Solitary confinement isn't what it used to be...

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Perun said:
From what I understand, this is the kind of prison in which inmates get raped by the guards, so I'd say a lifetime sentence is not too much better than a death sentence there.
I guess you've got a point there, Perun, but I think the will to live is so strong you'd take that life before death anyway. Or choose to end it yourself.
I think this woman has given up all hope for herself, but being a coming mother, there is at least one thing she has to live for. But imagine the child is taken from her and she is left in this prison -and it has been made clear what kind of prison it is- for life not allowed to see her child grow up and participate in his/her life, do you think there is any will to live left? To most mothers, it is the worst thing possible if her child is taken from her.
The Owl, I'm not defending the death sentence but she did smuggle heroin and she did know the consequences.

That's all.
Conor, you're not really doing yourself a favour with that statement. Just because she broke the law (of a country not exactly known for treating its citizens humanely) does not mean she deserves to die and/or being imprisoned in a prison where she gets raped or mistreated in any other way. And it is completely tactless to make jokes about that.
Perun, I am not in favour of the death penalty.  I am saying that if she didn't want to end up getting raped in a prison cell, she shouldn't have smuggled a "billion dong" of heroin.
Conor, have you ever heard of a word like "tact"? Your statement is completely unnecessary.
Conor said:
Perun, I am not in favour of the death penalty.  I am saying that if she didn't want to end up getting raped in a prison cell, she shouldn't have smuggled a "billion dong" of heroin.

What you don't seem to realise, Conor, is that people don't think they will get caught or be seriously punished for breaking the law (in any way)-it's not something that is constantly on your mind until you do get caught.

And besides, we don't know her extunating circumstances.  Perhaps she has no other way of making a living than engaging in illegal smuggling?  'Judge not...'
Conor said:
Perun, I am not in favour of the death penalty.  I am saying that if she didn't want to end up getting raped in a prison cell, she shouldn't have smuggled a "billion dong" of heroin.

I am going to wager that most people here will agree that getting a life-time prison for her crime is too much, especially in an inhumane prison.
I would like to add that when someone have always had something to eat, somewhere to sleep and access to the health system, then It would be really easy to judge and to say what to do from that position...
Conor said:
Perun, I am not in favour of the death penalty.  I am saying that if she didn't want to end up getting raped in a prison cell, she shouldn't have smuggled a "billion dong" of heroin.
  :uhm: This is grotesque. One more of the same kind and I'm testing the "ignore user" option.
Conor's been childishly annoying for quite a while now, but I must admit that his latest comment on this thread is absolutely out of order. This is a public warning before a one-week posting ban if such remarks are to re-occur.

To paraphrase what he said:
"I am saying that if he doesn't want to end up getting his arse banned from this forum, he shouldn't have posted such an unnecessary and thoughtless comment on the board."  <_<
Gentlemen, please.....

Don't get into each other's hair. The fate of that poor thing, regarless of what she's done or haven't done, is horrible enough, don't you think? :huh:
It still doesn't mean that mindless little prats who know fuck-all about life can make ridiculous comments about something they haven't got the first clue about.  -_-
Damned! Are you the reincarnation of Mother Teresa?  :halo:

Otherwise, "The Reincarnation of Mother Teresa" sounds a bit of a good single title for Maiden don't you think?
JackKnife said:
Damned! Are you the reincarnation of Mother Teresa?
Well, if you meant Mav, I can assure you that he isn't. ;)

It was his misunderstood (?) sarcasm in the opening post that sparked the 'little-prat' reactions anyway....
Let's be clear here. I found it amusing that a woman who wasn't supposed to have any contacts with anyone (this is what 'solitary confinement' means, folks) for a year ended up recently pregnant. The joke about the immaculate conception was proof of my sarcasm.

Now, I certainly don't find amusing at all the conditions of her captivity or whatever may have happened to her. We don't have any information if this was a rape, or if she consented in order to see her death sentence turned into life imprisonment, but we all know that Vietnamese prisons aren't exactly holiday resorts and that surviving in there must be pretty tough.

So, when I hear that she "should have expected to end up raped in a prison cell", I tend to get fairly angry at whoever makes such a heartless and -- as I said before -- absolutely mindless remark. I hope I made myself clear...