THE CRUSADE OF EPICS: Results -> A Change Of Seasons wins!


Results of Round 23:
Melechesh - The Outsiders
The Ocean - Devonian - Nascent

Opeth - Blackwater Park (Nominated by @The Flash)
Opeth - By The Pain I See In Others (Nominated by @Night Prowler)
BTPISIO has some interesting rhythmic bits, and the bonus of some clean vocals, but the music in “Blackwater Park” is more deeply layered and flows so much better from start to finish. Sorry, @Night Prowler, but I have to go with @The Flash ’s nominee here. Winner: Opeth - “Blackwater Park”

This has to be the most one-sided thing I've ever seen. I actually like a lot of BTPISIO, like the drunken carnival part, the crushing chorus, and some of the riffs near the end. It's a lot better than Wreath - a song I think might be the most overrated Opeth "epic" ever. However, Blackwater Park is probably Opeth's most powerful heavy song and also my favorite. It's beautiful.

It's difficult to see someone's Top 10 Opeth's Songs list not include Blackwater Park.
You forgot about the time “The Odyssey” was up against “When All Is Lost”. Although Foro was the foil in a perfect defeat; maybe NP will take that role now lol.

Nah, I will.

It is a pity vote, I guess I still like BWP more, but I really, really love BTPISIO (yes, including the outro) and the whole album and I want to support it somehow. On the other hand BWP I love and have really high, but probably not as high as other people here/Opeth fans in general.

The riff is killer, but a bit too dudebro for me, the structure ain't my favourite (a bit too long subdued section and then just this culmination) - not enough variation for my liking. Now it's definitely somewhere in my top 20 Opeth songs in general, I just find it a tad overrated.
I'm also voting for BWP, but BTPISIO isn't that far behind; Deliverance in general is a pretty underrated album and the fact that Mikael dislikes this song isn't helping. But I think it's pretty awesome. Lead that starts at 3:33 is incredible and honestly one of my favorite leads in all Opeth songs. Actually everything from 3:33 all until 6:33 is top tier Opeth IMO. Nothing to be disliked there, if you're an Opeth fan. That part is only matched on this album by the ending of Deliverance probably. Actually gonna change my vote now because BWP is gonna win anyway :P
This one is pretty easy, maybe not as easy as those rounds with Opeth and Symphony X but y'know.

I appreciate Venom's audacity in writing a 20 minute song called "At War With Satan" (pro-tip, they are not actually at war with Satan), but it's far from perfect. A lot of it drags and you're left feeling that it was an interesting endeavor, but not something that Venom are cut out to write.

"Lateralus", meanwhile, now that is something Tool were born to write. It's not exactly my favorite song ever, but I think it's pretty brilliantly arranged and much more complex than you expect. So many layers.
This Tool song starts off seeming a bit self-indulgent with its rhythmic play, but over time the lyrics start to reference “finding the rhythm” as those rhythmic structures morph and evolve, creating a pretty amazing hypnotic effect the further down the spiral you go. I began as a skeptic but was a believer by the end.

This Venom track is an interesting curiosity, because you wouldn’t really expect an epic-length track from a raw, punky, simplistic style of band like this, whose approach lends itself better to short, uptempo rockers that don’t wear out their welcome. This song doesn’t wind up having much structure at all, coming off like a 20-minute jam session with a cool clean section at the 3/4 mark and not much else.

I guess the defining difference here is that “Lateralus” feels like a cohesive song, while “At War With Satan” does not. Plus “Lateralus” has a lot more depth and musical appeal to me. Sorry, @Dityn DJ James, but @Collin ’s nominee takes this one. Winner: Tool
Tool, a thousand times over. However, like a lot of their music, this song typically requires repeated listens to grab you. I also get that Maynard's vocals are an acquired taste, but on the flipside, I couldn't listen to the vocals in that Venom song for 20 minutes. I just couldn't. I tried. I tried really hard.
This song alone is the reason why I got into Tool.
I had a friend who tried to get me to listen to them when 10000 Days came out, but it just didn't click. Then, a couple of years after I saw a video on YT explaining this song with Fibonacci sequence. From then onwards, it's been one hell of a trip.
But I must comment this: from all the songs that've been here - Tool just sticks out. It checks all the criteria given for this tournament, but I just can not view any of their songs as epic. Not that they're bad or anything, but I view their songs as ..... Tool songs. I mean, I can't call any of them epic since every one of them have this certain style.
It has to be Lateralus for me, too. There's some interesting stuff happening in that Venom song, but not enough to justify the length, and the vocals are terrible.

Lateralus is both a good song and a compositional masterpiece. It's not my favorite, but damn what a musical exercise.
For the longest time, Lateralus was my favorite Tool song. Nowadays that honor goes to Jambi, but Lateralus is still top 3 and deserves to go very far in this tournament.

I missed the previous round, but the song I would have voted for advanced on, so no harm, no foul.
Lateralus wins easily for me even though I don't rate Tool that much apart from a few songs. Still thinking they'd sound so much better with a more powerful vocalist. This song would sound so much better with more powerful vocals during the heavier parts, maybe even harsh vocals.

I am sure that Venom were super influential for extreme metal, but unfortunately they were shit themselves. Musicianship is basic af and vocals are garbage. Also this song just sounds like a few songs combined into one for no reason.