Urizen said:
True, but that doesn't mean the MF is not becoming weaker.
You don't understand. The Magnetic Field strenght doesn't follow a linear stronger>>>weaker pattern. It slowly gets weaker over thousands of years until it's weak enough to switch poles. This shift is sudden and dramatic, according to most theories. Assuming it was quantifiable on a scale of 100, and the magic strenght at which it's weak enough to invert is 70. You'd see the field at 100, then 99, 98, 97,etc. until it got to 70, at which time it would suddenly reverse to become -69. (it's hard to describe in words, but try to visualize this)
Urizen said:
What's that have to do with the argument(oil drainage) I presented?
New oil is constantly being created by the rotting corpses of animals, plants, an other organic matter. It's a natural by-product of things living and dying. We're just using it up faster than it regenerates. New oil is created every day, but it's in such small amounts that it's insignificant. We just have a few billion years stockpiled, hich is why we seem to have lots right now.
Urizen said:
4. The simbiosis:
The simbiosis is defined as cohabitation of two different organisms that have mutual benefit from this cohabitation.
For example, a Nile crocodile allows a small bird to enter his mouth and clean his teeth of hazardous bacteria. If the bird didn't cleaned his teeth the crocodile would be in a life threatening danger from disease. And those parasites are the bird's major source of food.
The two animals need each other, and in the same time. Otherwise either specie wouldn't be able to survive, which suggests that the two species must have came into existance in the same time.
As was said above, the crocs were here firls. the birdies evolved to exploit a food source. Those crocs which, for whatever reason, allowed the birdies to clean their teeth without chowing down on them were better able to surrvive and pass their birdy-loving genes on to the next generation. They were selected through a natural process.
Urizen said:
There is a theory(and a logical too)that explains the need for the existance of the evolutionist theory.
It's goal, according to this theory, is to strip humanity of its spiritual side and force men(humanity) to think of itself as an animal specie that has no spiritual needs. When the man is free from his obligations to a god(any god) the way for him becoming a puppet of a communist state is open.
I don't think you've quite mastered the defination of "communist", but I'll let it slide this time. You're forgetting that morality can, and does, exist ouside of spiritualism. Man is a moral critter that likes to build functional societies. These generally consist of the same basic rules (ie "try hard not to kill and steal"), tailored to suit the environment. We also have the ability to REASON outside of religion, meaning when we see something which is amoral, we can stand against it.