor – had even better riffage.)

Best Song of the Entire Round: Creeping Death
There’s been a couple Rainbow songs I’ve been struck by, but I’ve never been particularly struck by Kill the King. It’s ok I guess. Also I agree that if this was Obituary’s Circle of the Tyrants I would’ve had an exceptionally easy time voting for it. In this case though I am still voting for it. Also throwing a bone to Legend, I like that particular Black Sabbath song but never been in love with it like I am Hand of Doom or Under the Sun
Black Sabbath's symptom is winning over Legend. Blind Guardian killed the king using their imagination! Spooky. Queen went stone cold crazy when confronted with Metallica's creeping death. Children of the grave break the tyrants' circle as Black Sabbath wins their matchup. Death pulls the plug on Gamma Ray. And Motörhead overkills Quasarborn.

Part II, Round 1, Matches 7-12

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 7
Running Free Division​
Judas Priest - Electric Eye
Thorns - World Playground Deceit​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 8
Ed Hunter Division​
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Metallica - Whiplash​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, VH1 40, Best Music Art 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 9
Paul Todd Division​
KISS - Detroit Rock City
Anthrax - Indians​
Popoff 500, Radio EHS 100, VH1 40
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 10
Powerslave Division​
Black Sabbath - Neon Knights
Iced Earth - The Coming Curse​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 11
Out of the Silent Planet Division​
Dio - Holy Diver
Linkin Park - Faint​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Radio EHS 100, Rate Your Music 100
@Spambot, @LooseCannon, @Poto
Youtube 50​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 12
The Edge of Darkness Division​
Suicidal Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down
Judas Priest - Rapid Fire​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, Radio EHS 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
Electric Eye has been one of my absoluteliest favouritest JP song, ever, since I first heard it back in the 80s. Voting Thorns, obviously.
Fuck Pantera, wheneva.
No matter how much I hate Holy Diver, and that's mucho mucho much mind you, no way I'm voting for the Park.
JP of course.