Tell me why I shouldn't like (your favorite musician here)

Uh... was kinda bored during Raising Hell show... and Skunkworks sucked. And he swore too much and talked too much bullshit on stage in early reunion years. That's all I can think of :D

I'll give you an easy one... Mustaine :D
Did wrong things expecting no consequences, then held a grudge because he did face consequences. Way too reliant on set formulas, hasn't been able to deliver an exciting album since the turn of the century. A bit of a renegade, didn't practice what he preached over the years. Became a religious nut and an intolerant person even towards people who are his fans. In short, he's a GREAT MUSICIAN.

Ritchie Blackmore
He hasn't written a concept album about NObama yet!

Dave Grohl

Edit: oops posted at the same time as Flash. :D

Ritchie Blackmore left rock to make lame medieval type music. A waste of one of rocks best and most inventive players.
I heard he plans on making a return to rock though.

Grohl: Another hard one... I guess he was never too original with his music, didn't break new ground or anything.

Jerry Cantrell
A guy who alternatively looks like a Kelly Family reject and a long lost third hobo from ZZ Top and who can’t keep a beat simple plays heavily depressing metal, while his first singer whines about how he fucked up his life with drugs, then lets said singer decompose and then replaces him, but after such a long time the band is already dead in many a fan’s eye. Also confuses everyone about the genre of his band, appearing during a grunge boom, so you have to keep arguing with everyone that AIC and Soundgarden are actually very, very cool and not grunge at all.
(Man, I love the band!)

Returning to those… tough choices - Freddie - A great singer (though not my favourite), great composer in the first part of his career, so-so pianist… I can’t help but blame him for the career turn Queen took in the 80’s (his solo career definitely supports this accusation) and from what I’ve seen/heard in documentaries, while being shy and quiet in nature, he nonetheless led a life of somewhat questionable hedonistic excess (I mean - a party where a guy was meat. Really. Like, there was this pile of meat and there was a person buried inside), which, ultimately, led to his downfall. Also, his solo career is completely unlistenable to me. I mean, I could maybe tolerate I Was Born to Love You, for sheer novel value, but play Living on My Own or Mr. Bad Guy to me and you will surely induce a stroke.

Ronnie James Dio - Amazing guy, I love him pretty as much as everybody does, but let’s admit it - he simply dragged every band he was in into his style, dragons, fairytales, heck, even the melodies are somewhat similar! If I haven’t already known Blackmore, Butler or Iommi and their styles, I don’t think I would be quite able to distinguish Rainbow from Rainbath from Raindio. He was still cool, though.

Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson
A musical genius with Tull in the sixties and seventies, also made interesting albums in later decades. Always stayed a strong songwriter and excellent flute player. However, in the last decade or so, he tours "solo" by focusing a lot on big Tull successes, with other musicians. Even Martin Barre is not around anymore.
Also, his voice isn't what it was, on stage he uses another singer for the high parts. Turns his shows into musicals.

Kai Hansen
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I'd really rather not. :P I think part of the fun of this game is to do these writeups for artists we actually personally like.
I'd really rather not. :p I think part of the fun of this game is to do these writeups for artists we actually personally like.

I quite enjoyed dissing off Matt Barlow in the first reply to the thread, you should try. :p
Oh, I enjoy dissing off Kai Hansen, but it would kind of destroy the light-heartedness of the game. ;)
Kai Hansen - Hit and miss, time and time again. Is an expert at many things, most notably in stealing riffs, songs and cutlery.

Jon Lord
Wasted those great experimental late 60's trying to fuse rock and classical, leaving us pretentiously boring stinkers like the Concerto for Group and Orchestra. It took Ian Gillan and Roger Glover joining the band to get them pointed on the right track.

Jimmy Page
Is way too up his own ass. He is the Poet, the Dead Boy, the Lost One...Jesus just give it a rest, already! I doubt any other artist has ever given themselves so many artsy Disney names and written about themselves in the third person so much.

Geezer Butler
"Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses". What kind of a rhyme is that? :P

(You're right about Tuomas btw.)

Hansi from Blind Guardian