Keeping an open eye on the Weeping Angels.
Not sure how (or even if) this is reported outside the UK and Sudan, but the situation we have is that a teacher from Liverpool working in Sudan has been arrested and charged for inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs. She is due in court at some time soon and if found guilty, faces a spell in prison or 40 lashes (the lashes will be performed in public, apparently).
Now, you may think that if someone does incite religious hatred, or whatever, should be punished - and, to a certain degree, I'll concur. There comes a time when freedom of speech crosses a line to the point that it is deliberately provoking a reaction of hate from the person(s)/establishment it is aimed at. Of course, this is where the speaker needs to be responsible for their actions and suffer the consequences.
But what was this teachers crime? She allowed a pupil in her class to name a teddy bear after his own name - Muhammad.
We have had reactions in this country from the Muslim Council of Britain who are embarrassed by the reaction of the Sudanese authorities to even get as far as arresting her and the Sudan Embassy in London has suggested that it will all blow over very soon and be labelled as a cultural misunderstanding (but it does not help her plight as she remains in Police custody).
However, Sudan clerics have said that "the full measure of the law to be used against Mrs Gibbons and labelled her actions part of a Western plot against Islam." Yep, you read it right - a primary school teacher from Liverpool is part of a major international plot to bring down Islam.
There has also been a suggestion that this arrest has come about because of how the West reacted (or their lack of reaction) to the recent troubles in Darfur, either way she has rather ridiculously become somewhat of a political/religious pawn.
Some innocent pawn in an end game.
Not sure how (or even if) this is reported outside the UK and Sudan, but the situation we have is that a teacher from Liverpool working in Sudan has been arrested and charged for inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs. She is due in court at some time soon and if found guilty, faces a spell in prison or 40 lashes (the lashes will be performed in public, apparently).
Now, you may think that if someone does incite religious hatred, or whatever, should be punished - and, to a certain degree, I'll concur. There comes a time when freedom of speech crosses a line to the point that it is deliberately provoking a reaction of hate from the person(s)/establishment it is aimed at. Of course, this is where the speaker needs to be responsible for their actions and suffer the consequences.
But what was this teachers crime? She allowed a pupil in her class to name a teddy bear after his own name - Muhammad.
We have had reactions in this country from the Muslim Council of Britain who are embarrassed by the reaction of the Sudanese authorities to even get as far as arresting her and the Sudan Embassy in London has suggested that it will all blow over very soon and be labelled as a cultural misunderstanding (but it does not help her plight as she remains in Police custody).
However, Sudan clerics have said that "the full measure of the law to be used against Mrs Gibbons and labelled her actions part of a Western plot against Islam." Yep, you read it right - a primary school teacher from Liverpool is part of a major international plot to bring down Islam.
There has also been a suggestion that this arrest has come about because of how the West reacted (or their lack of reaction) to the recent troubles in Darfur, either way she has rather ridiculously become somewhat of a political/religious pawn.
Some innocent pawn in an end game.