
I really don't think so. I think the US ability to destroy Syrian gas reserves and production capability is precise enough to leave both rebels and government relatively intact.
Who knows if we will do anything ... if they plan is to, and it seems to be, to bomb some select targets ala Libya, I am not sure why this is going to Congress first. I do not think the White House knows what it is doing or wants to have happen
Maybe the USA should just destroy all the gas on both sides.

Keep in mind that any sort of military action will result in the breach of international laws.
Syria has not threatened, and is no threat to United States.
Someone in Syria has broken international laws by using gas though. International laws are pretty useless unless there is some actual enforcement power
It looks like the Reps are going to give Obama support:

The BBC has tried to map the conflict (click pic below)
(more info: )
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It looks like the Republican establishment in Washington is going to support 0bama yet again, and Boehner is going to isolate himself from his party's rank & file even more. Sooner or later, Republicans are going to shake that albatross from their necks.
There is not going to be universal GOP support for this, but Obama will get more Republican support than he will Democratic support.

But, I still do not get why this is going to Congress while Libya did not. It is similar in military scope
From a legal standpoint, under US law, it is the same. Obama (or any President) can carry out any military action for 60 days with no Congressional action .. that can be extended to 90 days.
Two possibilities spring to mind: Obama wants to demonstrate his respect for the Congress, or he is secretly planning an operation taking longer than 60 or 90 days. I'm sure Alex Jones has it figured out.
It's a risk, but after his term, when all this is over, and if this phase goes well for him, he can say that he can look back as the President who took America out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and as the President who dealt with this difficult case, Syria, and he went to the Congress for it, which cannot be said about some previous Presidents.
The more likely one is he is trying to get political cover. If it were a matter of respect for the Constitution, this would have happened before any action in Libya
Sure, though it is not certain he will get it .. like Cameron did not. If support does not happen ... and it is a 50-50 chance right now ... then it is up to France. It seems unlikely any other European countries will get involved.