Seriously, WTF is Jan trying to do here?

Trying to show everyone why exactly he can't be taken for serious.
I wouldn't mind if they kept him as a studio guitarist, but on stage I always preferred their guitarist situation of the 80s.
Their guitarist situation of the 80's where one of the two was more like a statue on stage, hardly moving and looking serious (or should I say bored) as hell? And no bashing of Adrian here, he's a great guitar player and great writer but in terms of stage comment (even if he improved a lot in this department).

Maybe Janick is - just - trying to show how he's having a good time on stage and wants to have fun...and still be able to play (and yeah you can hit the strings with the guitar cable and it still gonna sound pretty good, maybe not perfect but still good). Sometimes he might be doing a bit too much but still I'd rather have someone like him on stage even if he doesn't play each note to the perfection than some other guitar players that just duplicate what's on the recording but have no stage presence at all...
Their guitarist situation of the 80's where one of the two was more like a statue on stage, hardly moving and looking serious (or should I say bored) as hell?

Dave was hardly a dynamo on stage either.

I don’t have a problem with Jan or his prancing stage moves. At the same time it’s fine to call it out for being absolutely absurd. It’s like Colin Grigson from Bad News at Donington.

I agree. Janick silly. Even his wardrobe copying from Dave. He should also take notes from other band members.
Where are the bandanas, football jerseys, aviator goggles and flip-flops?!

@BludBrutha While speaking of silly and Donnington, I have to recommend Michael Anthony's (Van Halen) bass solo "performance" at Donington '84.
Janice has become Killers Eddie and you can’t tell me otherwise.

Can someone clever mock-up present day Janick beside Killers Eddie?

Or even better, superimpose Janice’s current head over Killers Eddie?
The point with Jan that his detractors miss is Adrian is on record saying he wouldn't of rejoined if Janick left, and Bruce is on record saying he wouldn't of rejoined without Adrian.

So not only do they have three excellent guitarists one of whom is a bit more of a livewire on stage, they have also had another six albums and twenty four years of touring which wouldn't of happened otherwise. And they can more accurately reproduce records on stage by having a rhythm as well as dual leads.