The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Ratt's Round And Round. Tasty glam metal almost always wins.
The Burning Of Rome is my favorite song of Virgin Steel.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep is a top-notch and classic AC/DC.
20+minutes songs are not for me, but Symphony X's The Odyssey has some cool and interesting parts which I always appreciate. And I'm a big fan of the last (classic) Maiden-esque Part of the song.
Hell Patrol is one of Priest's all time best songs. Love the verses and the harmony, while the chorus is one of their most effective ones. Grinder's riffs and vocals are solid, but it's not that classy imo.
"Helter Skelter" is a super important song in the evolution of metal. Very fun stomper, love the ending with Ringo especially. But "Psychosocial" fucking cooks. There are over two hundred Beatles songs I like, and only a handful of Slipknot songs that I think are good. But "Psychosocial" is absolutely one of them, banger track.
Mates, I get it that Borknagar might not be everybody's cup of tea, brilliantly crafted as the song might be, but losing to sodding Ratt? Why do you hate me? Why do you hate me, Beauty, humanity, Good, Hope and the human spirit?


I'm really disappointed with you.

Then it's easy, Virgin Steele over Death (power metal bias),
Scott-era AC/DC over Melvins (never really managed to like the latter, even though I should have, for all intents and purposes),
Beatles over Slipknot, duh (and Helter Skelter slaps af)
I really like the first song off the first album by Uriah Heep, however this pairing is just so damn unfair. I almost regret not voting for UH for the sole reason that they don't deserve to be brutalised so severely. But yeah, Odyssey it is, duh.
Hell Patrol over Grinder, because album bias (I find both songs to be among the weaker on their respective albums, though) and Grinder lyrics sound just way too filthy to me.
"Round And Round" is Ratt's best-known song, and while I wouldn't say it's their very best track, it's still a great one. DeMartini's riffs are always lyrical and tasty, the solos are great, and the vocal melodies are consistently strong. The song's a little repetitive, but that's about the only criticism I can offer here. "The Rhymes Of The Mountain" has an interesting layering of epic melodic verses on top of overheated drums and downmixed black metal vocals. When the extreme vocals inevitably come to the fore, those cackly parts predictably suck. The clean parts are all quite nice, and there's a much better song waiting to escape from this black metal embrace if they'd just drop the cackles and the PCP-driven drumming -- but that's not the song they committed to tape. Sorry, @JudasMyGuide, but this is an easy call for the list nominee. Winner: Ratt - "Round And Round"

"The Burning Of Rome (Cry For Pompeii)" has a cool epic intro with nice build-up. The riffage is pretty solid, and it's nice to hear the lyrics being fully sung, rather than the half-singing Virgin Steele often slips into. I'm not totally sold on the chorus, but the solo is nice, including some cool interplay with the synths. Very good stuff overall. "Flesh And The Power It Holds" opens with a nice sinister lead with some interesting harmonization. The almost doomy riff that follows is also great, especially when the harmonies appear. The thrashy parts are also good, but not quite on the same level. Unfortunately, the predestined piercing non-melodic vocals come in, and they have a bit of a nails-on-the-chalkboard quality. The frenetic drumming here actually works pretty well, probably because it's on-rhythm and not mindless. Great extended solo, too. Checking the clock around the 6 and a half minute mark. Yeah, the rest of the song was unnecessary, but aside from running too long the music was mostly great and put together well, and the only sore spot is the caustic, non-melodic vocals. Both songs have their appeal, but sorry @Confeos, I have to go with ProgMidget's nominee here. Winner: Virgin Steele - "The Burning Of Rome (Cry For Pompeii)"

"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" isn't one of my favorite AC/DC songs, but it's got an easy-going groove and a decent vocal melody, and there's some appeal to the weird chanting of the title lyric. The end of the solo is kind of cool too. Decent stuff. "Night Goat" is a bunch of ominous chug and not much else. Definitely not my jam, so this is an easy call for AC/DC. Winner: AC/DC - "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

"Helter Skelter" is a little noisy and sloppy, but the vocal melodies are great, and the call-and-response with the descending guitar line works really well. The extended multi-part outro is over the top, though, and not in an appealing way. Uneven, but I guess it's still pretty good overall. "Psychosocial" starts with a bunch of squealy non-riffage, then settles into an unremarkable nu-metal groove. The shouty frat bro verse vox aren't my cup of tea, and the shift to melodic vocals on the chorus sounds forced. The solo's OK, and the percussive bridge has some appeal, but the rest of this is pretty forgettable. Not thrilled with either track, but this is still a pretty easy win for @Stardust's nominee. Winner: The Beatles - "Helter Skelter"

“The Odyssey” is a juggernaut. It’s epic in scope, length, and sound, and it goes on a literal musical odyssey without losing cohesion, which is amazing for a 24+ minute song. It’s got great, memorable parts throughout, and in terms of songwriting and performances there isn’t really anything to criticize. My one complaint, and it’s a recurring one with Symphony X, is that the synth sounds are incredibly chintzy, especially the orchestral bits. We’re talking 1990s cartoon or Hallmark movie soundtrack bad. It’s kind of embarrassing to listen to, especially in parts that are supposed to be mostly orchestral in nature. "Gypsy" has some interesting rhythmic stuff going on at first, but gets a lot more simplistic during the verses. The vocal melodies are pretty good, but the organ solo is directionless and that plodding verse rhythm underneath gets really old really fast. The hard stop and long return at the 2/3 mark is completely unnecessary, and there are some rough transitions in a few places. Yeah, that was a bit of a mess. The easiest of calls for MrLooserCocker's nominee here. Winner: Symphony X - "The Odyssey"

"Hell Patrol" comes out pounding and has pretty solid vocal melodies. The harmonized guitar sections are nice, and I really like the neoclassical feel of the solo. The early choruses aren't the best, but the higher-pitched return to the chorus works a lot better. Really good overall. "Grinder" has a stock riff and groove, and the vocal melodies are just OK. Some of the lyrics are pretty cringey, but the guitar leads are consistently strong, and the bridge is solid. Nothing special here, but again, still pretty OK-to-good overall. A straightforward win for Diepotsel5.5's nominee. Winner: Judas Priest - "Hell Patrol"
Round and Round is cute for pop music, The Rhymes of The Mountain is absolutely epic, awesome melodic metal.

The Burning of Rome has good drive, decent dynamics, and the vocals are so-so. Kinda sounds like a b-rate 90s Bruce Dickinson. Nice guitar work with some harmonies, too. Overall the song feels a little flat and goes on a bit too long, but it’s fine enough. Flesh and the Power It Holds is once again in the land amazing riffs, amazing musicians, and incredibly less than amazing vocals. I really want to like Death, I really do, I just don’t get it.

Dirty Deeds sure is an AC/DC song. Night Goat is more metallic, but also less catchy. I don’t really care here, so I guess I’ll throw Melvins a vote as the underdog.

Helter Skelter still sounds fresh nearly 60 years later. I would argue this single song is more metal than the majority of songs by Zeppelin or early Deep Purple. Paul’s vocals are pure fire. Great song. Psychosocial is legitimately good for Slipknot. I’m pleasantly surprised by it. But it’s not gonna get my vote.

Gypsy is a cool tune with good vocal melodies and great playing, though it meanders quite a bit. I'd honestly vote for it over most other songs in this round, but not The Odyssey. I would not vote for almost any song in this game over The Odyssey. It's that good. It's impeccably written and performed and the only downside is the cheapness of the synths, which I have been overlooking for years and will continue to overlook for time eternal. TRIUMPHANT CHAMPION OF ITHACA!

Hell Patrol is an awesome song off Priest's best album and easily beats the solid, but lyrically dead Grinder.
Grinder lyrics sound just way too filthy to me.

Ratt - Round and Round vs Borknagar - The Rhymes of the Mountain. Rhymes. God one @JudasMyGuide
Virgin Steel - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) vs Death - Flesh and the Power it Holds. Difficult choice. Both interesting songs, I like Death's song a bit more.
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap vs Melvins - Night Goat --> Great song. Much more metal, super heavy and interesting than AC/DC
The Beatles - Helter Skelter vs Slipknot - Psychosocial. I'm a huge Beatles fan and Helter is considered a proto-metal song but it's kind of made-up song (Beatles just wanted to make a heavier song than The Who) with silly lyrics and Slipknot is the real deal here.
Symphony X - The Odyssey vs Uriah Heep - Gypsy. Not a contest. The Odyssey is a literally huge song and a holy cow in
Judas Priest - Hell Patrol vs Judas Priest - Grinder. Not a contest. Grinder is a weak song don't know why it's even here.

EDIT: Surprised to see Melvins so low, it's one of the best songs in this round.
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Why do you hate me?

Not hating you but the song you nominated. LOL :p

Anyway, I may be in the minority here but I really enjoy Glam metal and Ratt, a notable act in the genre, is here with arguably their best song. Borknagar's song is good enough and looking at your choice of music, I would suggest you to check out Mercenary (Danish Metal band) for a mix of hash and clean vocals.

"Helter Skelter" is a super important song in the evolution of metal. Very fun stomper, love the ending with Ringo especially. But "Psychosocial" fucking cooks. There are over two hundred Beatles songs I like, and only a handful of Slipknot songs that I think are good. But "Psychosocial" is absolutely one of them, banger track.

Pretty much the same with me for AC/DC. One of my favourites but just feel like 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' doesn't have the punch as compared to their other songs. While not super into Melvins, 'Night Goat' is an awesome Sludge metal number.
Ratt - Round and Round vs. Borknagar - The Rhymes of the Mountain
Borknagar was alright, the drummer was playing a completely different song to the rest of the band though, and the arrangement added nothing to it, so much so that I wasn't really paying attention by the end, but there was more to it than the songs from these sort of bands in the game usually have. Round and Round is great Round and Round

Virgin Steel - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) vs. Death - Flesh and the Power it Holds

Virgin Steele was pretty enjoyable, more so than I was expecting when I pushed play, bit of a Stratego vibe in places. It did veer a bit too much towards metal cliches to have me interested in checking our more though. Death had a couple of decent riffs, but arrangement was all over the shop, there was a decent 3 minute track in there needlessly dragged out with a load of ADHD sections. The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii)

AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap vs. Melvins - Night Goat

Night Goat not something I want to listen to by choice but inoffensive enough. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap an obvious classic, tongue in cheek lyrics, great riff, memorable hook. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

The Beatles - Helter Skelter vs. Slipknot - Psychosocial

A boy band covering Motley Crue shouldn't be in this game. Psychosocial one of the better Slipknot songs that have been in the game, the main groovy riff the song is based around was good, but still some atrocious parts, not least that rhythmic part after the middle eight. Helter Skelter picks up the win thanks to the Crue's original Helter Skelter

Symphony X - The Odyssey vs. Uriah Heep - Gypsy

Symphony X, the overture part was ok and the section that followed it was real good, not mad about the widdly section after it, I had to listen to this in two halves, which meant I kind of lost track of the vibe in the 2nd half, there was a section with a Pantera riff, and then some circus music parts, long and short of it: the section where there was singing was pretty much Dio/Queensryche and were generally good, and the instrumental sections were contrived and boring. I also took umbrage with the character describing it as his "odyssey", is that not a term derived from the character's name? Gypsy is great, some of the words a bit corny plus the noisy hammond section was a bit shit, but otherwise heavy as fuck. Gypsy

Judas Priest - Hell Patrol vs. Judas Priest - Grinder

Both are great Priest songs. Yes "Grinder looking for meat etc." is a bad lyric, but it's Priest that would only be in the middle of their spectrum! The verse is brilliant especially the delivery on "that's where there's thunder and the wind shouts back" Grinder
Symphony X, the overture part was ok and the section that followed it was real good, not mad about the widdly section after it, I had to listen to this in two halves, which meant I kind of lost track of the vibe in the 2nd half, there was a section with a Pantera riff, and then some circus music parts, long and short of it: the section where there was singing was pretty much Dio/Queensryche and were generally good, and the instrumental sections were contrived and boring. I also took umbrage with the character describing it as his "odyssey", is that not a term derived from the character's name?
My veil of silence is lifted. All is revealed. Revenge burns in my heart. I must right all of these wrongs.
I'm not sure The Rhymes of the Mountain is better than Round and Round, but I'm voting for it if only because I'm sad about Cold Runs the River. It's really a great album.