Song Topics in the Commentary Forum


Enterprise-class aircraft carrier
Staff member
Posting this here so more people will see this.

I've now gone through all of the Iron Maiden songs. Phew. Long go.

PLEASE go vote on them. All of them. No comments needed, just vote. Get your numbers in there. I will be making a plea for this yearly, to go vote, new people go vote. Old people who forgot, go vote. If we have some numbers, we can see who likes what, etc.

I like having numbers to crunch.

And I am very much looking forward to showing how these songs hold up over the years.

Go vote. I'll go in a week and start putting the numbers together.
I did it via pm but I'll do it here as well: Thanks to LC for revising all these old song threads.  :edmetal:
I am grateful because I enjoyed making those album stats per album, and per person.

Zare and I will have a go with the collected rankings (we have them collected in a sheet) trying to make various stats.
I'll have my voting done by the weekend. I think I have to complete Killers through to Somewhere in Time.
You did Piece of Mind.

These 4 are left:

?? Killers (didn't vote for all songs)
?? The Number of the Beast (didn't vote for all songs)
?? Powerslave (didn't vote for all songs)
?? Somewhere in Time (didn't vote for all songs)

It's been a most enjoyable ride.
Loved the opportunity to get my thoughts together on my favourite band and compile my own Maiden rankings.
But even more, I enjoyed reading what the rest of you thought.
It opened my eyes on the potential of some songs, reinforced my thoughts on others and forced me to re-evaluate my views on still more.
(And it let me know that I am not the only one in the world who absolutely loves Sea of Madness.)
Can't wait to see what kind of conversations the number-crunching sparks.
Thanks LC.
It would be interesting to see a histogram showing the distribution of votes. There is likely to be a very strong positive skew with the mode centered around the 8 level.
It would be interesting at some point to wipe and revote. 

Take No Prayer for example, a few years back I would have rated it much lower than today.

TFF certainly has a newness about it and I am sure I would vote differently in a year than I would now, etc.
Murder89 said:
I'm done voting.Hopefully I didn't miss some of the songs.  :D

To you but also all the others:

I'd appreciate it a lot if you would post what you have voted (with a review would be even better) in the song topic, because then we can connect you with the song, with the album rankings and with other upcoming stats!

Thanks a lot for your efforts!  :ok:
LooseCannon said:
PLEASE go vote on them. All of them. No comments needed, just vote.

Done.  Apologies for not posting any comments for the songs.  FYI, in case anyone is keeping track, my "10"s were:  Phantom of the Opera, Children of the Damned, Number of the Beast, Hallowed Be Thy Name, The Trooper, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Infinite Dreams, Wicker Man, and Paschendale
Forostar said:

Yeah, sorry if this screws up your project, I just didn't have the time, and relied on LC's statement that comments weren't necessary for the data to count.  For what it's worth, any mod has my permission to make my rankings available to Foro for purposes of his project. 
Cornfed Hick said:
Yeah, sorry if this screws up your project, I just didn't have the time, and relied on LC's statement that comments weren't necessary for the data to count.  For what it's worth, any mod has my permission to make my rankings available to Foro for purposes of his project.  

No prob. I understand it perfectly that you don't have the time (however, don't think that most of us did this in one day, because it was a 18 months run or something :) ).

What will happen with the opinions, that has indeed turned into some kind of a project. Out of these individual songs judgements we can make various kinds of individual and collective song and album stats. I guess it's interesting to see names of members, to create a non-anonymous overview of what binds us collectively.
So far what we can do with the info.

But let's not forget what happens before that. That hasn't changed. That's not a project, it's what those topics were created for in the first place: a connection between members and songs, sharing views with the others. If that wouldn't be the root of all, then the rest wouldn't have existed either.

So, even if this project would not exist, I'd seriously still be curious about your opinions. The less anonymous voices on this board, the better! Maybe more time next year, or the one after that?  ;)

Thanks for the 10s, it's better than nothing!  :ok:
Hats off to LooseCannon and Forostar for their efforts... this was my impetus to become a member of this forum after only vsiting and browsing the site previously. I've enjoyed throwing my two cents in. It quite amazes me how widely our opinions all vary on Maiden's songs...
Thanks Loosey for an amazing ride over the past half year with this topic. And thanks to all for your opinions. I have looked forward to checking this thread for updates on a daily basis. Really cool.