Teletubbies might get banned - Tinky Winky is possibly gay

Sorry, Natalie, but I'd have to side with Forostar on this one.  The point is in POLAND people are anti-gay, THAT is the reason Polish politicians wish to ban the show, not because the show may or may not be lame.  (I'm happy to say I've never watched it).
Maybe I'm blind or incapable (or both) but I actually took the trouble of going back over this thread and nowhere is it stipulated that the entire Polish nation is anti-gay, only that this one minister is. As for Polish politicians acting on behalf of the people, just because the government may want to be anti-gay does not necessarily mean that the people are anti-gay (as in, the party who is anti-gay won by 51% so the other 49% of Poles don't agree with their policies). I'm saying this because quite frankly I don't know enough about Polish politics nor do I see where or how people like GK and Forostar are getting the back-up for stipulating that Poland is anti-gay as a nation :blink:. If someone could provide links to a specific article or something, I'd appreciate it. :)
This doesn't surprise me at all.  The West, at least the United States and Canada, were in a similar place around forty years ago, when homosexuality started hitting the mainstream.  Parades were broken up by city police and violent, fearing youth went on headhunts for gays.  It hasn't really stopped, it's just slowed.  In the last three years there have been two violent homophobic beatings in my town, both by small gangs of football players on open homosexuals who were accused of "hitting on me".  In both cases the football players were arrested and released after the University applied pressure to get their star players back (despite the fact that our team posted a miserly 2-9 record this year).
Thanks for all this new and interesting information Forostar. I read especially the first article with dismay for three reasons. One, because gay and overall human rights are being undermined in Poland by the government . Two, because of this catholic radio station which seems to be ignoring that one command which the gay pride marchers in Warsaw had picked as a slogan (love thy neighbor), thus projecting a very narrow-minded, xeno and homophobic image of the church which isn't necessarily all that accurate. Three, because the youth in Poland seem to be very conservative and nationalistic (skinheads) which is horrifying once one thinks that it is usually the youth which is liberal compared to the oldies and that if the youth in Poland is so conservative now, how will they be when they are all 80? I hope that the situation will calm down and that Poland will soon be where the rest of Europe is right now (not 40 years behind, as LC stipulated).
They won't rule forever, luckily.  Things will change over time, as the gay pride movement gathers steam.  And I think EU nations should be applying some pressure on the Polish government, as well as help should be entering from more established nations.  There are some powerful Pride movements in most EU countries and most NATO countries.
We don't get this kind of information down here in NZ/Australia unless I stay up and watch BBC late at night. Interesting read thanks Forostar.
Well, if I ever find myself in Poland and there's a Pride march on I'll be sure to join in. :ok:
Natalie said:
Well, if I ever find myself in Poland and there's a Pride march on I'll be sure to join in. :ok:
Make sure to dress up as Tinky Winky.
Two, because of this catholic radio station which seems to be ignoring that one command which the gay pride marchers in Warsaw had picked as a slogan (love thy neighbor), thus projecting a very narrow-minded, xeno and homophobic image of the church which isn't necessarily all that accurate.

I hate to break it to you all, but the Catholics do have the Bible on their side when they argue against homosexuality. Lev. 18 is an entire chapter devoted to laws of sexuality, and verse 22 spells it out: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: because it is an abomination."
Lev. 20:13 says: "If any one lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination: let them be put to death. Their blood be upon them. "
Perun said:
I hate to break it to you all, but the Catholics do have the Bible on their side when they argue against homosexuality. Lev. 18 is an entire chapter devoted to laws of sexuality, and verse 22 spells it out: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: because it is an abomination."
Lev. 20:13 says: "If any one lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination: let them be put to death. Their blood be upon them. "

Well, I'm not a religious man and do not know the Bible well, but the quote from the Bible you have made looks to me that this is against gays, does it also apply for lesbians? (Sorry for this a bit stupid question, I could not prevent myself from asking it :-)

Perun, goddamnit, if we're going to go by Leviticus, where is my slave?  ALSO!  Why haven't I been able to find a market to sell my sister in?  I could use the extra cash.  Plus, I need to be stoned to death for saying the name of Jehovah.  Jehovah!

Leviticus is 100% outdated and the Church doesn't follow a large amount of the rules set down in it.  Choosing one they can still get away with is just nonsensical.  Besides, religion has *no place* dictating the working of a state, no matter how much they wish to.  Theocracies are bad farking ideas.
LooseCannon said:
Leviticus is 100% outdated and the Church doesn't follow a large amount of the rules set down in it.  Choosing one they can still get away with is just nonsensical.  Besides, religion has *no place* dictating the working of a state, no matter how much they wish to.  Theocracies are bad farking ideas.

I wasn't talking about that. I was replying to the argument that homophobia is unchristian.
In that case I apologize.

However, it depends on what your definition of "Christian" is.  If you believe in the word of the Bible, you can make that claim (in which case my earlier response applies).  However, there's a difference between one's own opinion, and violently shoving it in the face of others.  *that* act is, seemingly, unChristian.
Fine, then my definition is the Bible-thumping-conservative-small-dicked-pedophile-you-name-it-Christian. Is there really the need to get that picky? We all know what we are talking about.
LooseCannon said:

Perun, goddamnit, if we're going to go by Leviticus, where is my slave?  ALSO!  Why haven't I been able to find a market to sell my sister in?  I could use the extra cash.  Plus, I need to be stoned to death for saying the name of Jehovah.  Jehovah!

Leviticus is 100% outdated and the Church doesn't follow a large amount of the rules set down in it.  Choosing one they can still get away with is just nonsensical.  Besides, religion has *no place* dictating the working of a state, no matter how much they wish to.  Theocracies are bad farking ideas.

You can also own Onhell, if you invade the US and defeat him in battle.  Also, if you do that, and conquer (say) Denver, you are allowed to enslave all the women and children, but must kill all the men (sorry, SMX!).

Also, don't forget that, if a member of your family converts to another faith, you must stone him or her.  If your son is disobedient, you can stone him, too. -_-

The selective blindness of the Church to sections of the Bible as astonishing.  I personally love the bit where the 'just' god has bears eat a group of children...for calling Elisha 'baldy'.  That, or the bit where Moses convinces god not to wipe out his people (again), not once...but appealing to his vanity.
Belenor said:
Well, I'm not a religious man and do not know the Bible well, but the quote from the Bible you have made looks to me that this is against gays, does it also apply for lesbians? (Sorry for this a bit stupid question, I could not prevent myself from asking it :-)

I don't know, but I'll act the part of feminist and insist on equal rights for women even when it comes to the Bible. Hence lesbianism is also an abomination. But on second thoughts, who really cares when this argument is outdated and unfair according to LC?
Belenor said:
Well, I'm not a religious man and do not know the Bible well, but the quote from the Bible you have made looks to me that this is against gays, does it also apply for lesbians? (Sorry for this a bit stupid question, I could not prevent myself from asking it :-)

No, the passage in Leviticus is only about man-man homosexuality, there is a passage in the Talmud, where rabbis expand on biblical passages, that condemns Lesbianism as well.

To not, The quote from leviticus is not about loving another man or woman, but to "lay" with them, Sex was (and still is) about power and domination, men have sex in prison all the time and they are not gay, it is to show who is in charge, thus men are on an equal footing and it is women who must be subdued, not men.
Here's the REAL reason why they want to ban the teletubbies...


(why didn't they just say that, rather than blaming the Gay's..?)