The Final Frontier: individual album judgement by yours truly


Ancient Mariner
The Final Frontier (2010) by individual members:

9,7 The Mid-Distance Runner
9,4 Fugazi
9,1 maidenhead1996
9,0 Jeffmetal
8,8 Black_Thunder
8,8 mckindog
8,8 taker64
8,7 Eddies Wingman
8,6 Stallion Duck
8,5 Albie
8,5 Forostar
8,5 LooseCannon
8,5 Vap
8,4 NightProwler666
8,4 Zare
8,3 bearfan
8,3 Donner
8,3 Perun
7,5 Cosmiceddie
Wow! Do I win a prize? The final mark is a true representation of my feelings towards the album...high distinction, gold star big, red tick,5 stars, 3 thumbs, 2 chefs hats etc.
Mother Of Mercy 9
The Man Who Would Be King 9
When The Wild Wind Blows 9
Starblind 8
Coming Home 8
Isle Of Avalon 8
Satellite 15...The Final Frontier 7
El Dorado 7
The Talisman 6
The Alchemist 5

Average: 7,6
01. Satelite 15...The Final Frontier 10/10

02. The Talisman 9/10
03. When The Wild Wind Blows 9/10
04. Mother Of Mercy 9/10

05. The Alchemist 7/10
06. The Man Who Would Be King 7/10

07. Coming Home 6/10
08. El Dorado 5/10

09. Isle Of Avalon 3/10
10. Starblind 2/10

The Final Frontier is my #10 Maiden album.
01. Isle of Avalon 10/10

02. Starblind 9/10
03. Mother of Mercy 9/10
04. The Alchemist 9/10
05. The Man Who Would Be King 9/10

06. El Dorado 8/10

07. Satellite 15...The Final Frontier 7/10
08. Coming Home 7/10

09. When the Wild Wind Blows 6/10

10. The Talisman 5/10

Based on these ratings:
- The Final Frontier album score: 7,9
- The Final Frontier is my #13 Maiden album.
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Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - 7
El Dorado - 6
Mother of Mercy - 6
Coming Home - 9
The Alchemist - 9
Isle of Avalon - 8
Starblind - 10
The Talisman - 9
The Man Who Would Be King - 8
When The Wild Wind Blows - 9

Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - 7
El Dorado - 8
Mother of Mercy - 8
Coming Home - 8
The Alchemist - 8
Isle of Avalon - 7
Starblind - 9
The Talisman - 8
The Man Who Would Be King - 5
When The Wild Wind Blows - 3

The Final Frontier is my #15 album
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This one is still a mixed bag for me. I didn't like it much at all when I first heard it 6 years ago, then grew to like most of it, and now I'm back to finding it a mixed bag. Nowhere near the greatness of AMOLAD or BOS, but it still has some quality songs, just mostly on the back end of it.

Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - 6
El Dorado - 6
Mother of Mercy - 2 (worst song of this era for me by far)
Coming Home - 7
The Alchemist - 8 (severely underrated)
Isle of Avalon - 8
Starblind - 10
The Talisman - 10
The Man Who Would Be King - 7
When The Wild Wind Blows - 8
Satellite 15.. The Final Frontier 6
El Dorado 5
Mother of Mercy 3
Coming Home 8
The Alchemist 9
Isle of Avalon 5
Starblind 10
The Talisman 7
The Man Who Would Be King 6
When the Wild Wind Blows 7

The Final Frontier 6,6
When the Wild Wind Blows 10
Isle of Avalon 9
Coming Home 9
Starblind 9
Satellite TFF 8
El Dorado 8
The Alchemist 8
The Talisman 7
The Man who would be King 6
Mother of Mercy 6

The Final Frontier 8.0
The Final Frontier (#3)

Satellite 15… The Final Frontier: 7
El Dorado: 8
Mother Of Mercy: 8
Coming Home: 6
The Alchemist: 7
Isle Of Avalon: 8
Starblind: 9
The Talisman: 9
‘The Man Who Would Be King: 7
When The Wild Wind Blows: 9

Album Average: 7,80
Satellite 15...The Final Frontier -8
El Dorado - 3
Mother of Mercy - 7
Coming Home - 7
The Alchemist - 4
Isle of Avalon - 4
Starblind - 4
The Talisman - 5
The Man Who Would Be King - 6
When The Wild Wind Blows - 7
