Steven Wilson n00bvivor Results: The hiss of the train at the railway head


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Totally fine. I won't close until everyone who intends on participating has had a chance to listen and vote.
"This is a central scrutinizer"

Voted against Space Transmission, Turnip and Jupiter Island, because they offend me with their utter stupidity and Music for the Head and Surfer, because they are the first two of the rest.

Oh, geez, what did I get into? This is bad, oh, no, not bad, that would be a praise in fact... this is abominable - I have heard the album about five times or so already and I'm growing more and more irritated by each listen.

Radioactive Toy is somewhat good but overlong (those last few minutes are hardly necessary at all) and Footprints are an execise in nothingness... but at least it's music.

Space Transmission is one of the worst thing ever committed to tape, though, IMHO...
Oh, geez, what did I get into? This is bad, oh, no, not bad, that would be a praise in fact... this is abominable - I have heard the album about five times or so already and I'm growing more and more irritated by each listen.

I praise you for listening that many times. I know this is a survivor and we're supposed to listen to these things multiple times to really form opinions, but I just can't. Once was enough. You can listen to a turd a hundred times, it's still gonna be a turd.
Radioactive Toy is definitely the best thing from this album, which was a major chore to get through. Some of this stuff is almost painful to listen to. I'm not discouraged, though. I'm actually really excited to see how the band evolves from here.

5 votes just isn't enough for this album. Space Transmission, Turnip, Hymn, Queen Quotes, and Rabbits get the honor of being my first votes, although there were about 7 more that I wanted to vote for.
After this round I'll make the rounds shorter since everyone is eager to get to the next album.
This album didn't go down very well here, did it? I first got into PT through a compilation called Stars Die, which features tracks from the first four albums plus some outtakes and non-album songs. It had four songs off the first album - "Radioactive Toy", "Nine Cats", "And the Swallows Dance Above the Sun" and "The Nostalgia Factory" - and I quite like those. The rest is hard to get through, I admit. Very messy. But kind of a fun mess, as these things go.
Voted. I'll be honest, I didn't like anything from this album. Probably one of the worst debuts I've ever heard, in comparison to band's popularity and longetivity.
Part III:
Hymn is noodling
Footprints has a good idea but is way too repetitive and doesn't develop any further. Still an actual song giving it a leg up on most of this album.
Linton Samuel Dawson is...interesting. It has a new wave sort of beat and the modified vocals remind me of Zappa's We're Only In It For the Money.
And the Swallows has some ok sounds, some of the vocal melodies remind me of what I'm used to with later PT/SW.
Queen Quotes Crowley has more noise but at least a groove behind it and some guitar playing

This part isn't any better than the other two but at least has more actual music.

Part IV:
Rabbits is noise
Begonia is noise
This Long Silence is more New Wave-y stuff. I don't mind it.
It Will Rain has a cool mood and some nice guitar playing but lasts way too long.

I agree with everyone else that there isn't really anything good on here, but I'm a bit more optimistic. There are seeds of good ideas sprinkled throughout and I look forward to hearing something more fully developed. A lot of this is clearly experimentation that was never meant to be heard by a mass audience, but for some reason some small label saw potential in it. So here's how I'm going to do this: Since I only have 5 votes I'm going to decide which "parts" I liked the least and start by killing stuff there, at least until all the noise is gone. I think I'd rank them like this:

Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part I

So my first votes will be for these:
Music For the Head
Third Eye Surfer
On the Sunday Of Life
I will refrain from voting until the final rounds. I'm curious to see the shortlist you'll come up with.
Part III:
This Long Silence is more New Wave-y stuff. I don't mind it.

This one stood out to me when relistening, I had completely forgotten about it. I think it's a shame he added the silly voices at the end, 'cause the song has quite a cool dark psychedelic vibe going early on.
Can we organize a Survivor Gang to systematically vote for specific songs just to get past this album?

Kind of
Not really.
Third Eye Surfer
On the Sunday Of Life
Space Transmission
No Luck With Rabbits
I understand if most people here don't want to listen to any of this again, but I highly recommend re-listening each round to maybe find growers on future albums.