The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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"Angry Again" has an appealing groove, but the spoken word verses are kinda meh, and the chorus is just OK. The guitar bit that leads into the chorus also feels like a hard cut each time rather than something organic. The solo's pretty good, though. Never really understood the love for this song. "Angel Of Death" has some cool, sinister riffage and a strong pre-chorus, but the singer is uneven and the chorus is pretty terrible. It has a cool outro, though. Not a fan of either track, but @The Sentient's nominee is a bit better. Winner: Megadeth - "Angry Again"

"Resurrection" has good riffs and a strong verse, though I'm not really sold on the chorus. The solos are alright. A thoroughly serviceable track. "Mandatory Suicide" has some pretty good sinister riffage, and the vocals are more melodic than I'm used to from Slayer. The solo sucks as expected, and the songwriting isn't very interesting in general, though the spoken word part with atmospheric guitar was a nice curve ball. Neither song fully grabbed me, but I think I prefer @Spambot's nominee. Winner: Halford - "Resurrection"

"Hit The Lights" has good energy, but it also has Hetfield's arguably worst-ever vocal performance, which makes the song almost unlistenable to me. "2112" is often lauded as a top-tier Rush song, but I've never been a huge fan of it. The overture and "Temples Of Syrinx" parts are indeed excellent, but the remaining two thirds of the track are much more uneven to me, and some of Lee's later vocals are pretty grating. Still, that's more than enough to win this match-up. Winner: Rush - "2112"

"I Was Made For Loving You" has a nice groove and strong vocal lines, though the falsetto part in the middle is a bit much. There isn't a whole lot going on here otherwise, but what's here is straightforward and good. "Midnight Sun" has a cool back and forth between darker riffage and brighter power metal guitar, but the vocals are pretty forgettable outside of the chorus, and the chorus isn't that great either. I like the first solo and the instrumental that follows, but the second solo isn't very good. The harmonized bit that comes afterward is nice, though. The Kiss track is probably more effective, but the Helloween track has a lot more going on musically, and I figure I can throw @Kalata a bone here. Winner: Helloween - "Midnight Sun"

"Would?" is dark and moody, but soars with the best of them when the time comes. Staley sounds amazing, and there isn't a single wasted moment in this song, all the way down to its stark and cutting ending. A fantastic track -- no wonder I nominated it! "Man On The Silver Mountain" has a solid groove and memorable vocal melodies on the verse and chorus, though the pre-chorus is a bit lacking. The solo is...fine, but it goes on too long. There's also more repetition at the end of the song than necessary. I'm sure the collective Dio / Rainbow circle jerk crowd will guarantee its victory here, but this is really no contest on the merits. Winner: Alice In Chains - "Would?"

"Cirice" has a nice creepy acoustic intro that still works well after going heavy. The main riff that follows has some interesting harmonized bits. Not thrilled with the thin vocals or some of the vocal melody choices, though the gentle piano bridge is nice, and the odd rhythm is interesting. The melodic solo is also nice. Bonus point for pipe organ. Pretty good overall. "Lake Bodom" has a nice driving groove with lots of cool neoclassical flourishes and an interesting song structure, but the vocals are terrible. Sorry, @Confeos, but I've got to go with DJMashes' nominee here. Winner: Ghost - "Cirice"
though the pre-chorus is a bit lacking.
Come down with fire
And lift my spirit higher
Someone screamin' my name
Come and make me holy again!

This is the part you find lacking? Damn, it never fails to make me feel good. The song as a whole is fantastic. I'd pick it over "Stargazer", honestly. So much groove in that one and Dio puts on a killer performance. I did vote for "Would?" because it's also an excellent song and I have an AIC bias but Rainbow match them equally here. No slagging off "Man on the Silver Mountain" on my watch! And my watch says 23:27. Good night.
My least favorite thing about 2112 is the guitar tuning section. I get what they were going for thematically but it drags the song’s momentum down particularly coming out of such a high energy section. Still, if you can overlook that, the song has a lot to offer beyond that point. A lot of it hinges on the lyrics, but I always felt that Oracle was debating melancholy and brings us into an epic finale.
Come down with fire
And lift my spirit higher
Someone screamin' my name
Come and make me holy again!

This is the part you find lacking? Damn, it never fails to make me feel good. The song as a whole is fantastic. I'd pick it over "Stargazer", honestly. So much groove in that one and Dio puts on a killer performance. I did vote for "Would?" because it's also an excellent song and I have an AIC bias but Rainbow match them equally here. No slagging off "Man on the Silver Mountain" on my watch! And my watch says 23:27. Good night.
I agree that section is the best part of the song, the whole thing just cooks. But Would? Is far superior on the whole and one of those songs that bridges the metal/grunge gap.
Angry Again
Mandatory Suicide
Hit the Lights (tough choice this, but agree with @Jer that the first two sections are great, but disagree that having 13 minutes of shite after it puts it in a position to still win the tie, also Ayn Rand guff as inspiration)
I was Made for Loving You
Man on the Silver Mountain
Megadeth over Angel Witch, the latter isn't bad, but 'Deth are tighter.

Not a fan of Slayer, but Mandatory Suicide, along with most of the South of Heaven album is more solid than Halford's solo efforts, IMHO.

Anything but Rush

, lol.

I love Alice in Chains, Dirt and Would?, but Man on the Silver Mountan may still be my favourite hard rock track ever. Hearing that first album being opened by this track made me a Rainbow fan for life. The riff, the arpeggios under the pre-chorus, Dio roaring out the chorus, it's just both insanely catchy and incredibly powerful.

Children of Bodom, lol.
Poor Angel Witch. It seems Megadeth has left them angry, again. We have a tie between killing one's self and coming back to life, how fascinating. Rush has hit the lights before playing their epic. KISS and Helloween are apparently tied up loving you by the midnight sun. Would? Alice in Chains beat Rainbow? Seems so. Ghost and Children of Bodom also tie and I don't have anything clever here.

Part II, Round 2, Matches 10-15

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 10
Powerslave Division​
Rose Tattoo - Nice Boys
Scorpions - The Zoo​
Popoff 500
@The Sentient
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
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Group Stage - Round 2
Match 11
Out of the Silent Planet Division​
Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat
W.A.S.P. - Chainsaw Charlie​
Popoff 500, Best Music Art 100
Popoff 500
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 12
The Edge of Darkness Division​
Death - The Philosopher
Anthrax - I Am the Law​
DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 13
The Writing on the Wall Division​
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Judas Priest - Tyrant​
Rolling Stone 100, Youtube 50
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 14
Mark Wilkinson Division​
Blue Öyster Cult - Godzilla
Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 15
Live at Donington Division​
Metal Church - Beyond the Black
Iced Earth - Melancholy (Holy Martyr)​
Popoff 500
@DJ James
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
The Zoo, easy win. The rhythm and chorus are too good.
I like Murders In The New Morgue better. Classic WASP approach and chorus. It's also catchier.
Tyrant is one of Priest's best 70's songs (good riff, typical verses, effective but not good sounding chorus, different vocal parts and instrumental section), but Bring Me To Life is one of the best songs since the 2000s and especially for its genre. It's like classic Nightiwsh. The chorus is a big highlight.
Motley Crue because it's more fun glam metal.
IE's song is better, catchier and more interesting. Really good chorus.
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Rose Tattoo - Nice Boys vs. Scorpions - The Zoo
Rose Tattoo are the only band I ever walked out on, after Angry Anderson started a homophobic tirade for no particular reason. So I would probably vote against them anyway, but it helps that The Zoo is better too. The Zoo

Thin Lizzy - Cold Sweat vs. W.A.S.P. - Chainsaw Charlie (Murders in the New Morgue)

Cold Sweat is great but not as great as Chainsaw Charlie Chainsaw Charlie (Murders in the New Morgue)

Death - The Philosopher vs. Anthrax - I Am the Law

Philosopher has some decent riffs but the arrangement isn't great, and the bass sounds awful. I Am The Law has some great riffs, the arrangement is standard, and the bass sounds amazing. I Am the Law

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life vs. Judas Priest - Tyrant

The de facto opener to probably the most influential metal album of all time versus a pop song Tyrant

Blue Öyster Cult - Godzilla vs. Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart

Feel pretty even towards both tracks, and my usual tie breaker is which ever track is more important for the respective bands, and I feel Kickstart is that one Kickstart My Heart

Metal Church - Beyond the Black vs. Iced Earth - Melancholy (Holy Martyr)

Slayer have lifted that riff for Expendable Youth, ok enough from Metal Church. I feel Iced Earth are a pretty bang average sort of band, who seem to get away with it from being around mainly in an era where people were starved of their type of bands. If they were around in the same time as Metal Church they would have the same reputation as they are no better. Both C-list also-ran type bands. Beyond the Black
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I don’t know anything about Rose Tattoo, but I enjoyed Nice Boys other than the dumb “rock n roll” lyrics. Basic bluesy hard rock played with a punk attitude. The Zoo is much cooler, though.

Chainsaw Charlie is as overwrought as pretty much all WASP songs that I’ve heard. Good stuff throughout, but the overall package isn’t super appealing. Cold Sweat is one of Thin Lizzy’s best songs and it’s heavy as hell - just wish it had better production! The Megadeth cover is fantastic, too, and literally the only good song on Super Collider.

As with literally every other Death song we’ve heard, The Philosopher is chock full of amazing riffs jarringly slammed together by top notch musicians with terrible harsh vocals. Also not sure why a 4 minute song needs a 45 second slow fade. Incredibly annoying. I Am The Law wouldn’t even make my top 40 Anthrax songs, but it wins be default here. Still, the John Bush version is better.

Alright, here comes the hot take. I don’t love Evanescence. I don’t even like them. But it’s madness to claim that Bring Me To Life is anything but an absolute banger. It took the Nightwish sound into pop zone, it broke the door open for female singer songwriters to add heaviness to their songs, and yes, it also perpetuated annoying rap metal - but it’s still a great, catchy song. Despite not ever owning this album, I know every word and I enjoy it. I love Judas Priest, but Tyrant is a goofy ass song. The vocal melodies are good…but so absolutely silly. Rob’s voice sounds like a goose on the verses and like he’s taking downers while singing “ttttyyyraaant”. It just doesn’t work for me. I’m gonna go with Evanescence, who shockingly have the superior song here.

Godzilla is a cool classic rock tune about Godzilla. It’s absolutely ridiculous. That middle vocal section is ridiculous. The lyrics are ridiculous. But it’s good fun, and most importantly, it’s not Motley Crue.

Beyond the Black is a neat song with some wacky vocals. Kinda sounds like Savatage. Instrumentally, I think Metal Church far outclass Iced Earth here. There are so many more interesting riffs and such cool guitar work throughout…but they don’t have Matt Barlow. Melancholy is one of the most simplistic songs in the history of heavy metal, but it is powerful. I’m actually pretty torn on this one, as Iced Earth have much better songs in this game, but I guess I’ll vote based on familiar bias.
I don't think of Iced Earth as a guitar solo type of band, but the one in Melancholy is beautiful. One of the band's best tracks imo.
Never heard of Rose Tattoo before. "Nice Boys" has good punky energy, but it's very simple and derivative, just in one ear and out the other. "The Zoo" has an iconic sound with its laid-back verse rhythm, soaring chorus, and atmospheric talk box guitar that eventually fades into the sounds of the city. Sorry, @The Sentient, but this one's no contest. Winner: Scorpions - "The Zoo"

"Cold Sweat" rocks harder than I've come to expect from Thin Lizzy. The verses are OK, but the pre-chorus is a lot better. The chorus vocal harmonies are a bit Queenier than I'd prefer, but the multi-part solo is dope. This one really succeeds on the strength of its guitar work, though I still prefer the Megadeth cover. "Chainsaw Charlie" has a surprisingly gentle opening before the buzz of chainsaws kicks into a heavily driving groove. Blackie sounds overwrought as usual, but the solid verse kicks up into a great extended pre-chorus and a pretty strong chorus. Good solos. The bridge section also works well, cringey lyrics aside. Very good overall. I enjoyed both songs, but I think I prefer @srfc's nominee here. Winner: W.A.S.P. - "Chainsaw Charlie"

"The Philosopher" is full of interesting guitar parts and annoying non-melodic vocals. I don't know WTF they were thinking with the fretless bass sound in this song -- it sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't fit the soundscape at all. The track is also a bit of a mess from a songwriting perspective, much less coherent than the other Death songs I've heard. No sir, don't like it. "I Am The Law" has OK riffs but pretty lame vocal lines. The first part of the chorus was almost good, but it quickly devolved into repetitive mediocrity. The rhythmic interlude was kind of cool, but the vocal bridge sucks, and the solo that follows is just self-indulgent and not very good. The song is also at least a minute too long. Not a fan of either track here, but I guess I disliked the Anthrax song slightly less. Winner: Anthrax - "I Am The Law"

"Bring Me To Life" is a monster of a track with great performances, great dynamics, and hooks for miles. Even the limited rapping complements the song. Interesting vocal harmonies, too. Excellent stuff. "Tyrant" has good energy, some nice bass/guitar interplay, and some interesting melodic and harmonic choices. The chorus feels a bit weird, as does the bridge, but not in a bad way. Solid first solo, nice harmonized solos later on. The Priest song is certainly the more interesting track here, but the Evanescence song is so much better as a complete package that the choice is clear. Winner: Evanescence - "Bring Me To Life"

"Godzilla" is a fun song with some good riffs and solos, and some pretty good vocal lines. Warm memories from playing the song in Guitar Hero and Rock Band 2, too. It doesn't blow me away or anything, but it's good stuff. "Kickstart My Heart" is a ball of energy from the guitar revvs at the beginning through the strong verse and infectious chorus, only taking a breather for a tasteful laid back bridge. Gotta love a good talk box solo, especially when it starts playing call-and-response with the vocals in the chorus, and then rolls into the big rock ending to provide the final "vocal" of the song. Mötley Crüe's output was certainly uneven, but when they were on they were on. Sorry, @Mosh, but @DJMayes's nominee takes this one. Winner: Mötley Crüe - "Kickstart My Heart"

"Beyond The Black" has a nice feel in the clean opening, but the distorted spoken word parts are lame. When things get heavier the soloing feels unfocused, but the song eventually settles into a more appealing groove. Not a fan of the singer's vocal timbre, but he hits the notes, and I've heard much worse. The vocal lines aren't very good, though. The guitar work leading into the bridge is pretty cool, but the bridge itself isn't great. Some interesting musical bits, but this is kind of a wreck from a songwriting perspective. "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" starts off with a nice acoustic feel, but Barlow sounds absolutely cringeworthy on the soft, emotive parts here. He sounds better on the heavier parts, but most of the vocal melodies aren't very memorable, and the song gets very repetitive as it goes on. This track is more coherent than a typical Iseditionist Earth song, probably because it keeps it down to two main musical themes and a solo; but what's here isn't particularly interesting to me. Not a fan of either track, but sorry @DJ James, I think @KiDDo's nominee is a bit more listenable. Winner: Iseditionist Earth - "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)"
Scorpions'll tell ya, nice boys don't survive in the zoo. Looks like chainsaw Charlie broke out into a cold sweat around Thin Lizzy. Law > philosophy, sorry nerds. Anthrax wins that one easy. The tyrant isn't brought back to life by Evanescence. Godzilla's gonna need more than 9 votes if you're gonna kickstart his heart; Mötley Crüe wins this one. Iced Earth seems to have found a holy martyr, which you'd think would be more appropriate for a metal church, but hey, it is what it is, you know.

Program note: Both Black Bart and no 5 ignored the Maiden-adjacent rule, and I didn't even notice until now. I'm not going to strike the Trust song from the game because it was not recorded by Nicko, but I would have disqualified it had my brain processed properly.

Part II, Round 2, Matches 16-21

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 16
Rime of the Ancient Mariner Division​
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
Gojira - Global Warming​
@Wogmidget, @JudasMyGuide
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 17
Fear of the Dark Division​
Warlock - All We Are
Angra - Nothing to Say​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 18
Murders in the Rue Morgue Division​
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Megadeth - The Conjuring​
DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 19
Kevin Shirley Division​
Trust - Antisocial
Monster Magnet - Powertrip​
@Black Bart, @____no5
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 20
Wildest Dreams Division​
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon
Black Sabbath - After Forever​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 21
Empire of the Clouds Division​
Avantasia - Let the Storm Descend Upon You
Black Sabbath - Killing Yourself to Live​
@Wogmidget, @Poto
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
For what it's worth, when I was creating the nominations list, everything fluctuated, there was a moment when I doubted the inclusion of any song... except Somewhere Far Beyond. Blind Guardian aren't even my number 1 band, but this was the first song I immediately knew I'd include and it was the only one I was sure about all the time... and am even now.
Somewhere Far Beyond is absolutely stellar. What an awesome, driving track that showcases everything Blind Guardian does well (especially incorporating the folksy, traditional bits). I don’t care at all about Gojira. Their music does absolutely nothing for me.

All We Are is cheesy, good 80s fun, but overall a bit naff. I still feel like everything Angra does is a little sloppy, a little…idk…off in some way, but I’ll vote for Nothing To Say because some of the riffs are cool.

The Divine Wings of Tragedy is a titan of progressive metal at its most melodic, majestic and neoclassical. From the choir intro to the heavier bits to the sublime ending with one of Russell Allen’s best performances of all time: it’s just a brilliantly composed epic. The two bass lead breaks are incredible, as is the Super Mario tunnel section around 13:30. The way the drum and bass play with the guitar and keyboard is nothing short of masterful. Romeo is shockingly tasteful throughout the track, allowing everyone else to take the spotlight most of the time. Russell gets to use his entire voice: soft, operatic, belting, evil, divine, scenery chewing, Broadway musical, and even falsetto! I’m pretty sure he’s only used falsetto on 2 songs ever. The final three minutes are beautiful. The craziest thing about this song is that, despite being nearly perfect, it’s not even Symphony X’s best epic! Now look, I also love The Conjuring, but it simply cannot compete.

I’ve heard the original version of Antisocial before and, truly, I think Anthrax vastly improved it. I’m not a big Monster Magnet fan, but easy vote for them here.

Bark At The Moon is a bit too glossy for my tastes, but so is most solo Ozzy. It’s still a catchy song with great performances. After Forever is…neat, but also way too all over the place and a bit too Christian for me. I don’t come to Black Sabbath for that.

Let The Storm Descend Upon You has a great intro and devolves when the vocals kick in. The melodies are good, but the performances (as usual from Tobias) are so ludicrously overwrought that it gets silly real quick. The major key chorus is also not my favorite. For a 12 minute song it doesn’t really feel like it goes anywhere. Killing Yourself to Live is awesome and full of attitude. Ozzy actually sounds great here. There isn’t a part out of place. Great tune.
"Somewhere Far Beyond" is overly frenetic and often unfocused, with meandering vocal melodies and a chaotic song structure -- but it does have some nice guitar leads and vocal moments in places, and the bagpipey bit is interesting. It gets more coherent toward the end, but for the most part this is kind of a hot mess. "Global Warming" benefits from having clean vocals, at least until it doesn't. It's weird, this song has some proggy elements to it, yet it still winds up feeling really repetitive because the verse and chorus riffs get brutally overused. I can't say I enjoyed the song overall, but it's the least annoying Gojira song I've heard to date. Not a fan of either track here, but I guess JugasMyGidget's nominee irritated me less than @Mosh's did. Winner: Blind Guardian - "Somewhere Far Beyond"

"All We Are" is straightforward, moderately catchy glam metal with solid vocals and overly squealy guitar leads. Not much meat on the bones here, and not very memorable overall, but it's totally serviceable. "Nothing To Say" is a lot more complex and polished from the jump. I like the proggy aspects and the use of some native instruments. The synths are a bit twee, and Andre Matos has some wimpy aspects to his voice that I'm not fond of, but otherwise this is a very good song. An easy call for @Black Bart's nominee. Winner: Angra - "Nothing To Say"

I love large parts of "The Divine Wings Of Tragedy", but it's got a few weaker sections, including some way over-the-top, mustache-twirling delivery from Mr. Allen. That said, it's still really great musically, with very strong performances in general, and I think it works well overall as a song despite its odd structure. "The Conjuring" is one of those cool early Megadeth tracks that sometimes gets overlooked, and I like that it was nominated here. The sinister vibe is great, as are all the snaking guitar licks and sweet riffs. The verses explaining all the ceremonial steps verge on being too repetitive, and the chorus is really driven by the riff and the following guitar work rather than the flat vocals, but those are the only weaknesses IMO. Both competitors are worthy, but sorry @srfc, I think I prefer @MrKnickerbocker's nominee here. Winner: Symphony X - "The Divine Wings Of Tragedy"

"Antisocial" delivers a surprisingly infectious groove through its punky riffs, but I'm not thrilled with the vocals. The guitar work is pleasantly nuanced in places, and of course you can't really complain about the drumming, but I'm not sold on the song as a whole. "Power Trip" has an energetic main riff and occasional bursts of catchy vocal melodies, but the song mostly just treads water and repeats itself. Not a fan of either track, but sorry, Blank_Bor5, I guess the list nominee is a little more up my alley (and doesn't violate the game rules!). Winner: Monster Magnet - "Power Trip"

"Bark At The Moon" both shreds and slaps, minus some of those weird synth tones. The guitar work is great, the vocal lines are great, and the song stays focused and exciting throughout. Love that change-up going into the pre-chorus, too. "After Forever" has an interesting melodic-yet-droning opening riff with nice bass interplay, but the verse and chorus riffs are a lot less appealing, and only the chorus vocals stand out at all. The solo is pretty good, though. Still, no contest here. Winner: Ozzy Osbourne - "Bark At The Moon"

"Let The Storm Descend Upon You" is symphonic and polished, as expected. Not a fan of Sammet's voice in general, and the vocals often go more Broadway than I'd prefer. The song is overblown and overly long, but this is Avantasia after all. Still, the craftsmanship is generally strong. "Killing Yourself To Live" has interesting riffs, solid vocal lines, a very good solo section, nice interludes, and the song actually goes places. I wouldn't say that it's great, but it's solidly good. Not waiting with bated breath to listen to either of these again, but sorry @srfc, I think I have to give the edge to Potwidget's nominee here. Winner: Avantasia - "Let The Storm Descend Upon You"
Won't get a chance to listen to this, bar the first tie, so going with my gut for the songs I don't know

Didn't like either in the first one but Blind Guardian more in my ball park
All We Are
The Conjuring
Bark at the Moon
Killing Yourself to Live