Free Man
Nothing. Ever since agreeing to the "One China" principle the U.S. has not supported formal independence for Taiwan. We support the status quo, which is de facto Taiwanese independence, with the stated goal of eventual peaceful reunification with the mainland. Since the Taiwanese would never willingly give up their democracy and their personal freedoms to live under authoritarian rule, peaceful reunification with the PRC is not possible, and reunification would only become possible if China liberalized and democratized.
On the contrary. The world is a different place since last October. Saudi Arabia & Iran peace deal brokered by China. Countries start trading in their currency or CNY. Many countries including Saudi Arabia show strong interest to join BRICS. The whole NATO (let alone US) cannot keep up with the war of attrition in Ukraine. RFK is drawing 15-20% of Democrats. China leaning parties gain ground in Taiwan.
All the above plus the fact that we are 18 months before US elections has made, in my opinion, Biden Administration to want to ease it with China.
Your questioning is pretty hilarious, by the way. The United States spends more on national defense than the next 10 countries (China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, South Korea, Japan, and Ukraine) combined. What on earth makes you think we're not fully outfitted and ready to handle a full-blown military conflict? We have weaknesses in cyberwarfare, and in fighting insurgent non-state-actor groups; but when it comes to traditional military warfare we are pretty clearly dominant in force and technology.
I know all that. I don’t think US can be beaten in a full-blown open conflict by Russia or China alone. But when/if they‘ll send troops on the ground, I doubt that they could beat Russians in a war of attrition in Ukraine.
But all they have to do is look at Hong Kong to see what Taiwan would quickly become under PRC rule.
I’ve been many times in HK. HK is doing well. It’s not that they ever had democracy and they lost it. Many pro PRC riots had happen under the British and then the Colonial forces were shooting and killing people. Probably hundreds of people were killed during anti-British protests. Hundreds. Killed.
Well, Xi is a dictator. It's not like that's news.
You are missing the point. US went on great lengths and worked for months for this Blinken visit. They sent CIA head to prepare the ground then Blinken took a 10 hours beating by the Chinese. No matter what we assume, it’s certain that they had serious reasons to do that.
And after all this months preparation plus lecture and beating Blinken took in Beijing, next day Biden calls Xi a dictator. And note, this is not the usual Biden dementia thing, it’s been it the US official read outs. Which makes it even worse. Everything that has been achieved no matter small during the Blinken visit is now been destroyed. Such an unhinged behavior.
EDIT: Now Biden goes out to say he doesn’t think calling Xi a dictator will not affect their relations. It would be laughable if it weren’t deeply concerning.
Yep, pretty much all English-language media abbreviates it "CCP", as do all of the Chinese immigrants I've personally encountered in the U.S. If China is so adamant that it be abbreviated "CPC", I don't know why it's turned out differently.
As explained you a few posts above this is a grammar thing, we always put the adjective then the party then the country. It’s rude to say American United States, or German Communist Party. And besides, when talking officially we should follow the official naming protocol.

If you want to be concerned about a potential flashpoint where China is clearly the one ruffling feathers, how about their conversations to potentially set up a military base in Cuba, which is only 80 miles off the coast of Florida? The last time a major Communist power tried this, it brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. You can be sure the U.S. will never allow this to happen.
I understand US‘ concerns but let remind you that we are on the brink of nuclear war now because they refused to acknowledge and accept Russian concerns about Ukraine. And they keep pushing the escalation ladder.
And I don’t agree that this will never happen. During the 60s people in power were hinged and realistic in both sides. What grounds US have to refuse a base in Cuba after all the color Revolutions, NATO expansion, military presence in South China Sea and war in Ukraine?
Just check statements from US officials they are downplaying and even recognizing the “right” of China to have a base in Cuba as a fair play. So don’t bet that it won’t happen, we are not in the 60s. Unfortunately. If we were the war in Ukraine would never happen.
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