The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 76-81

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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I like Panzer Division Marduk, but I’ve never really liked that song. If it were 502 I would’ve voted for it. Funny song title though.
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Mars For the Rich vs. The Who - My Generation
Mars for the Rich is decent enough retro/stoner rock, and I like the idea of taking the piss out of the ridiculous clowns talking about colonizing Mars. My Generation is not my favourite Who song, and probably the worst cover Maiden ever did, but it has enough about it to win this tie. My Generation

Atlantean Kodex - Sol Invictus vs. Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge

Both of these tracks were pretty decent. Surprisingly for such epic tracks they both just kind of finished out of the blue. Usually, I throw in some sort of stock comment about enjoying a track but nor wanting to check out any further, but this time, I think I will check out Candlemass, as I've been meaning to check out that album for donkey's years. A Sorcerer's Pledge

Megadeth - Into the Lungs of Hell vs. Prong - Unconditional

I'm the opposite to @Jer in that for years I thought SFSGSW was a kind of shit album and it never really clicked with me until I got the remaster, but for the purposes of this round I listened to one of the other videos that a guy posted of the original 1988 vinyl. The sound wasn't as bad as I originally remembered but still quite bad, the solo at the end fades in and out all over the shop. Also, you can kind of hear those horns too on the intro, at least on that vinyl rip. As for the song itself, it's great, although I'm picking In My Darkest Hour if I have to choose one off that album. I'm not the biggest Prong fan in the world, only have one or two albums, and their big album Cleansing is great. This track isn't off that record however (I reckon Popoff or a list may nominate Snap your Fingers, Snap Your Neck or possibly another track so didn't want to waste a nomination). It was the first track I heard from them and used to get some Headbanger's Ball rotation back in the day, a great groove and riff fest Unconditional

Caligula's Horse - Graves vs. Opeth - Master's Apprentices

Didn't really get a chance to listen to both of these in full as was listening on a tea break that wasn't long enough to fully listen to both, I'd have probably gone back to them if I thought they'd interest me but I heard enough to know they would not be my cup of tea. Both sounded pretty good, espeically the harmonic riffs in Caligula's Horse and the guitar sound in general in Opeth, but prog rhythms or death metal vocals usually are not my thing. Graves

Marduk - Fistfucking God's Planet vs. Vintersorg - Vidmarkens Förtrollande Stämmor

Marduk isn't in my ball park at all, and Vintersorg isn't either but a bit closer to it and doesn't have an awful title Vidmarkens Förtrollande Stämmor

Rhapsody of Fire - Knightrider of Doom (Power of the Dragonflame version) vs. Wilderun - Woolgatherer

Rhapsody of Fire, if you've read any of my other posts in the game then you'll know what I think of this, there's was a brief foray of tasteful phrases at the start of the solo near the end but it didn't last. Wilderun another one not for me, bit of DT with some Black Metal drumming sometimes. not qualities I look for in a new band. Knightrider of Doom (Power of the Dragonflame version)
This may be my lack of consistent activity on this forum, but is the MaidenFans band thing a joke, or does the band you all are referencing actually have members of this forum?
I have also missed this joke and, as the singer on the only released MaidenFans band track, I can say with much confidence that I am not the singer on Sol Invictus.
now this is a reference I know! That EP or demo you all had came on in early 2012 I believe. I was a freshman in high school. There was a Futureal cover on there too.
This may be my lack of consistent activity on this forum, but is the MaidenFans band thing a joke, or does the band you all are referencing actually have members of this forum?
I think Diesel short circuited. I can't play guitar.
This may be my lack of consistent activity on this forum, but is the MaidenFans band thing a joke, or does the band you all are referencing actually have members of this forum?
It's a joke, I think originally made by @Diesel 11, though I couldn't find the original post quickly. This was the picture that started it (it's Atlantean Kodex):

King Gizzard is rough and raw, but there's definitely some cool energy here. I'm not sure how much of this is actually metal, or even proto-metal, but I can see some of it filtering up through the years. Now, I wouldn't suggest The Who aren't part of the development of metal, either, but My Generation has never been a favourite of mine. I find it pretty basic, and the forced stuttering really bothers me. It's definitely King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard for me.

I really need to dig into Candlemass more. I like everything of theirs I've heard. However, @Perun solidarity, and I'll pick Atlantean Kodex as I'm apparently part of the band. In all seriousness, it's close, but Kodex just does it a bit more for me.

I really didn't care for Prong at all, and this Megadeth track is really interesting. Not too many instrumentals from Dave. I don't have much to say on this one, unfortunately. Megadeth.

Listening to Graves, a really interesting opening for sure. This song has a really chill vibe at the start, a beautiful emotional middle, and a more intense ending. I'm into the singer's voice. I didn't love the soloing. On the other hand, we have more of an intense experience from Opeth. I think the drums being a little lower in the mix helps me, because I traditionally find the blast beats annoying. I've definitely grown in my ability to enjoy growls. Somewhat surprisingly, I think I'll vote for Opeth.

Running out of time for thoughts, so I'll just say Vintersorg is far more my speed than Marduk, and it's true with these two songs here.

Listening to Fabio Lione and Rhapsody, I really get the feeling that FL's desire to sing exceeds his ability, but this song does a great job elevating him to what he thinks he should be, if that makes sense. It's got a really perfect power metal chorus, just the right level of over the top for me. I find the double bass a little irritating and unnecessary, but otherwise I really dig this track. Everything I've heard from Power of the Dragonflame is something that's appealed to me, so I think I need to spin the whole record sometime. I feel I've heard Woolgatherer before, it was probably in GMAC, and I get the sense I've said this before: perfectly fine, but not for me. It feels like I should like it more than I do, but the vocals don't land and I find it longer than it needs to be. Definitely Rhapsody.
This may be my lack of consistent activity on this forum, but is the MaidenFans band thing a joke, or does the band you all are referencing actually have members of this forum?
It's a joke, I think originally made by @Diesel 11, though I couldn't find the original post quickly. This was the picture that started it (it's Atlantean Kodex):

It started with this post and I latched onto it. Still my greatest contribution to this forum, should’ve retired on that high.
Woe is me, what twisted monster only nominates 15-min prog songs?! :D

Didn't know what to expect from Gizzard. I've heard the name and I know they're an experimental band that has touched metal. Grungy sound, good riff, the bass playing is the highlight. The gruff vocals complement the grungy guitars. My Generation is great, even if the stuttering vocals can get annoying, but doesn't really belong here.

SOOOOOL SOOOOOOL INVIC TUS *drum roll* -> :edmetal: This song is so fucking epic from the get go! What did you take @Confeos ?! The singing and drums are massive, the guitars powerful. You just need to let that opening riff sweep you and you're on for a headbanging adventure! And then there's Candlemass. Even liking Sol Invictus as much as I do, it's hard to vote against A Sorcerer's Pledge. It's epic doom goodness and doesn't really do anything wrong - as expected from what I understand is the doom album. But familiarity is 90% of music so it's Sol Invictus.

Does the remaster have better sound? I listened to the original mix and the lead is really, really buried. It starts off blazing before the song gets stuck in a loop for some bars. It continues evolving with some changes to the rhythm guitar, and there's a bit of funny stuff going on the high-hat towards the end, but the lead is just arpeggiating chords throughout as far as I can tell. It's not bad, but it doesn't fire me up like say, Transylvania. Prong is decently thrashy, but fuck that do you want to hear all the different rhythms you can say "unconditional" in? Seriously, the instruments are tight, the riffs are fine, but the vocals ruin it big time. Dismayed vote for Megadeth.

I sometimes wonder what my favourite C-Horse song is, but the question fades when I play Graves. It's an emotional epic that never steps into pretentiousness, despite stepping into a lot of realms. Honest and down to earth, but very dynamic. The musicianship is insane and it's clear that a lot was put into it. I'm a big fan of their melodic djenty riffs, and the last four minutes, from when THE riff kicks in for the first time to the end of the dueling sax and guitar, are bliss. Now when you compare it with Master's Apprentices, yes it's... messier. (Not that that ever stopped me). I must agree that MA evolves seamlessly, probably better than most Opeth. My main problems are the repetitive beginning, and the final heavy part. The brutal scream never really did it to me like Ghost of Perdition's and the whole outro is really mediocre by Opeth standards. The riffs are wicked though, to the point of parody. Look at my Horse, my Horse is amazing.

Meh... I guess Marduk was pretty good. Vintersorg isn't for me...

Shame that Wilderun didn't face Opeth because there's a lot of inspiration from them. Woolgatherer specifically only really shows it in the transitions between folk and heavy, which I think are done really well. I like how the majority of it is the cleans. A lot of the highlights for me are actually the most quiet parts: the tremolo in the intro, the weird bendy post-outro, and the creepy part right before the very creative solo. The climax before the choir at the end, reprising the main riff, with the irregular snare hits, is sweet too. Knightrider of Doom was fine, very similar to Gargoyles at times. It's better than the average power metal song but not special to me.

Also wanted to toss a recommendation for Opeth fans and anybody who liked Woolgatherer - Wilderun's 3rd album Veil of Imagination is a lot like Oldpeth but more symphonic/cinematic for the clean sections. It's my favourite album of the 2010's that isn't Devy's Deconstruction. Check it out the next time you want to play Blackwater Park!
Does the remaster have better sound? I listened to the original mix and the lead is really, really buried.
Mustaine remixed SFSGSW long after the fact to try to sound drier like Rust In Peace. He also used the opportunity to put that terrible synth horn fanfare back in at the beginning of "Into The Lungs Of Hell".

For me, the soupy reverb is an integral part of the sound of SFSGSW -- the whole album is like some bad trip or surreal nightmare. The leads fading in and out in front of and behind the rhythm guitars in "Into The Lungs Of Hell" just add to the tumbling chaotic tumult of that track, IMO. When I hear SFSGSW recast in that drier form it just doesn't work as well.

I still remember hearing Rust In Peace for the very first time and wondering WTF they were thinking making it sound so goddamned dry. I still wish it had a little more atmosphere rather than being so clinical, but the strength of that album speaks for itself.