Setlist staple

Ben Beast

Educated Fool
So, here's a fun little fantasy chat. We all know that Fear of the Dark is setlist staple and it's formula is basis for a lot of Maiden epics that came afterwards in 90s and during reunion era.
So in alternative univers, what if they didn't have Fear of the Dark, which 90s/reunion song would have filled FotD setlist spot?
I have 3 candidates. Clansman - has simple chorus that crowds can sing along, has also calm middle part that explodes into jumping etc, only negative thing it's somewhat longer and therefore could take more setlist time.
Blood Brothers - has been played quite heavily in recent tours, has good singalong chorus and lots of audience participation moments, but isn't as explosive , fast as FotD.
Dance of Death- calm beginning, lots of crowd participation moments, jumping etc, but doesn't have chorus. And also maybe too "new" to become setlist staple.

So what do you think, which song would have fitted the most? Of course one could argue, that if they didn't wrote FotD, they wouldn't have written above mentioned songs, but let's not take it too seriously, just have fun imagine what if...
I guess the closest song is Clansman with its anthemic chorus, melodies and middle part for crowd-participation. The tempo too.
Dream of Mirrors works better than Blood Brother's as that sort of repetitive yet anthemic song. Afraid to Shoot Strangers and No More Lies could also fill the gap.