Sea of Life (review quoted from elsewhere on the site)
Buried behind a run of mediocre tracks on its album, I never gave a proper hearing until this year’s Saxon Survivor. Huge and majestic, powered by an irresistible signature lick, this track combines the best qualities of two of Saxon’s best ‘80s songs: the sludgy power of The Eagle Has Landed and the melancholy melody of Broken Heroes. The first solo is heart-wrenching mix of perfectly held notes and cascading runs. Byford sings like a grizzled veteran, a wise man who has seen the wars and survived. The extended ending might be too much for some, but I can’t get enough of that lick.
For all that, this song will still get my vote.
It's close, but Lionheart is just a touch better — or, perhaps, it is just better encapsulates Saxon.
Atmospheric opening, nice riffs, epic chorus, good mix of tempos — everything the band does well is here.
Not my favourite Saxon song, but a very deserving winner.