Swine Flu

S C I E N C E can't be denied

Tell that to Christians.

Besides, there's more chance that anyone from these boards will die in a traffic accident, than from this b'shit.
Zare said:
Tell that to Christians.

I take offense to that. I'm a Christian who has no issues with science, be more precise in your insults. I'm sure you meant fundamentalists, who regardless of creed (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc) tend to close their mind to facts...
Right at the minute, i am not worried by the whole "Swine Flu"  "Epidemic" that has broken out seemingly out of friggin' nowhere.
To me at the minute it just seems like the usual scaremongering by the press, although for some reason i always get an image when i turn the tv off in the morning to walk to school, during a report of this flu, that a Zombie-flm style senario will happen...i guess you'll understand what im saying if youre a fan of those types of movies- characters turning off the news half way through these reports.
But anyway, i digress. Just think about it, Bird Flu was hyped up out of the arse, and it came to pretty much nothing seeminly, no mass deaths and apocalyptic senarios as were suggested. And Hopefully this will be the same.

However, i will be keeping an eye on it, as shit could get serious. Like i say, the only thing that worries me about this is how it came out of nowhere. I just turned on BBC one morning and there it was in the face- "Deaths in Mexico following Swine Flu outbreak"....."WHA?!?!".

Sorry for the random rant and all!
I take offense to that. I'm a Christian who has no issues with science, be more precise in your insults. I'm sure you meant fundamentalists, who regardless of creed (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, etc) tend to close their mind to facts...

I'm sorry mate. Of course i meant those who deny science, but it wasn't an insult, it was merely sarcastic joke. Because Forostar shouted "SCIENCE", possibly provoked by my ultrapassive stance on the topic, i wanted to point out that he should propagate science to those who deny it, not to those who have a title "scientist" in their academic degree.
I set some girls straight on swine flu last night in a coffee shop.  Was trying to study for my Eastern European History exam, and this one girl came in (who had apparently just heard of it) and started flipping, exclaiming "THERE'S NO CURE!!! THERE'S NO CURE!!!" and generally causing a panic among her friends.  I stopped laughing long enough to explain to them what swine flu is, why there's a big deal about it, and why they shouldn't worry.  I doubt they believed me.
Forostar said:

Mexico: 103 dead - 20 confirmed to have died from swine flu, 18 confirmed ill with swine flu
United States: 20 confirmed cases of swine flu
Canada: 6 confirmed cases
UK, France, Spain, Israel, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand: suspected cases being tested
As Jon Stewart said yesterday, "I like a good scare as much as the next guy, but for six mild cases of the flu you're gonna turn 4 million square miles bright red?" :D
Our minister of health (and also the Dutch media) use from now on the term Mexican flu.
As a matter of fact the whole European Union does the same now. Also the US I believe.

It's not good for the pig industry to call it swine flu. The World Organisation for Animal Health also stated yesterday that they are against that term.

For the ones who are interested: the virus has never been found on a pig and all the people who have caught the virus were in Mexico recently.

In Canada the 6 cases are now in Nova Scotia (4) and two in British Columbia (2).
Forostar said:
Our minister of health (and also the Dutch media) use from now on the term Mexican flu.
As a matter of fact the whole European Union does the same now. Also the US I believe.

It's not good for the pig industry to call it swine flu. The World Organisation for Animal Health also stated yesterday that they are against that term.

For the ones who are interested: the virus has never been found on a pig and all the people who have caught the virus were in Mexico recently.

In Canada the 6 cases are now in Nova Scotia (4) and two in British Columbia (2).

So it's not good for the pig industry, what makes it good for Mexico to call it the Mexican flu? The only reason I'm not flipping out entirely is because the flu of 1914 or so was the "Spanish flu." The only thing that bugs me is that I don't doubt racists in the States will use it as one more argument against allowing "dirty mexicans" across the border... *sigh*
The one in 1968 was the Hong Kong flu, mate.  So let's just say it's a tradition to name flus after places to live not populated by white anglo-saxons.
Hmm, I just read that the Spanish flue's name is dubious since it most probably started in the United States. That new virus of the subtype H1N1 led into a pandemia. It was called the Spanish flue because newspapers in Spain (a neutral country without censorship) reported first about it. 
The virus has spread now to 11 countries. The WHO raised the alarm level to 5, indicating that the world is at the brink of a pandemic.

And for the first time someone has captured the flu without having been to Mexico. This happened in Spain.

Mexico (99 infections, 8 deaths)
USA (91 infections, 1 death)   
Canada (19 infections)
Spanje (10 infections)
Great Britain (5 infections)
Germany (3 infections)
Israel (2 infections)
New Zealand (3 infections)
Austria (1 infection)
Peru (1 infection)
Switserland (1 infection)
Make that 12 countries:

Netherlands (1 infection)
The death in the USA was a young child, an illegal immigrant iirc.  So that fits the standard pattern of deaths from any flu: the young, the aged, and the infirm, especially if you are poor, which most illegals are.
Two suspected cases in Finland were dismissed today, one had nothing and the other just "probably" "normal" influenza and hadn't traveled in Mexico.
Croatia - one possible infection, girl that came back from U.S. a week ago.