? > than Macedonia?

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Your statement was unnecessary, it was off-topic in a thread that was dead for nine months. If this is what you call trying, try harder.

Really, just let people say what they think. And please try to understand that it is not necessary that there is a conspiracy behind everything. If It is not as if all threads never deviate from their initial purpose.

I saw the thread, I just wanted to point out the international agreement regarding the Macedonia. There is no need to get comments like nobody gives a fuck.

I am offended by your comment. And I would expect people who are here to enforce some rules, actually follow the rules themselves.
People said what they thought. And, as you can see, we were all unhappy with your "clarification", just because it was irrelevant and unnecessary.
This thread doesn't have anything to do with Macedonia anyway, Foro mixed it up with Montenegro. You would've noticed that if you actually cared enough to read the thread.
Look, Gk1. You may or may not be aware of this fact, but there are a bunch of people here from various Balkan countries. I would prefer it if we all kept our historical, ethnic and other type of grudges neatly folded and stacked in our personal offline closets. Please do it and act sensibly, regardless of how hard it may be for you.
Perhaps we all should do this. GK1 started and we (including myself) all jumped at it as if he just annihilated an entire nation with a magic wand.

I do not want to undermine the mod(s) but so many people against one will mostly get someone more agitated, even if he knows he is wrong.
This thread had the purpose of congratulating NP for his birthday, it was dead for nine months and you resurrected it for your statement. That's hardly deviation, it's an unnecessary bump. We have a thread called 'European Politics' if you must carry your message to the world.
Foro, it's pretty obvious he just wanted to say something about Macedonia and couldn't find a proper thread.
I just stated something that is the truth. Maybe out of context but I fail to see why we need to continue on this. I did not want to insult anyone and I was quite stunned that I got this reaction and that I need to explain myself for something like that.

I still feel insulted to be honest with you. I think we sometimes take posts and ourselves too seriously in here. I DID NOT WANT TO INSULT ANYONE.
When posting on an international forum, you just have to be a bit more sensitive than you normally are. There is something called cultural awareness, which is a pretty important thing. But in order to be culturally aware, you not only need to recognise the existence of other cultures and the way they perceive things, but also need to take a look at your own culture from a different point of view. Maybe then you would understand why we reacted the way we did.
Just killing time! What's the big deal,really?!!

Is there a different internationally accepted name for FYROM that I am not aware of?

Not trying to push any political views. To me this is the same thing as calling Serbia SERBIA and

Poland POLAND.
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Just killing time! What's the big deal,really?!!

Is there a different internationally accepted name for FYROM that I am not aware of?

Not trying to push any political views. To me this is the same thing as calling Serbia SERBIA and

Poland POLAND.

Are you going to correct every single case of people referring to countries by an informal name on the forum? Or is it a specialty for Macedonia? It is a 9 month old thread without any actual relevancy to the country.
GK1, I think it's just that people are annoyed that you are so busy with it. You might be (partially) right, but people do not like to hear it (especially in this thread), because it reeks of nationalism. To be honest, not liking to hear it can also come from nationalism or the worry that things get out of hand (which is not illogical).

If we may expect from you that you should be culturally aware, perhaps it's fair to mention that there are people from Bulgaria, Turkey and that former Yugoslavian republic talking to you. If we'd have an Albanian here, the party would be complete. :)
Everyone ...

This is why we are in here Foro, to exchange opinions and thoughts. Being opinions of people from any country isn't and shouldn't be an issue for anyone. I know it is not for me.
It's enough of an issue for you to rub it in everyone's face that you are from Macedonia and that it's not the country that Skopje is in and bumping an entirely unrelated thread for this, despite nobody having asked you for this information.
This is really stupid. Perun I am really disappointed by your reaction throughout this discussion. Lets talk Maiden shall we?
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