The 90's


PM me your Opeth album rankings!
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Recently I have noticed a lot of 90's music being played on the radio and it is currently 90's week on VH1 Classic and lately I've been listening to a lot of 90's music. So I thought I'd make a thread to discuss some of our favorite 90's albums. These are a few of mine:

Bruce Dickinson Accident Of Birth/Chemical Wedding

Of course these are 2 of the best 90's Metal albums and even though this is a maiden forum, I wouldn't feel right without having these albums. I'd pick both of these albums over all 4 maiden 90's albums and maybe some of the 00's albums. If I had to pick one, I would probably go with Accident Of Birth.

Foo Fighters-The Colour And The Shape

This is a classic album. It flows great and has a bunch of gems. when I said I have been listening to a lot of 90's music this is an album I have been throwing on nonstop. Great album.

Extreme-Three Sides To Every Story  

Not only is this a real underrated album, it is my favorite 90's album and easily in my top 5 of all time. All three albums that they put out in that decade are really good and i recommend all of them but this one is easily the best. The conceptual idea is genius and the guitar work is great.


Nirvana-In Utero
This one reigns as my favorite Nirvana album. It is a shame that Kurt Cobain killed himself because this album shows the potential that Nirvana had. What a waste.

I have plenty of others but these are 5 favorites that I can think of right now. I might add more as I think of them.
I'm listening to Pantera's Far Beyond Driven at the moment, I really like it now but didn't like it very much during the 90's, I will go through my music collection later when I have more time and pick out some more personal favourites from the 90's.
A couple that have just sneaked in being that they were released in 1990:

Warrior Soul - Last Decade, Dead Century. I saw this band support Metallica in '89/'90 and promptly ran out and brought this album. It's quite different from what I would normally listen to but good nonetheless. Best tack - Losers.

Acid Reign - Obnoxious. This album was what I feel a more mature Acid Reign. The songs were longer and put together in a more polished way than they had done in the past. Lyrically, much the same - very social/political, but please look past the album's pink cover. Best track - possibly Thoughtful Sleep. (nice Maidenesque intro, don't you think?)

I'll add some more later.
If interested, I added 13 90's albums in my 25 essential metal albums (of all time). So the majority of my favourite metal albums are released in the 90's. Check this topic and hereby I invite you to contribute to that one as well. Thanks in advance, I'd appreciate it!  :ok:
Some great 90's albums I can think of from the top of my head that haven't been mentioned are At the Heart of Winter and Blizzard Beasts by Immortal, Innuendo and Made in Heaven by Queen, Roll the Bones and Test for Echo, by Rush Imaginations from the Other Side and Nightfall on Middle Earth by Blind Guardian and everything Iced Earth put out in that decade.
I agree with all your picks though I only know the song and not the whole album Innuendo.

Some sideline commentary: I prefer Somewhere Far Beyond over Tales..., and it's interesting that these Immortal albums are quite different in style. At the Heart... is more epic, and bombastic, and Blizzard Beasts contains more shorter and aggressive songs. Cool that you appreciate both sides of the band!
Nightfall On Middle Earth would be up there for me, above Imaginations and Somewhere Far Beyond by a head and a tail. I am not too familiar with Immortal, but I might need to change that.
Perun said:
Roll the Bones and Test for Echo, by Rush
I don't have TFE but I have Roll The Bones and I must say I don't like it that much. :(
Well I wasn't looking forward to The Talisman because of KISS.  <_<
Really? I don't.  :lol:

Smells Like Teen Spirit woke me up this morning. It will tomorrow too. It's a good song to wake up to.
Jupz said:
My fave wake up song is phantom of the opera :D
Haven't tried that yet. The only Iron Maiden I've waken up to you is POM and TFF, the former working the best.
My favourite wakeup songs are probably Panzer Division Marduk by Marduk, Angel of Death by Slayer and Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Richard Strauss. It really does depend on what kind of a day I expect to have. ;)
I used Children Of The Damned as a wake-up song until I realised I will probably hate it if I continued to use it :) My current alarm (and call) ringtone is Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love.