The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Bleak has come back from being down 6-10 to tie it at 11-11. I will need to go to kicks. Who will break the tie, and will you pick:

Bleak or Smoke and Mirrors?
It's a Schism for Tool fans. It looks bleak for Opeth as they're confused by Symphony X's smoke and mirrors. Primal Fear walks without fear over England. How many accolades for Symphony X in this round? At least II. I'm getting some sweet emotion that Aerosmith won. Unfortunately the disease that is Queensrÿche is spreading over Iced Earth.

Part I, Round 52, Matches 307-312

Play In Round
Match 307
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns Division​
Dream Theater - The Glass Prison
Opeth - Harlequin Forest​
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Play In Round
Match 308
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns Division​
Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
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Play In Round
Match 309
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns Division​
Enslaved - Roots of the Mountain
Borknagar - The Winterway​
@Night Prowler
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Play In Round
Match 310
Live Chapter Division​
Scorpions - Dynamite
Anvil - Metal on Metal​
Best Metal Art 100
Popoff 500​
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Play In Round
Match 311
Live Chapter Division​
Rainbow - Eyes of the World
Budgie - Breadfan​
Popoff 500​
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Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 312
Live Chapter Division​
Van Halen - Atomic Punk
Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
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I will have to do a back-to-back but I think what will clinch it for me is that Harlequin Forest meanders in some areas. Also the attempt at recreating the Deliverance ending just doesn't land. While there are aspects of Harlequin Forest that make up some of my favorite Opeth moments, and probably more enjoyable than anything in The Glass Prison, I think the latter is more consistent as a whole.
I will have to do a back-to-back but I think what will clinch it for me is that Harlequin Forest meanders in some areas. Also the attempt at recreating the Deliverance ending just doesn't land. While there are aspects of Harlequin Forest that make up some of my favorite Opeth moments, and probably more enjoyable than anything in The Glass Prison, I think the latter is more consistent as a whole.

It's almost the complete opposite for me, The Glass Prison has awesome highs, but as a whole, some parts I could live without (especially the hip-hop dudebroisms in the middle), whereas Harlequin Forest is mostly great all the way through; also on the contrary, I love the Deliverance-sequel outro very much. That said, it doesn't have any single mindblowing kick-arse moment like Prison's intro and main riff.
Ghost Reveries is the cathartic Opeth album for me. The first three songs have insane endings, and even the mellow tracks are emotionally charged. Harlequin Forest's ending is okay on the song, it doesn't feel disjointed, but it belongs to a different era and really doesn't work when listening to the entire album. It feels like a let down.
I really like Harlequin Forest's outro, and apart from the repetition, I don't really understand the comparison to Deliverance's outro. It's more subdued but also more rhythmically complex, conjuring up images of an entire forest burning while you helplessly observe. The odd stabs of rhythm feel more organic, like twisted boughs of tangled trees, than the surgical precision of Deliverance's outro.
I really like Harlequin Forest's outro, and apart from the repetition, I don't really understand the comparison to Deliverance's outro. It's more subdued but also more rhythmically complex, conjuring up images of an entire forest burning while you helplessly observe. The odd stabs of rhythm feel more organic, like twisted boughs of tangled trees, than the surgical precision of Deliverance's outro.
I mean, they’re both long repetitions of the same riff where other instrumental textures are gradually removed. I don’t really see how the comparison is that out there.
Dream Theater's The Glass Prison is much more interesting musically. Some really cool parts.
^The same goes for the Stranglehold song in the second matchup.
Scorpions' Dynamite, no contest. Classic rocker of the band. Anvil's song is not a strong old school metal song.
Budgie's song is nice, but Eyes Of The World is one of Rainbow's best songs. The intro, the riff, the vocals in the verses, the solo - all great.
Not a fan of either song, but Van Halen's one sounds a bit more ''organized'' in structure than the Led Zeppelin song.
Here we go again, pitting two of my favorite bands’ best tracks against each other. The Glass Prison is the song that got me into Dream Theater. The bass intro (which I thought was a guitar at the time because I had no idea what a 6-string bass was) is spectacular, as are the 10+ minutes of metal onslaught that follows. The strongest parts for me include the “enter the door” bridge where LaBrie, Petrucci, and Portnoy bark at each other, the amazing liquid-like bass/key/guitar interludes before the riffage at the end, and of course the last minute of the song. However, I can’t help but feel that this is a very one-trick-pony kind of a song – it has heaviness but not much else. Harlequin Forest, on the other hand, is the peak of Ghost Reveries for me; a twisting, progressive labyrinth of growlies, riffage, and tranquility. No song I’ve ever heard conjures up the sights, sounds, and smells of a burning forest in autumn. When I first heard Ghost Reveries (one of my Opeth entry albums), I thought Ghost of Perdition was the strongest track. It still may be from a songwriting perspective, but Harlequin Forest is the heart and soul of the album and a top-five Opeth track for me. Conversely, while I’ll always love The Glass Prison, we’ve fallen apart like a relationship that just wasn’t meant to be. I have to go with Opeth here.

No bones about it – Stranglehold is one of the best classic rock songs of all time, and easily my favorite. The riff is catchy, the groove spy-like and treacherous, and the solo incredible. Witchfinder General is not my thing. The Nuge, no contest.

Enslaved has a readable logo, while Borknagar doesn’t. Easy pick for Enslaved! Ok I’m kidding, but this Enslaved song isn’t bad. Maybe it’s because I’m currently playing through Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but this particular brand of Nordic wintery death metal is something I’m really appreciating right now. This song has solid dynamic music and clean vocals, too, which elevate it. Meanwhile, Borknagar’s effort features too much blast beating and incomprehensible yelling. The part at 4:28 is cool, minus the extreme vocals. But Opeth this ain’t. Serious vote for Enslaved.

This isn’t the best Scorpions song I’ve heard, but it’s a catchy little number with energy and power. Anvil’s tune is a fun stomp, but the cliché “I’m cool ‘cause I’m metal” lyrics drag it way down. Scorpions.

Rainbow have a pretty solid song here. Whoever the non-Dio is who is singing is solid, as is the music. Oh hey, Breadfan is one of those songs Metallica covered on Garage Days (or Inc.) where most of us probably heard it for the first time. Ooof, these vocals… Metallica is so much better. The middle part is pretty cool, and the bass actually reminds me of early Opeth. This is honestly a tough choice, but I think Rainbow has the stronger overall package. The vocals were my deciding factor, as the music is great in both.

This song is one of the better ones I’ve heard from Van Halen, but in general I am not a fan. On the other side is Led Zeppelin, a band which I’ve always found to be hit or miss. This song is quite odd, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t interesting. The bass really leads this song, too. Rolling with Zeppelin here.
Wasn't in the mood for either song, but I never cared much for Harlequin Forest. The Glass Prison has been a top DT song for me forever.

Stranglehold over an average song.

Enslaved. That's Arcturus's vocalist on Borknagar, isn't it?

Dynamite is good, but Metal on Metal is metal. I dig it.

Eyes of the World is fantastic, from the unexpected postchorus chords to the instrumental section. It would fit just fine on Long Live RnR it you ask me. Unfortunately Breadfan is just as strong. The acoustic break isn't as awe-inspiring.

Atomic Punk is energetic and a little silly. Sounds like A Light in the Black at times. Dazed and Confused is a vibe masterpiece and better win this.
Hey, just updating, my youngest is in a hospital (either some weird infection or suspected possible non-typical PIMS, who the heck knows) and wifey is with him, so I'm alone at home with the two elder kids. That means I'll definitely postpone any write-ups and possibly even votes in some rounds for the foreseeable future, I'm not currently in the mood/state of mind, sorry.

Voted for Opeth (love both, but Opeth's losing) Witchfinder General (band bias), Borknagar (band bias and @Magnus bias), Scorpions (band bias), Rainbow (band bias) and Zeppelin (band bias). Hey, at least I voted, right?
My heart is torn in two again by this first match, featuring my entry point (and still favorite) Dream Theater song and one of the best Opeth tracks off of their second best album. As others have stated, namely @Detective Beauregard, The Glass Prison features some of the best riffage and melodies of all time, but also feels a bit dated. Harlequin Forest is eternally melodic, dark, and fantastic. I utterly love both of these songs and I’m flipping a coin. It’s Opeth. Coin flip win in favor of Opeth. I’m happy whichever wins.

The main riff and instrumental bridge of Stranglehold are absolutely top notch, as is the (thankfully not Ted) vocal performance. This is the only good Nugent song I’ve ever heard and it’s fantastic. Witchfinder General is just a poor copy of Black Sabbath. The vocals are even worse than Ozzy.

Roots of the Mountain has great music, but the harsh vocals are mid-to-terrible. Solid cleans, though. Really fantastic, melodic guitar leads throughout too. Plus one for distorted bass! I’m not a fan of every musical choice here, but there’s a lot to like. The ending is wonderfully grandiose. By comparison, The Winterway has some pretty bad transitions and even worse harsh vocals. It sounds far less polished than the superior Enslaved track.

Scorpions rip right out the gate on Dynamite: cool riffs, anthemic vocals, and strong drive. Not much to say here, but it’s a fun, solid song. Metal on Metal stinks.

Ah yes, another post-Dio Rainbow track…that sounds like early Rainbow with space keyboards. It’s a good enough track with some nice instrumental flourishes and vocals, but my ears want to hear Dio. That said, it’s still a better song than the original version of Breadfan. If it were up against Metallica’s cover, I might vote differently, but for now it’s another Rainbow win.

Zeppelin by default. Van Halen stink.
Even if Ted wasn’t an asshole, Witchfinder General wins without any second thought. Stranglehold has some decent leads but as a song isn’t anything to write home about. Witchfinder General is a great lost NWOBHM gem. Huge influence on the sludgy metal that came later imo.