The Contridiction of (militant) Atheism


Ancient Mariner
I've been giving this some thought lately, as I do most things irrelvant and unpopular. I've seen many forums online and many more people in real life who are against religion, mostly Christianity. I'm not talking about atheistic people saying stuff like "I don't believe in any God." It's the people who claim to be irreligous and feel that they need to attack those who profess faith, ie "You believe some 2000 year old book! You're a retard!!!1!"

I will pause here to make two disclaimers: Firstly, I'm not defending Christian (or any other faith's) fundamentalists who think a theocracy should be imposed on the worldd and that those who disagree with them are less  human. They're dicks. Secondly, with a few exceptions this forum, Maiden Fans, is exceptional to the above generality. The (numerous) "God" debates here tend to be respectful and well-reasoned. It's partly due to Mav and RW's rules (thanks guys!), and partly, I think, due to the fact that we all have at least one thing in common - an appreciation for awesome music. I digress.

So, why are people so angry at religion? I think it might have something to do with the same section of the brain that stereotypes different racial and ethnic groups (hear me out!) Even the most enlightened of us subconsciously make generalizatrions based on traits people have or lack. Who can honestly say that if they saw two Arabs praying on an airplane that they wouldn't be a bit nervous? How many white people get ancy when a young black man dressed in "gangsta" clothes walks behind them, even though they know nothing about the person? You see my point - even if you don't know someone at all, you can't help but associate them with the best/worst stereotypes you can (until you reach a level of familiarity with him/her which alters this) Here's a case in point: I'm going to be living with two guys from Iran when I begin graduate studies in a few weeks. For no reason other than they're from Iran, I'm a bit nervous. Go figure, huh? We all do it (to different degrees), but recognize it for being stupid, bigoted, and even a little bit racist. It is certainly not something we should think is OK to do, and we're always told to try to get over such out-moded stereotypes.

The same is true with Christians. Until they have individually proven otherwise, most atheists seem to think that all Christians are conservative fundamentalists who think adding the 10 COmmandments to the codified laws of the state would be a good idea. (Another aside: Not killing, committing perjury,  and stealing isn't so horrible, right? These are laws in most countries anyway, as a society could hardly function without them. It's the ones which talk about morality which have no place in the laws of a state.) All Christians, apparently, are  right-wing, reactionary, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-education, anti-choice, pro-gun, Leave it to Beaver-trips back to the 1950's. "Christian" is used by one of my gay friends to describe anyone who is opposed to gay rights, even though he knows I find it offensive.

In other words, many atheistic people seem to think that all those who believe in the Christian God are the same - all 1,000,000,000 or so of them, and they are all extremists like George Bush.

The reality is quite different, though. Most Christians (hell, most of anyone of any faith or lack thereof) are content to simply live their lives and let others do the same. Most recognize the dangers of state and church being too close to one another. A good many of them even think many issues politicians make out to be matters of morality (ie gay rights, abortion, etc) are irrelevant because faith is a personal matter. Hell, a lot of churches openly accept such things (the largest Protestant church in Canada is more liberal than the most left-wing political party!) And yet, all Christians seemed to get judged by the actions of a small group of extremists/fundamentalists. But those people represent modern, mainstream Christianity no more than neo-Nazis represent modern, mainstream Germans.

As stated above, it's considered bigoted to assume that a black person will rob you or that an Arab is a terrorist (and rightly so!). Yet why is it still considered OK to mock religious beliefs? Some atheists claim to be more enlightened and rational than other people because they don't believe in an "invisiable sky man", yet they do not realise their own hypocrisy. This doesn't apply to the majority or Atheists, of course, but it seems that the ones to whom it does apply are much more vocal and less content to live and let live (and have a higher percentage of internet useage, apparently!)

I suppose, then, that every belief, Atheism included, has whackos that give the rest a bad name. Be it Al-Qeada, Westboro Baptists, or militant Athists.
Well, as an atheist, I can tell you that I'd rather be around Christians who have a well-founded and well-reasoned belief but do tolerate my beliefs or lack thereof than other atheists who are just atheist because Bob the gang leader said so. But that is obvious, isn't it?

I meet and know a lot of people who are radically anti-religious. I think that is ridiculous. They tell me they are rebels, but I keep wondering what they are rebelling against. I don't know anyone in my age who has had a religious education or has any other reason to feel opressed by religion- but don't you need something opressive for you to become a rebel?

This is going nowhere, but you get my point, probably.
I sure do Perun, and Duke's as well. Most atheists I've met are suposed atheists because their parents dragged them to church when they were kids and hated it (so did I, but now I know why they did), because it's "cool" or because only dumb people are religious, all of that of course being bullshit. I love the atheists (or even neo-pagans) who say, "We've lived under the iron fist of Catholicism long enough!" um.... ok, Granted Europe was once "Christendom", but even then by no means was Christianity the blanket religion in Europe. If it was there wouldn't have been all those neat bonfires set up the the inquisition.

Oh well, point is, like you said Duke, bad apples in every camp...
Perun said:
Well, as an atheist, I can tell you that I'd rather be around Christians who have a well-founded and well-reasoned belief but do tolerate my beliefs or lack thereof than other atheists who are just atheist because Bob the gang leader said so. But that is obvious, isn't it?

I meet and know a lot of people who are radically anti-religious. I think that is ridiculous. They tell me they are rebels, but I keep wondering what they are rebelling against. I don't know anyone in my age who has had a religious education or has any other reason to feel opressed by religion- but don't you need something opressive for you to become a rebel?

This is going nowhere, but you get my point, probably.

This is a good thread, mainly because it can be linked to something we all love-metal.

Look at the extreme metal movement.  When you look at thrash bands such as Slayer, you see overly-Satanic imagery, and yet Tom Araya is a Catholic!  Kerry King, Jeff Hannemann and Dave Lombardo certainly don't believe in the goatlord...but this image is their way of being controversial and going against the grain.

Which is all very well, you may think, except that it has this problem; many metal bands (particularly in the Black metal genre) use satanic imagery merely as a means of being tr00.  You may or may not know about the church burnings committed by the 'Inner Circle' of Norwegian Black Metal in the early 90's, but this exemplifies the braindead anti-religious nature of these bands.

You may be wondering what my point is.  Well, looking at some of the main 'Satanic' bands of the extreme metal genre, we can see that many quickly moved onto paganistic/mythological themes (Emperor, Burzum, Bathory) or simply abandoned the pointless Satanism altogether (Possessed).  The mentality of the aggressive atheism is the same...quite often, it is simply an uneducated person simply lashing out at religion for various religions; to try and fit in, because they don't understand other people's faith etc.  Whatever their reasons, this kind of atheism pisses me off.  It's often uninformed and annoying to Christians and proper atheists, who have thought long and hard about the possibilities of faith, alike.  There are so many people, particularly metal fans, who will simply follow any band or banner that claims to be anti-christian.  Thankfully, on this forum, all the atheists I have met haven't been overbearingly critical of my faith, and are content to leave me to me beliefs, as I leave them to theirs.  Sometimes, discussions on religion can get a bit *ahem* 'heated', but this has only ever served to further our understanding of each other.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say, but if anyone does, please feel free to tell me :-[
Silky said:
all the atheists I have met haven't been overbearingly critical of my faith,
And why should they? You have chosen this, you have made your mind up - and this is more than some of these so called atheists who proclaim to be so due to some sort of fad.

But this may be some sort of reason behind the bigotry. "The religious folk have chosen their path in life, so as we don't agree and it was their choice - we will mock them". A lot of this bigotry is down to, as Silky stated, the thing to do or simply ill-informed ideas.

From a personal point of view, I was brought up in a religious family - but it was my Dad, at the time, that was a little agnostic. Hence this is why I am as I am. And like most of the points here, I am just sort of typing off the cuff a bit!
I must reiterate (I don't think I was blunt enough in my initial post): Not all, nor even the majority, or atheists are like I described. I don't want to give the wrong impression.
Something stupid about the Christianity, they are saying to love other people, but the leaders hate women and homosexuals. And they wonder why they are loosing Christians...
If you're going to post to a thread here, at least take the time to read the initial post. You are a symptom of the problems outlined.

There's no such thing as "The Christianity." At best, it implies that you think there is only one form of the religion, and at worst this useage implies you have an incredibly poor grasp on the suffixes commonly used in the English language. I'm sure all the churches who have gay and female clergy will agree that church leaders hate them.

And what the bloody fark do you mean by "loosing" Chrsitians?

Feel free to actually read the thread and post your thoughts. But if you're going to be a jackassed "troll", you'll quickly find that y'all ain't welcome in there here parts.
The type of "conservative" Christian that you talk about Onhell, is the type that reads and takes examples from the Old Testament... one of their favourite quotes would be:

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"

George Bush, among others, use this mentality to suit an argument even though Jesus' teaching contradicts this.  This conservative mentality is what I hate about organised religion, even though I am a moderate Catholic myself.

People who "hate" religion focus on the contradictions preached by the likes of George Bush and don't realise how a moderate following of a religion is healthy.
I don't remember talking about conservatives, Conor... and you mean INSTITUTIONALIZED religion, ever since we've had organized group of people we've had "organized" religion.
Onhell said:
I don't remember talking about conservatives, Conor... and you mean INSTITUTIONALIZED religion, ever since we've had organized group of people we've had "organized" religion.

Perhaps.  But organised religion today takes on a different meaning, that of over-ritualised, mass-produced service.  I know what Conor means exactly, and I would say that I am against 'organised' religion myself-organised on the scale that the Catholic Church uses...really, it puts the emphasis on all the wrong things....but anyway, I think 'organised' religion is a perfectly legitimate term for it, since nowadays more and more people are choosing to worship in their own way, with whomever they want to, when they want to.  After all, the whole point of the Gospels is that Jesus came to break down the barriers between Man and God...but I suppose 'those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it'...
Again, that is INSTITUTIONALIZED religion!!!! ARRRRGH there is a term for it and that is it. Organized religion yesterday, today and tomorrow IS NOT the same as Institutionalized, which is, as you put it...
Silky said:
... over-ritualised, mass-produced service. 
IronDuke said:
If you're going to post to a thread here, at least take the time to read the initial post. You are a symptom of the problems outlined.

There's no such thing as "The Christianity." At best, it implies that you think there is only one form of the religion, and at worst this useage implies you have an incredibly poor grasp on the suffixes commonly used in the English language. I'm sure all the churches who have gay and female clergy will agree that church leaders hate them.

And what the bloody fark do you mean by "loosing" Chrsitians?

Feel free to actually read the thread and post your thoughts. But if you're going to be a jackassed "troll", you'll quickly find that y'all ain't welcome in there here parts.

Just a reminder, I mostly speak French and I know I have to improve my english. I might not know to explain myself perfectly, but at least I'm trying. Not like other people that I know...
We learn nothing in the English class we have at school. I learned English by watching TV, playing internet games (and most of the time, it's hard to understand what people are saying), listening to other people, music and visiting english forum.
It still doesn't change the fact that what you said was rather lame, mind you. Regardless of the quality of the English you used.  :huh:
Max_power said:
Just a reminder, I mostly speak French and I know I have to improve my english. I might not know to explain myself perfectly, but at least I'm trying. Not like other people that I know...

There are people on this board with worse english than yours that express themselves better and actually have something constructive to say, if you read what you quoted again, your English wasn't the only thing being critisized...
Quelque chose d'idiot au sujet de la chrétienté, ils disent aimer les autres, mais leur dirigeants haïssent les femmes et les homosexuels. Et ils se demandent pourquoi ils perdent des chrétiens...

I think I got it right. It is lame, and it's not a question of language.  :down:
Ich weiss zwar nicht was der da gesagt hat, aber ich stimme ihm zu. :P