Oops, I missed the 'Stenning' part.

Sorry, here comes a rant:
My problem is, I'm oversaturated with 70s stories. I read all the interviews, all the Loopy blogs, all the Maiden77 Facebook posts, and all the official bio releases put heavy emphasis on this period. At some point, it gets tedious to keep hearing people reminisce about the 'good old days' that I wasn't part of. Not to mention that I can't know how accurate their memories are... and even if, where's the point? Yeah, I get it, 70's London was awesome, you guys had a fantastic time, I'm happy for you. But hearing somebody talk about someone they knew who was in Maiden for a few weeks in 1977 really isn't my idea of getting to know the band's history. Not to mention the attitude of some people (like Maiden77), that I don't know shit because I wasn't there. Yeah, I wasn't. I can't do anything about it. If you guys gave me concrete information on who wrote which song, fine, I want to hear that. Or what kind of stage acts they experimented with, yes, please, tell me. But not with the "that was the real shit" attitude. I respect what those guys did back then, but the way they come forth claiming their fame 40 years on is pathetic and just goes to display they haven't gotten over the fact that they were sacked before Maiden got big. Not to mention that there's just so much that happened at Soundhouse for so long... at some point, Maiden were hitting bigger stages and I want to know about that too. By 1985, more than just a few East End kids had heard of Maiden, and the band was a worldwide phenomenon, but so far no biography I read seriously tried to investigate why... they just mentioned that they were. I find that a lot more interesting, to be honest.
Rant over.