
Yep. I too have that film laying around here, haven't seen it either yet. Very long film by the way!
I remember we talked about it before. :)
Perhaps we will watch it at the same time, so we can discuss it. I am anticipating it.
I might join you, too. Sounds like an interesting film.
Funny. I've planned to watch Once Upon a Time in America for some time as well.

On topic... well, Morricone and Blade Runner has been mentioned, so I'll throw out a recommendation for Popol Vuh's soundtracks to Werner Herzog films. The Aguirre album in particular is beautiful.

I had a bit of a Morricone binge about a year ago. If you look around for a bit, there are quite a few hidden gems from soundtracks to various obscure Italian films nobody remembers.
Shadow said:
I'll throw out a recommendation for Popol Vuh's soundtracks to Werner Herzog films. The Aguirre album in particular is beautiful.

Indeed! Very good. I remember we talked about that act as well. There might be a previous soundtrack thread somewhere, not sure.
Wow, no soundtrack talk since 2011? ;) Found this thread when I was looking for a place to drop this:

Terrible! Music in this film is going to suck. Tastelessly 'epic', plastic-sounding... I can hear he tried to channel some Elfman but very shallowly. Is this supposed to be a theme? Because there's none! That's what annoys me in modern soundtracks in a nutshell - reliance on huge sound only, pushing the actual composition to the background... Both Burton's and Nolan's Batman had outstanding music. This is a huge step back.
Well, what sorta soundtracks?

Gaming soundtracks like the one Power Glove made for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (2013) is amazing.

I love synthwave!

My favorite recent soundtrack is The Hateful Eight.

Super hero movies rarely have good soundtracks. It's always very generic dramatic stuff.
Superhero movies are generally pretty generic musically. I'm almost in favor of the jukebox soundtrack, such as Iron Man 3 using all AC/DC. However, this can go terribly wrong, see Watchmen.

And Hateful Eight's score is beautiful. Best I've heard in a long time.
It's always very generic dramatic stuff.
I'm a big fan of Alan Silvestri's work in The Avengers and Captain America: The First Avenger, which I find to be a little more interesting. And the original Iron Man soundtrack is a good little industrial sound (and that guy went on to do Pacific Rim, which is a fucking awesome soundtrack).

But most superhero movies sound like the soundtrack from Batman Begins, and that movie just has...loud sound. For reference, this soundtrack is basically the same across all later Nolan movies - Interstellar and Inception included - and I *hate* it. It's just loud. BAAAAAAM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BAAAAAAM.
Captain America is one of the few exceptions for sure.
Batman Begins soundtrack is freaking genius. They created an absolutely unique and fascinating sound. The fact that it has been copied since then is another story. I'm not a Zimmer fan, but I have to admit that sometimes he brings interesting stuff to the table (the sound of Batman, Joker's theme, cool use of organs in Interstellar...).

I never notice music in Marvel films... Oh, wait. This is cool:
